Isekai Journey Of The Magic Archer

Chapter 574 Queens

Chapter 574  Queens

[Eon's POV: ]

"Hello~. You look gorgeous, miss~." Zoe patted the long beak that now rested before her and the flamingo queen found her praise nothing less than praise from the greatest person she could even look up to.

[{ It is my pleasure that you think that way. }]

She was still bowing before Zoe and her strange behavior surprised all the hundreds of smaller flamingoes that were still not asleep from our previous resistance attempt.

[{ My queen…?! How can you submit before the trespassers?! }]

A taller flamingo that had screamed and alerted everyone at our arrival spoke up and asked the queen in their native tongue.

But, his question somewhat angered the queen, and she was just about to shout angrily at that insolent one, but Zoe tapped on her beak and shook her head.

"They don't know yet. Tell them, guide them, just the way you always do."

The queen had the {Mana speech} skill but she didn't need that skill to understand what the queen of all birds was telling a child like being like herself.

'I knew this would happen but, seeing it sure is quite something.'

The queen was humongous, almost ten or twenty meters with her long neck and big beak, and even as she was bowing before Zoe right now, her actual body was far back, even behind the last of the flamingoes that were surprised at their Queen's arrival at some trivial matter like this.

And she was bowing before something, so it was obviously a big surprise for them.

For a queen like her, someone who had lived for thousands of years and held unparalleled strength, to bow before someone was not something they had witnessed in their entire lifetimes. Nor they had heard an instance like this one where something like this had happened.

They couldn't understand what their queen was doing and the one questioning her sensed she was upset with his question instinctively but the queen didn't yell at him, nor did she say anything to him.

After giving an apology to Zoe, she just retrieved her head and looked at all of the little children that had done something so unforgivable as attacking the great queen.

It was their fortune that the great queen wasn't angry at them and forgave them easily.

They should be thankful to her for sparing their lives even after that unforgivable thing. And, even though she had forgiven them already, they still had to apologize for their mistake.

[{ Wake up everyone. }]

And though they all had failed to recognize Zoe, she was here now, and it was her duty to introduce her young children to the esteemed great queen, especially this one that she couldn't help but notice was a special one even among the other great queens.


So, he used some of her power, destroyed all of my nets that bound half of the unconscious flamingoes, and with a unique green light, she woke up all of the flamingoes and shouted at them.

[{ Listen everyone! You are in the presence of a divine being! You have already committed the crime to attack her but are generously forgiven! Thank her, and show your respect for her generous forgiveness! }]

She was saying that but, in actuality, what this command sounded to us, and the one with us that couldn't understand the language of these creatures like the rest of us was something like…


It was a continuous scream so loud that Miss Moon was startled and got into a defensive position as if she thought something had gone wrong.

"Master they-!"

"No, Miss Moon. It is fine. She is just telling others that they made a mistake and should apologize to us."

My response to her was casual but, the response I got from her, that look that couldn't even believe her eyes or ears, was the same as the reaction all these hundreds of creatures before us had after hearing her words and focusing on the person she was pointing towards.

Miss Moon was shocked and confused and the same was true for the hundreds of flamingoes that now suddenly had wide eyes as if they had realized something.

[{ Ohhhhhh…! }]

And when they all finally realized it, their heads, just like the queen when they saw her, bowed before Zoe involuntarily.

"Oh damn…"

"It looks pretty~!"

"Oh lord…"

Even I was surprised by the sudden gorgeous scene of these hundreds of colorful creatures bowing down at once and gasped with a smile.

Rein, on the other hand, only found this scene very pretty and was happily taking pictures of it with her personal Kemera.

It definitely was a pretty scene, undeniably even, but for Miss Moon that must not be familiar with things like these, this was nothing less than an absurd scenario.

From her perspective, Zoe must have been a normal girl that seemed most normal among the young people in our house, but, now that she was witnessing this, she must have realized just how wrong she had been.

'Zoe. My special little sister was no normal child that played around and did her homework.'

She was the most strange among the people in my house. So strange that not only a creature like that giant intimidating flamingo but the hundreds of others that were dead set on taking us out just a moment ago were now bowing before her as if she was some kind of god…

'Which she was not, actually. Yet, at least.'

Miss Moon couldn't understand what was going on and she couldn't even think of many reasons behind this strange event but she was sure at this moment, she just knew, that the girl she was thinking to be the most normal among the children of Heliox, was, in fact, the strangest one of the bunch…

'But she has yet to see anything.'

This was just another thing she was learning today, which obviously wasn't the end of her lessons.

[{ We apologize for our grave mistake…! }]

They all shouted at once and once again, this seemed like all of them were angrily warning them to get out of here.

But now that Miss Moon knew these shouts weren't something negative, she was at least at ease, though still not nearly ready enough to understand most of the things they were saying.

[{ "It is alright everyone. You can raise your head. We are not here to do something like that but only to see the place we would be making our home~." }]

Zoe spoke their language for the first time, surprising the smaller flamingos but earning a meaningful nod from many other bigger ones and their queen.

They all knew now that the person before them that looked like nothing more than a normal girl was in fact the wisest being that naturally had the greatest knowledge and powers beyond any mortal understanding.

They all knew her real identity now, and just this fact was enough for many of them to understand she was, in all ways, a near-perfect being.

And, she forgave them, so they could now be at peace… or want they thought.

[{ "Alright Zoe. I will be taking Care of stuff from here." }]

I spoke up and took a step forward and not only the smaller creatures but the queen also suddenly looked at me with curiosity.

"Alright, big brother~." And Zoe also took a step back after I only said that.

She didn't even hesitate and went back to standing there quietly.

She was obedient and it was strange for even the queen why a being of her caliber was accepting orders from me.

In their eyes, I must have been a servant that was only here as her guard or servant for something small like cooking and cleaning and stuff.

But, I knew the curious queen quickly tried checking out my status window but practically failed to even activate her skill before me.

She didn't know or would have understood what was going on since she was practically far younger compared to Zoe's mom and my master, but she at least must have figured out that I was no normal person.

But I was here exactly to talk with her about something important. So I started with getting to the point.

[{ "So miss flamingo queen… Can we lowly creatures have your name?" }]

That was the basic thing that we would start any negotiations from and though what I will be doing was not much of a negotiation, I would still do something inside her territory and if this was her territory, there was no way I would be satisfied with having them only as our neighbors.

[{ Right… I apologize. It has been a long time since I have been referred to by my given name.

I'm already acquainted with being called something like a queen but, yes… My name.

It is Fiotreata. The people of my time, my mother and father used to call me Fio. So if it is the great queen and her companions, I would be honored to be referred to by that name once again. }]

She was doubtful about my identity and the look in her eyes was still not so good but, there was no need for her to understand everything just yet.

[{ "Fio. Alright, lady Fio. It is a great name. I know Zoe, the illuminated one before you, the one I call my sister, and the one I'm supposed to protect with my life, also likes it…

But everything aside, we have a piece of land here, so I hope you can use your Authority and help us with a few things." }]

I smiled at her, Zoe did too, and this direct and absurd request from me, caused a wildfire among the flamingoes that had been quieted down with much difficulty.


And, this wildfire was definitely not much friendly...

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