Isekai Journey Of The Magic Archer

Chapter 599 A weird question

Chapter 599  A weird question

[Eon's POV: ]

"So, I have read one of your older papers on the (Basic particles of matter) as well as the (Wave properties of energies), and then in one of your later works on the (Relationship between matter and energies and their natures), you have speculated that the very basic particles that all matter is made of might just be a little pack of energies vibrating at a certain frequency that generates these basic particles, but you could never prove this theory so it was only limited to the books.

But, what if you had a method to actually prove that the basic particles of matter, or how late grand magician Sir D. John termed them, 'atoms' of Mana, are made up of energies and they in fact are the result of some kind of vibrations in the very fabric of this reality?

And, what if even after using this method, you don't get the results that you wished for and instead find out something totally new and different? What do you think would be the impact of such discovery on today's world?

Ah, and what-"

"Vice-captain Lucifer, I think you have already asked more than one question with that 'question' of yours. Won't it be better to hear Sir Cod's answers first?"

"Oh, umm, yeah, sure. But, I haven't asked the main question that I wanted to ask though."

The question I wanted to ask was just on the way but the vice headmaster cut me mid-sentence so that question was also cut off.

But since she wanted me to listen to the answers to these side questions first, I didn't mind it actually.

'But… perhaps my answer annoyed her even more for some unknown reason so she was smiling 'warmly' at me once again. Which was terrifying, truthfully.'

{ "Hissssssshahaha. Your ssssssub quesssssionsss are alsssso quite amussssing, young boy. Let me ansssssswer thossssse first. Right?" }

He called my questions amusing, something he doesn't say to just any question. And these questions were a little complicated for some of the students present here already so they were having a little difficulty understanding what I have even said just now. Captain Alpha being the exception of course.

However advanced in the field of magic and science, this planet still was dominated by magic and the unique powers that are difficult to describe with the limited understanding of science so, to the young adults like most of the people here who weren't specifically part of the advanced scientific studies, the very question that the fundamental particles of creation were made of something else was a new concept.

'One would learn it in their graduating year but that would only be for students who had chosen fields related to scientific knowledge like the alchemy classes or magic engineering classes or the classes of scientific fields themselves.'

There are many subjects one could study in the academy and they could change their subjects every year as well. So there were many options they could choose their classes from.

But that was not what we were talking about right now.

{ "Ssssssssso , young one, assss you ssssaid, I could never prove that the matter issss ultimately jussssssst the energiesssss in a unique form, however, if there really wassssss ssssome method to prove that fact, I would love nothing more than to continue with that ressssssrch once again.

And, even after doing the experimentsssss, if we do not find the evidence of the energiesssss, inssssted finding sssssomething entirely different, then, assssss sssssomeone walking the path of knowledge, I would be happier.

Who wouldn't like to know what they had believed to be true all thisssss time wasssss not the factual knowledge and insssssted their own believesss inssssted?

It would clear one'sssss ignorance and lead them towerdssss their original path of true knowledge.

The resultssss of thesssssse experiments, posssssitive or negative, would undoubtedly ssssshake the world. However, the anssssssswer we will get from it will ultimately benefit the world, not directly, but certainly in the perssssspective of true knowledge." }

He was smiling. Just showed how much he enjoyed answering these little questions of mine. And his answers were just as I had expected as well. Just that what he said about being happy when proved wrong wasn't something that would be the same for everyone.

'He was a creature born in the nature at the end of the day. Even if he might have lived among the humans, he still didn't know all about how dark human greed and broken pride could be.'

Humans were political and social creatures by nature.

They desperately looked for success in the things that they put their great efforts into, going as far as doing unethical things to succeed in what they were doing. And when after doing all that, after wasting their precious lifetime, if they were told what they had chased after, what they believed in all this time was not the truth… they might be devastated at first but afterward, they might accept the reality like sir Codocodomi and be happy with it, or, they might also fall into the deaths of despair and do things that would be harmful to the world and society they live in.

'I loth humans… and sadly, even if I try to deny it, the world is filled with scums like that.'

He was different from them in this matter, and this fact truly made him the one with the true knowledge.

{ "Doessss thesssssse ansssswerssss sssssatify your curiossssity, young boy?" }

"Yes, sir. They do to a great extent. However, my main question was going to be what if we create a large enough structure where we can accelerate two single particles of matter nearly infinitely in an empty space and then collide them together? What do you think would happen?"


"What does that… mean?"

"Accelerate? You mean speeding them or something?"

"How can we even separate a single particle from a big bunch of them that's always stuck together? You are a dumb archer. You don't even-"

"Shut up. You are the dumb one who doesn't even understand what he just said."

There wasn't just a single person who was bad-mouthing me after I said that, but, Captain Alpha's voice shut all of them at once.

'He was looking at me with a shocked look just like the headmasters, the nearby teachers, and Sir Codocodomi. They really were shocked by what I had just said.'

{ "Young boy… what, do you mean by that?" }

It was a question filled with curiosity, sincerity, and passion. And there was a new light in his eyes that was not present there before so, I have already achieved what I wanted here.

As for his question, hehe…

"Oh, it's nothing much… I read your papers and was interested, so I did my own research and on one fine day while looking at a predator bird in the sky diving at its prey at a very fast speed which accelerated even further as it dived down, I had a sudden thought of what would happen if we could somehow crash two isotopes or just simple particles of the same matter at a speed so fast that their collision would create a great explosion, then, would we be able to brake that particle to an even more fundamental level and measure what is coming out of it?

I was curious so I did my own calculations and researched on the topic with reference to the great people who have researched on similar subjects previously.

And, during my search, I stumbled across a certain name, Nuclio-"

{ "Nuclio Barbovachok Luno… I remember that old man. He wasssss crazy about ssssspeed and alwayssss talked about how 'fun' it would be if two [Light bringer birds] tssssss collided with each other at full sssspeed. He wassss fortunate enough to have sssssen one, and he died wanting to sssssssee one once again." }

He was a famous person unrelated to the field of science. But, he was very famous because he was as crazy about the energy beasts as Miss Vivian of current times.

He was also one of the known few people who had seen a divine beast with his own eyes and survived to tell that tale, but, his life was finite unlike the headmasters or this person before me.

He was already old when these two must have met, so, I didn't think he would remember his full name like that.

They perhaps had an even deeper connection than I knew about. And if so, this made things easier for me.

"Yes, in one of Sir Luno's papers on energy beasts, he had mentioned that the divine beasts [Light bringer birds] always live in a pair as a couple from the moment they achieve maturity and their powers.

When they find their partners during their search all over the world, they propose to them and if the other party accepts, these special birds perform a unique ritual where they awaken their powers together, circle the moon and earth at their full speeds, return to a single point and collide with each other at that speed, creating a grand explosion that paints the moon and it's gentle moonlight into pure gold, giving birth to the extremely rare phenomenon we call <Golden lunar eclipse>.

It's a piece of fascinating information but its credibility is unknown. So, the academic circles just discarded it as false information and fantasy and it was almost lost with the time.

I was fortunate enough to have accidentally found it, but, it made me think of this question, and with that, I came up with this theory-"

{ "That you will ssssssshow me in private, right?" }

I was about to take out my research papers from my white crack when he placed his hand on my shoulder and looked at me with a proud and amazed smile on his face.

'The rizz worked…'

I knew this made-up story would be pretty effective but I didn't think he would just buy it without even questioning anything. However, he said he would talk about this topic when they were in private, which was what I wanted from the start.

"Oh, yeah. Sure. We can talk later if you want it that way. Just that… it is just a little question from my side. I'm capable of just that much. You would have to take a look at it to confirm whether it would help you with that question or not."

{ "Abssssssoultely, young boy. I will be happy to take a look at your honest work." }

"You mean we will be happy, right Master Cod?"

Headmaster smirked at him with clear excitement in his eyes, and there was no way Master Cod would deny a request with such sincere excitement from his close acquaintance.

{ "Of courseeeee. You are alwaysssss welcome in my housssssse, Master Merlin." }

"Hohoho, I'm happy to hear that. Ah, and I also look forward to what you have in store for us, Lucifer. I'm looking forward to this so don't disappoint me."

He meant it, really.

This was one of the few things that excited him, so, he wanted it to be thorough.

And it was me we were talking about, so, anything less than my absolute best would be the last thing I would ever present before two potential future business partners.

'If things go right… I will have 'that thing' all to myself as well. And if I have it, no one will be able to say shit against me or people close to me.'

Still, it would all be for her good future. So that she could have it a little easier.

"Of course headmaster. I believe you will like this as well~."

You have to like it and push for its approval in the three great councils. Only then we will be able to create it, and I will be able to move further with the plans.

It was necessary, but, I knew now that the stage was prepared, I only had to go up there and give my presentation.

The things after that… will take care of themselves.

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