Isekai Journey Of The Magic Archer

Chapter 587 Their weekend

587  Their weekend [OP: ]

It was the first weekend after the academy started so as Eon and the others were having their fun time in the outskirts, everyone else were also enjoying their special weekend.

It had been a few days since they started their new life in the great academy of this sky island, and since it was a practically new place for all of them, it surely wasn't an easy task to adjust to all this new reality.

Some were doing good, some were pulling their weight, while some were seeking help from all around just to understand the basic outer workings here.

And those who could not ask for help themselves, well, there were teachers and at the end, the ancient tree for them.

They were the students of the academy so they least would receive a better treatment than anywhere else, and that much was known to most, if not all, of them.

Their time here until now was mostly introductory. They got familiar with the academy, the classes, the teachers, the labs, the clubs, the extracurricular activities, and the great garden of riches.

They were adjusting still, but it was better than the first day when everything was unknown to them and their official school forums were flooded with messages asking for help.

They all had a basic idea of how to approach things, and it was mostly thanks to the great efforts of their student council president Zodiac, and vice president Cradle.

They had worked their asses off to guide the newcomers.

They were students until a while ago too so they both knew just how difficult it is to settle in this kind of place so they did the best from their side and helped wash and every freshman if they had any kind of problems.

Their new student council members were also new here so they were treated the same by them, however, some of them like Rein, Eon, and Alpha were already familiar with the island and the academy a little so they also helped them whenever they could.

There were a total of thirty six council members and six of them excluding Rein and

Eon were extraordinary even among their peers.

But Eon and his partner stood out the most among this batch, be it in the academics, their house leading skills, or their strange internal rivalry. And of course, the bribes they paid them too. They were amazingly awesome. And even though they wanted to deny it from their side, they had to accept the fact that they were good…

And since tomorrow was their familiar bonding ceremony, an important event of the academy, something that had only finished the arrangements at the end moments at their time, was already done, triple checked, and twice more inspected, they couldn't help but think where these two otherworldly talents had come from.

They were amazing in whatever they did, they finished arranging this event in mere days, they even made arrangements of unique food items for everyone.

And it was just so professional that they were left speechless, with no work to do in that place at all.

After a loooooong time, they didn't know what the last time was but right now, they were enjoying their holiday.

They didn't have anything like a weekend, but today, they were free. So… they were chilling in their own ways.

One was resting in her personal swimming pool, drinking her favourite bottle of wine, while the other was hunting another bunch of Rakshasa, and feeding their bodies to his beloved little baby.

They were chilling, and just like them, the other house captains that also had nothing to do today, were also either chilling, or preparing for tomorrow, or were dealing with some of their personal things.

Alpha was in his dormitory, sitting on a chair, looking at a wall full of photos that were connected with each other with strange colourful threads.

There were pictures of unknown people, some pictures of the students of the academy, some familiar ones that we could recognise, while some of them were pinned to the wall with a knife in their heads.

He was free so he was dealing with some of his stuff, but he couldn't help taking his eyes away from a certain photo at one of the corners of this wall full of pictures.

"Just who are you…"

Black hair and blue eyes… yes, he was looking at Eon, or, more precisely, at Lucifer.

It had been eating him for the last few days but this person was even more extraordinary than him despite being so normal that no one talked about him without reason.

He was like a red rock on the normal ground. People would notice him, sure, but it would either be an involuntary action or just out of curiosity.

At the end of the day, he was just a normal student… that was the image he drew on all of the other student's minds.

But he knew it was a false image. He knew this person was more than what met one's mind. And he was going to find out more about him at whatever cost necessary…

Well, that was him as the house captain of [True dragon], and then there was the captain of [Fascinated mages], going around the island with a bunch of her friends and house members, trying to help those in need.

She already had more than enough and since he had earned a few class points this week, she was using it to help those who had come to this island but had lost everything and were now living their life as nothing more than a beggar.

She had been through poverty and she had seen the days these people were facing, so, even if she couldn't help them move out of here, she was doing everything she could, and, her house members as well as Alf, were looking at her in a new light today.

The captain of [Turtle defenders] prince Alph was aware of their charity work but, he didn't want to get himself directly involved in this matter so, he was being thier secret supporter, helping the person Eon and Rein had the most interest in so that they could notice his work, and open up to him just a little more.

Quin, the captain of [Aqua mirror] and her vice captains, Titania the captain of [Fusion stardust] and her vice captains, and Chry were exploring the artificial dungeons of the academy, playing with some powerful creatures and teaching each other some things that they can use.

They were pretty close to each other now, but they were only playing right now. There was nothing much to do anyway.

Tomorrow was a big day, but, they weren't much excited about it.

Titania had a familiar, Araxie and Hide did too. And since Carla and Chry were weapon welders, there was little chance that they would get a familiar in this little ceremony.

So, it all came down to Quin and Luna. A water mage and an ice attributable specialist witch. And neither of them actually had any particular excitement towards it.

It would be pretty handy if she gets it or else Luna didn't actually need any familiar. She had her ice creations that does most of her work so she was fine without one. And since Quin also had her spirits, she was fine too. But she would be pretty happy to have another friend to play with.

Eon, Rein, and Zoe were in the outskirts so their house members were also freely doing what they wanted, so there was nothing great there. And Nebula was visiting the Temple as usual so it was also only usual.

The [Eternal tigers], the entire house except Chry and Gabriel, were doing a special training in the deeper part of their garden today, and they all were having fun playing and learning from the creatures of the wild.

Princess Isabella was reading a book in her room as usual, Nox was getting beaten up by sir Zhen, Claudius was training as usual, the other prodigies were doing their own fun works, while Baal was training as Eon instructed him.

Med was visiting her shop on the industrial area of the island, so she was pretty busy today.

And just like her, the headmaster, the Queen of bees, the ancient tree, and a few trusted people were busy preparing for the summonings that would take place after a few hours.

They were busy but, not too much.

A certain young boy was generous enough to sell the top quality materials for the summoning circle at a little below the market price for this event so, their work was made far easier than the previous years. And though he was a cunning bastard, they were grateful to his contributions.

The island was alive on this fine Sunday morning, bustling with the magic and people.

The holiday was salvation from their daily misery, and though joy was everywhere on this special sky island, a holiday like this, and a break from the harsh daily grind… was still an important necessity for all the residents here.

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