Isekai Journey Of The Magic Archer

Chapter 598 Sir Codocodomi

Chapter 598  Sir Codocodomi

[Eon's POV: ]

He was a humanoid with a cobra-like head and a usual snake-like lower body.

His skin was a mix of purple and green but some of his scales were more attractive and filled with Mana than the others, which were perhaps the scales that he used to store the excess energy generated in his body.

'He himself was a fascinating being if I said so myself. He could convert the energy in his body into a perfect wavelength of mana that he was the most compatible with.

And not only can he do that with the energies already present inside his body but also with the atmospheric energies.'

He directly absorbed all the energy in his body not through breathing but by his entire skin.

He then circulated that energy through his body and after absorbing the needed amount to continue the processes happening inside him at the moment, he released the remaining energy back into the atmosphere.

'He was a walking talking power bank.'

He stored Mana in every single cell of his body, something I couldn't do yet even though my energy breathing method was more advanced than him.

He was certainly amazing. And since he had found all the knowledge he possessed by his own experience, trial, and error, or by 'thinking' of the questions in the proper way.

He was like a monk who searched for the truth of the world by looking inside themselves instead of out in the physical world, which made him a great target of my admiration.

As well as curiosity, of course.

"Oh? Wisdom Phoenix vice-captain Lucifer. I knew you would be interested in meeting him."

The headmaster smiled at me and everyone present here including Alpha, the other students, and the intelligent beings looked at me with a unique expression.

I was pretty famous through the academy even though I didn't want to because of my status as the vice-captain and 'fiancé of the person who defeated the captain of the best house'.

But my popularity among students was thankfully low because of persistent efforts but, the house captains all knew there were many things that I was hiding. And they were curious as well as cautious about me.

And that included all the other house's captains, be it Quin and Titania, or Alpha or Prince Alph.

'They would be aiming for our house as soon as this event finishes and the real house battles start but it would just be a fun thing on my side.'

My house was weak, I knew that, but they had just as much potential as the students from other houses and there were some very pure hidden gems hidden around the bunch.

'I just had to polish them to perfection so that they could stand on a higher level than the best of the best from the other houses.'

And, we also had our ace cards like Lady Mia, myself, and Ball so we were in no way a weak team this time.

'They will have to be prepared for everything that's going to come towards them. And prepare for an impact that most of the previous batches had not cared about since a very, very long time ago.'

Wisdom Phoenix was going to stand as a transparent but unbreakable in their paths this time, and, at the end of the competitions, there was a chance even their finest of strategies wouldn't work.

'But, they certainly have a chance. They do. Rein, Carla, and Alf know that.'

I wasn't going to do my hundred percent and Zoe will most probably never get serious about these competition things and just support the others with her words, knowledge, and actions.

'Her powers weren't needed in this children's play. She can just sit back and have fun like the others from the audience that will be watching us… but, that wasn't the topic right now.'

{ "Oho? Ssssso you are the one Merlin mentioned previoutssssly… I see what special he saw inside you, youngtssss boy. It's certainly very peculiar to tssssssee a being who has such amazing harmony of tsssssssix elementary elementssss." }

He was smiling at me and that sudden smile made many of the students as well as some of the creatures floating in the air flinch visibly.

"It is a blessing that keeps me alive but at the same time a curse that restricts me from doing anything else. The irony of the fate, the misery of my poor life."

Few creatures of nature could actually tell what elemental attributes a person possesses, and he was one of them. And, his perception of elements was perhaps as sharp as Celes and Branwen's.

It was precise and sharp. He himself had an affinity with all basic elements, most of their known higher forms their higher forms, the 'matter', 'space', as well as 'harmony'. So he was able to perceive a larger spectrum of elements of this world.

{ "Hahaha. You are certainly in a unique tssssssituatssssion. However, you sssssstill managed to obtain strengthsssssss and finesssssse that othersssss might never even dream of achieving. It isssssss certainly admirable." }

He was complimenting me already when I hadn't even said anything much after coming here so the others now flared at me with angry expressions or feelings of dislike. But, they did not show any kind of hostility, they couldn't actually. The headmaster was here.

"Oh? Were you this amazing of a person vice captain Lucifer? I never knew this fact~."

This was the vice headmaster and the one who had mastered all the weapons available in this world, and we were acquainted already… very closely too since she had 'tested' me once a few days back and now wanted me as her personal student.

'She's a… unique lady. yes, that word fits her the best. But, the title of <Weapon Master> suits her perfectly. She can actually use any weapon as well as those who have trained with it for their entire lives. Which included a bow too.'

I mean it when I say I wouldn't even stand a chance against her if we do an archery compilation of overall strengths. However, if it is purely about the techniques, it might just be possible.

'I said that accidentally before her the last time so now she's preparing for fulfilling that very wish of mine.'

She would set a competition, and invite famous archers to her private arena somewhere underground on this island, and I don't know exactly, but from how much I know about her personality and character, I know she will do her best to find the most suitable thing to give me as a reward if I satisfy her curiosity.

But if I fail to do that… well, they receive a famous punishment that no one is allowed to talk about.

'But it was fine. I knew I could do it… I knew.'

Looking up at her with a unique smile of my own, I nodded at her.

"You flatter me, vice headmaster. I'm but a normal student here like everyone else. However unique sounding, it is still nothing before your vast knowledge and abundant experiences."

She was someone that liked flatter so if one ever wanted to annoy her, doing this was the best thing that wouldn't get them in trouble. I just had to act innocent like I didn't know what I said would be something that would trigger her annoyance.

"Hoho, nice warding vice-captain. Would you like to have a private chat about this matter in my office tomorrow? I may be able to help you somehow with that 'eternal' problem of yours."

'Well, damn…'

She was annoyed, I don't know what triggered it but I had seen that smile of hers before and it was the smile she only has when she is not happy with something.

And I didn't even do anything this time!

"I-it would be my greatest honor vice headmaster."

I was either going to get scolded or there would actually be something she wanted to talk with me about. Something important that annoyed her somewhere else.

'Hey great Mother Nature, please let it be the later one.'

I didn't need any more of a lecture from someone else. I had enough on my plate already.

"Alright then."

She was happily smiling now, and since she was one of the protest beings here, she certainly was shining like a star right now.

But that star was so sharp that anyone touching it might just get cut into small pieces of sunflower.

"Haha, yes. Oh, I was going to ask Master Codocodomi something."

The vice headmaster distracted me so we went off topic but there was something I needed to discuss with this smart Naga person.

{ "Oh? You can assssssssk that now, young boy" }

He was looking at me with curiosity and the others here including the headmasters and the students had the same reaction.

Perhaps there might have been many people who had asked him a question but it was the house vice-captain of wisdom phoenix. My question certainly was going to be different.

So different that I hope their minds don't go blank after hearing it…

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