Isekai Journey Of The Magic Archer

Chapter 575 Ancestral oath

Chapter 575  Ancestral oath 

[Eon's POV: ]

[{ What did you say?! Do you have any idea what you are talking about, you insolent little human!? }]

That same taller one shouted again and he was really angry, and, with him, the shorter ones, I would say his girlfriends, were also angry.

The way they all glared at me with their red eyes was something very intimidating however, I had already experienced more intimidation than a few hundred brightly colorful flamingos with bright red eyes glaring at me with pure anger.

But, their queen was calm right now. My words definitely ticked her off but she was certainly calm in this moment and was looking at me carefully, scanning me from head to toe, trying to figure out what I was or even anything at all.

[{ Master~. She is pretty cool~. }]

But my Celes was also not intimidated by those glares. She was enjoying this, especially the way the queen of all these creatures was looking at me with worry hidden under those big sky-like eyes.

[{ "Oy, darling, should I take some of their feathers for my ma'am? She would like it, right? It would be fun to see that bastard's face turn red~." }]

[{ "Rein?" }]

What did those poor people do to her that she still had that petty grudge?

I was looking at her with a sad smile bit just then, as if to have remembered something, the flamingo queen had a sudden realization and spoke up, cutting the taller flamingo that was still cussing at me midway and asking questions that I obviously knew answers of better than him.

[{ Quiet, Crklolk. }]

She first asked that chatterbox to stop those unnecessary cursing and looked me in the eye, with a hint of respect in those eyes.

[{ I failed to realize it before because of my lack of knowledge, but, you must be her guardian, am I right? }]

[{ "That is correct. However, her mother, and my master, asked me to always protect her as my little sister.

And while we are on that note, your predecessor, Queen Fio, had made a certain pact with my master." }]

That was the main reason I wanted this specific piece of land out of any part of this island.

[{ My predecessor…? What does that-…! Are you talking about the great oath?! }]

[{ "Precisely. The pact is to aid the great queen Atheenttinee with everything they have and, if she is fortunate enough to ever have one, her descendant and successor.

The one before you is her descendant and, she had chosen me as her successor…" }]

Taking a step forward, I called out my Solnova and aligned it in a certain manner to cast my ( :Vision sharing) spell with a thread of my total energy.

It was a spell, and she was already stunned by my words so she just accepted the vision I was sharing and showed her some images and moments of me and my master.

I didn't show her Zoe's birth and my grandma's death though. That memory was only allowed to a few of us.

[{ Oh… my… }]

She was in tears. Real tears even. And these tears were tears of joy, something extremely rare and almost impossible to find in this world.

[{ "Celes." }]

[{ I'm already prepared master~! }]


The queen was in her own world as the moments I showed her those things, it evoked the ancestral memories passed down to her from the previous queens.

She was the first one after their first ancestors that was fortunate enough to see the true form of the great queen that had saved them from great danger and allowed them this part of the island.

It was a special moment for her and those tears were something I was expecting from the start so, when I slowly snapped, Asta, who was already around the area where the queen was standing in its invisible form, flew up and reached the place around the queen's eyes and activated the special storage space encoded inside it.

Then, many of Celes's invisible clones gathered around the queen's eyes without hindering her one bit and very gently guided the tear that had already started vaporizing to the invisible Asta.

It was a very delicate process that we had practiced already so I believed in both of them.

'They are pretty good at this anyway.'

The queen didn't know what was happening, the smaller flamingoes were the same, but they were mostly confused and worried as they didn't know what was happening.

Their queen was suddenly crying and this was the first time in their lives that they were seeing her cry like that.

Some were angry that I did something to her, some that had heard our conversation were confused, and the taller ones that had a faint idea what the contents of our conversation meant, had a shocked stiff look that they were having for the first time.

It was all just absurd for them so they were just focused on me like all the other flamingoes so, none were seeing what Asta and Celes were doing right now.

[{ "You are a good thief, darling." }]

[{ "Of course I am. I stole you from the world so, I should actually be called the best." }]

She looked at me with a sudden blush, and I winked at her cute reaction.

It really was fun catching her off guard at these unexpected moments.

[{ "Bastard…" }]

And she didn't like getting embarrassed so whenever she was embarrassed because of these little things, it was even more embarrassing for her.

'Which is cuter, hehe.'


[{ Thank you… }]

But the queen calmed down soon and when the last of those sparking sky-blue drops slid down inside Asta, Celes dispersed all of her clones and Asta sneakily returned to me via the safest route.

[{ Thank you for showing me something all my previous ancestors had longed for their entire lifetimes… }]

[{ "You can now see them, see her, whenever you want but, those are moments that have already been passed.

It is the past that is not going to return to us, so, I believe it is better to look at the moment we are currently in, the moment that is the foundation of the upcoming future." }]

She was almost smiling, and her smile at least relieved the worried hearts of all the other flamingoes.

[{ Right. Those words of wisdom sound like something the lord queen would say… }]

What I was here for, was almost half complete at this point.

The flamingo queen had realized who we were, and mainly who Zoe and I were.

And according to what their ancestors had pledged, they would have to help Zoe and me in whatever way I can.

[{ But… }]

But? Wait, no. There shouldn't be any questions remaining anymore. At least not about our authenticity.

[{ How are you her successor despite being a human, and how is she her descendant but not someone that succeeded her memories and talents? }]

She was confused about how Zoe wasn't grandma's successor. This a very valid and safe question.


[{ "It is a little complicated but, I will try to explain it as simply as I can with the permissions I have." }]

There were a lot of things I was restricted to share with anyone that didn't have permission to have that knowledge.

The bounds of the world were the same for me, though lose and filled with gaps, I was still an element of this great nature.

So… I explained to her how grandma was unique from other phoenixs', how I learned whatever I could from her, how she left me with all she had, and how Zoe, a being that retained her mother's talents, was an entirely different person, was born.

Some of those things were bitter for Zoe but she managed to smile her way through them, some of the things were bitter for me to retell so Rein helped me get through them, and all of this was just outside her zone of understanding so Miss Moon just sat out of this whole little explanation.

But Queen Fio listened to everything quietly, listened to every word I said carefully, and the light of respect hidden in her sky-like eyes became more visible with each passing moment.

What I was saying wasn't something any of her past predecessors had known, and the younger ones here were too young to understand the complexity of the words I was speaking, so though they were listening, they understood nothing at all.

[{ "Thus, I succeed her knowledge and wisdom, while Zoe is her child, someone she entrusted to me…" }]

It was always heavy whenever I remembered her, remembered us, and the happy days we had spent.

But, I have come a long way, and though it seems just like yesterday, it is past, and it has passed…

[{ I appreciate your answer to my lowly question with all my heart. And I apologize again but, I have failed to ask for your names even after all this time. }]

Right… she introduced herself but we didn't. That unified attack at the start sure messed up many things.

[{ "It was my discourtesy. I should have introduced myself first.

I apologize for the late introduction.

On this island, for the time I'm in the academy, I'm referring to myself as Lucifer. However, my given name is Axion Heliox Kromet. And this is my little sister Zoe, my partner and love, Reinelle Atraxia, who is going by the name Uriel in the academy, and this here is a new member of our special little family Miss Moon.

It is our pleasure to make your acquaintance, Queen Fio." }]

[{ "Hello~ miss big flamingo~. I love your eyes~." }]

Rein really liked her eyes. She had been saying it for a while now.

"Miss Moon. I just introduced us."


She was unaware of everything that was happening here, and I really meant everything, but still, as soon as I said that, she bowed before her respectfully.

[{ "She has been through a lot, but now she has joined us. So she will slowly learn everything about herself and the world." }]

I smiled at her, my Rein, and of course at my Zoe.

And, we all received a big smile from the queen as well.

[{ Alright then, lord Axion, lady Reinelle and Master Zoe… We have been delayed but, as the pledge of Reorespis, we, the current generation, great the great lords. }]

Once again, all the flamingoes and the queen bowed before us respectfully. And this time, it wasn't only dedicated to Zoe or was involuntary.

It was dedicated to us and was respectful. Which meant… we could finally go see our land and start a basic little construction.

And, of course, go down to the place that would become an important part of our future great house…

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