Isekai Journey Of The Magic Archer

Chapter 586 Doro

586  Doro

[Eon's POV: ]

Artificial helpers, or in simpler terms, artificial-intelligence-powered lifeforms programmed and created through the help of magic, magic engineering, and alchemy of this world, and the technical knowledge of my previous world.

They were fundamentally different from the usual helpers in the academy or the purely magic and alchemy-based artificial creatures like the Keepers.

They had a detailed program running them and instead of only a magic ore powering them, there was a sophisticated heart created to function like an actual heart.

And this heart was also different from a golem's core.

It wasn't their weakness but rather a core strength that regulated the power throughout their entire body and maintained the 'Axiostasis' a term master gave this process that very closely resembled the homeostasis of a mortal's body.

'These cores are a little lower versions of the one used in our creations like Mr. Rice but they certainly are superior to what one could usually find in the current world.'

[{ Woooooooooooow… }]

{ "I wasn't expecting this when you said you would make a house here in mere days." }

All the flamingos were surprised to see these creatures, these artificial helpers that closely resembled the advanced golems and earth creatures from the southeastern part of the outskirts. However different from them, these creatures were entirely made of shining metal and attractive colors that looked pretty in this early morning sunlight.

[ "Sup boss~." ]

There were a total of twenty-four of them here. Nine giant golems were almost half the size of Queen Fio's real form, six were smaller than them, almost only a little taller than us, and six of them were like animals that included a giant snake, an ant with big mouth, a weasel with big claws, a giant mole, a bird that, well, was a creature with wings, not anything specific, and lastly the biggest one of them all, a creature that was visibly big like Fio's true form, something that looked more like a moving fortress than a helper.

The remaining three were small balls with wings that fluttered like a dragonfly's wings.

Some might imagine these creatures as that certain golden ball used in that sport in that certain fantasy world.

'Right. We also have the extreme magic ball practice from next week.'

We also had unique games here, that was half of the point of the houses and the divisions.

But that wasn't important right now…

"Hello, Doro. How're you doing?"

[ "All well boss. You look fine too. Though, where were we now? The last time I was seeing, we were eating with Loli and Hox. I see the boss lady here and little Zoe but what are all these colourful pigeons?" ]

The two flying balls were silver while the third one, which was also a little bigger than the two, had a metallic black color.

There were also red glowing patterns all over his body and he was the only one among them that could speak with his human-like voice.

Though the way he was producing this voice was something close to Mana speech so everyone here could understand what he was saying, which, of course, included Queen Fio and all the other flamingoes here.

{ "Pigeons…?" }

[{ Pigeonsssssssssssssss…? }]

[{ We are called flamingoes mister flying ball~. }]

They were genuinely confused and were looking around to see if there were any pigeons around them but they found none. And only when Demitree pointed out that Doro was talking about them, the flamingos grasped he was calling them pigeons.

And though it made them angry and they were just about to start shouting at him, I spoke up before they had a chance to do so.

"Doro, as Demitree said, they all are flamingos. You should apologize to them."

[ "Whatever boss. Flamingos, pigeons, all's the same. But sorry anyway y'all. Enjoy your flamingohood." ]

He was one of the five creations that possessed the perfect core grandma and I had created. Which obviously made them one of my most special creations.

{ "A unique way to speak you have there, flying artificial creature." }

[ "What pretty miss? Ya said something?" ]

{ "…nothing." }

And he was the funniest one of them as well. I loved him, and so did Rein and Zoe.

"Yo Doro. How ya hangin?"

[ "By your grace boss lady, I'm still round and flying." ]

He flew to Rein and as if to bow before her, he slowly flew down and returned to his original position.

He was my creation but he strangely respected Rein even more than me. Which was funny but also something positive.

He was created to be this way.

"Hello, Doro~. I missed you~."

[ "Hahaha. Can't say the same little one. After coming from boss's special space, I always feel as if no time has passed. So for me, I had just seen you yesterday during boss's birthday. And I remember perfectly, you looked more stunning than that sun on the horizon. He must envy you still." ]

"Hehehe, you are as funny as always."

He didn't have a face, but he didn't need one. His voice was created to reanimate abstract emotions so, just by hearing this unique voice, one can tell how he might be a middle-aged uncle making a warm smiling face.

"Anyway Doro."

I called him, and he flew back to me. But he surely noticed the unknown person beside us, and I can tell he was curious about her from how he almost stopped to evaluate her.

He was an important part of me, so since we were telling her a few things, she also needed to be introduced to this little floating ball.

"She is Miss Moon. What do you think about her?"

Stepping to the side and letting him see Miss Moon completely, we all looked at the reaction of the little ball.

[ "Hmm… is this a new recruiter boss?" ]

He asked his first question, and I simply nodded in answer. He didn't need long descriptions.

[ "Hmmm… what position does she have? From how pretty she looks, and considering how weak she looks physically, is she some reserved support unit?" ]

"No silly. Look closely. She is more than that. And she will hold the position of a 'general manager'. She will be your superior soon but since she is still in training, I believe you can teach her a thing or two."

[ "Oh?! You don't say~! Then there must be something special about her that I can't see with visible aspects. Lady Moon. Please grant me permission to check your status window." ]

He was asking for permission to see his status window despite only being a flying ball, but, Miss Moon had seen more than enough in the last few hours that this little ball's uncle-like words only made her smile.

"Of course. You can see my status window if you can Mister Doro. You don't have to ask for permission."

[ "So kind of you to put it that way, good miss." ]

His voice contained a hint of acceptance, we all could feel it.

He wasn't like one of the helpers present here, nor like any other artificial being, but someone that had no less intelligence than a mature Ego, as well as powers rivaling even some of the (Purple) ranked creatures.

He also possessed skills of pretty high rank and since he had our perfect core powering him, his processing powers were far superior than even mine.

So, I had no doubt he could see Miss Moon's screen.


There was a certain red mark on him that glowed brighter as he stood before Miss Moon, and, a few rays of red light came out of him, scanned her, and when they went back into him, that mark blinked with a blue light for a moment before returning to its original red.

And, as soon as he was finished with that, I knew she must have felt a chill running down her spine.

It was common when he did that, but, I was certain what he had seen from that scan. And whatever it was, I could tell he was surprised by it.

[ "Wow… you were right, boss. She really is quite special. I would definitely appoint her to the position of general manager. She is perfect for that." ]

I knew he would understand the best. He was the best when it came to evaluating personnel and workers and I definitely trusted him as much as my own dear eyes.

'And I knew these bastard eyes would cuss at me for thinking this mere flying ball is as good as them but, well, they can't deny this little floating ball was, in fact, someone that it had given six whole stats.'

[ "You are good future general manager. Allow me to teach you a few things when we have a spare moment." ]

"Right. The spare moment…"

I called him out because I wanted him to look over the construction work in my stand, one of his areas of specialty. And since Zoe and Miss Moon were going to stay here as well, it would be best if she could learn a few things about both of them.


"How does this land look, Doro?"

[ "Hmmm? This land? Hmmm… surely some of the best soils I have seen, with the perfect combination of nature's blessing and coincidental development through time.

It's unbelievably good but why are you suddenly asking this I kind of-" ]

He stopped speaking midway when he noticed the unique smile I had. And, when he saw this unique smile, he flinched visibly.

[ "I-is this it?" ]

And then he asked a simple question and, I also simply nodded in answer.

This was the place. He had known already there would be a place where we would build that amazing house that the two of us planned a long time ago. And now that he was on that very land, even he could not control his amazement.

[ "Yes! Finally~! The time has come for me to fulfill my first calling!" ]

He was excited so the flying ball danced in the air, which certainly looked cute so the ladies were smiling at him.

"Yes, yes, mister excited Doro. Calm down for a moment and listen to these instructions. I have to leave for an important task so I will be leaving all of them in your care."

[ "Oh. Alright." ]

He calmed down quickly, came back to me, and silently listened to my instructions as explained how he should start, how there would be an addition of a playground to the surface house, and how the outlines would be.

He already had the house blueprint in his database so he would be fine anyway, but my instructions were priority instructions for him, so they were the most important right now.

[ "Alright. I will start right away~." ]

We could feel the excitement in that voice, which was enough for Rein and me.

We both had seen his prowess, and we had taught him ourselves so we had more faith in him than any professional administrator and manager.

"I leave this place in your care Doro. And this new recruit as well. She practically knows nothing so teach her from the ground basics as you would to any new young recruit."

[ "Do not worry master. Rest assured and go do your 'important work'. I will take care of everything here. And of course, as you instructed, I will treat this pretty miss pigeon-, I mean, pretty miss flamingo as a site manager." ]


He was good and amazing when it came to his work. I was proud as his father… even though he is kind of like an uncle to all of us.

"Ba-bye big brother~. I will take care of everyone here so don't worry~."

"I would never worry if I know you are there, Zoe. Just take care of yourself as well. And I'm sorry we won't be having lunch together, but, I promise to make your favorites at dinner."


I patted her head, nodded at Miss Moon, bowed a little at Queen Fio, and turned around with Rein's hand intertwined with mine.

"Let's go see that cutie."

Celes had seen a certain creature on the day we arrived here and, that very creature was the target of our today's mission.

We had to track it down and either take it with us, or at least report its location to the headmaster so he could retrieve it.

It was a simple task and since we already knew its location, it was even easier.

So… this mission was just a kind of excuse to get away from everyone.

And even though neither of us said anything about it, we both knew what was going to happen in that gorgeous underground cave…

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