Interstellar Cute Little Husband

Chapter 268: endearing...

Originally, Mu Yan could still control a little bit, but maybe because he learned that Jiang Chenxi was about to go to the front and was about to be separated, this self-control has completely turned into a negative number, and all the feelings buried in his heart have been vented. .

In the end, that night, Jiang Chenxi didn't really ask for Mu Yan, but just hugged each other tightly in his arms. The two bodies were tightly attached to each other without any gaps, feeling every minute and every inch of each other.

Even though Mu Yan prayed that the dawn would be slower and the night longer, the sun still came out on time.

"As long as there is time and opportunity, I will make a video call for you. Don't worry, take care of yourself and the baby in your stomach. Believe me, I will come back before the baby is born. When the time comes, we will welcome them together:" Jiang Chenxi comforted Mu Yan, then handed Mu Yan into the hands of his family members.

It was not the first time for Jiang Chenxi to go to the front line. In the past, Jiang's family did not send him off so grandly like this time.

After all, as the sons of the Jiang family, going to the battlefield to defend their home and country is their duty and their responsibility. Moreover, with Jiang Chenxi's ability and skill, basically everyone is not too worried.

However, this time is different, because Jiang Chenxi has his own small family, a lover, and children, so he has more concerns, especially when the Jiang family sees Mu Yan, they will unconsciously worry about it. Jiang Chenxi is here.

However, everyone didn't say too many things like paying attention to safety. First, they didn't want to put pressure on Jiang Chenxi. Second, under such circumstances, everything had to be decided according to the situation. These words were completely useless nonsense.

"Achen, don't worry, I will take good care of Yanyan and Qiuqiu at home, so you can go to the front line with peace of mind and wipe out all those blind Zerg!" Zheng Xueyan said.

For the Zerg race, there is no one who does not hate it, because it is these hateful bugs that constantly harass the Federation, destroy too many families, and ruin too much human happiness*

Therefore, it can be said that human beings hate bugs to the core, and they can't wait to wipe out all the bugs.

It's just that these Zergs are really cunning. High-level bugs have high IQ, while low-level Zergs have strong reproductive ability. Although they have been fighting humans for hundreds of years, they still cannot shake each other.

Basically, the Zerg would walk around the edge of human settlements every once in a while, probably to see if there was a breakthrough, so that they could attack in one fell swoop and completely occupy the human territory.

It's just that humans won't give them such an opportunity. A large number of border guards will be deployed on the fringe planets of the Federation to prevent the emergence of Zerg.

In the past, when Zerg appeared in the fringe galaxies, the frontier guards could handle it. If it didn't work, the defense forces of nearby planets would also send out support.

When the military department of the central star is needed to dispatch troops, it is usually when the Zerg attack range is large, the number is large, and the situation is more critical.

Therefore, after receiving the request for help this time, the military department immediately dispatched several troops to set off first, and then Jiang Chenxi and Jiang Zhiyang will also lead the first and fourth legions to support, and send the Zerg Drive out of human territory again.

The relationship between the First Legion and the Fourth Legion was not very good because of the marshal's family, but after all, they were all soldiers, and they still had some integrity. In front of the Zerg, humans maintained a united front.

Therefore, the people of the First Legion were not worried about being overshadowed by the Fourth Legion on the battlefield, but it was a bit uncomfortable to go on missions with people they didn't like.

"I'm really upset that I will go on a mission with the members of the Fourth Legion this time. I hope they won't make any troubles. Otherwise, I don't care if they are comrades-in-arms or not, and I will never spare them." Lin Wu was very unhappy. He said that he obviously disliked the Fourth Army very much, and he was still skeptical.

In fact, Lin Wuhui can’t be blamed for thinking this way, it’s really because last time during the recruiting competition at the military headquarters, the members of the Fourth Legion went out of their way and almost disabled a recruit from their First Legion. Can't bear it.

The recruits' competition is always done from point to point, and during the competition, everyone really didn't notice anything abnormal. If the boss and sister-in-law were not present at that time, they might not be able to find the abnormality in Lin Biao's body at all. , wouldn't that mean losing a comrade in arms in vain?

That's right, the Lin Biao incident was finally found out, and the culprit was Qi Bing, a mutant from the Fourth Legion.

If he hadn't been stopped by someone at that time, Lin Wu would have gone to settle accounts with that person.

"Everyone should be careful at that time, and try to fight against the Zerg separately from the members of the Fourth Army." Zhao Ziqi naturally thought of this, but he didn't want to kill the entire army, after all, he came to the military as a soldier , They all have the idea of ​​​​wanting to defend their home and country. There are indeed some moths in the Fourth Army, but there are also admirable people.

Therefore, Zhao Ziqi just asked everyone to stay away from them as much as possible, but he couldn't really do anything. Otherwise, before the war with the Zerg, there would be an internal fight.

In any case, the mission this time is to repel the Zerg and protect the fringe galaxies of the Federation.

"How is the situation on Edge Star?" Jiang Chenxi asked.

"I just received a message from Edge Star, and the situation is not very good. This time, for some reason, the Zerg invaded aggressively, and the number was greater than ever. Although Edge Star has border guards, the number is far less than those of the Zerg. , It is already very difficult to guard." Zhao Ziqihui reported.

"Didn't the nearby reinforcements arrive?" Jiang Chenxi frowned and asked.

"The reinforcements from the Barrow Galaxy and Feida Galaxy have arrived, but the pressure has not diminished at all." Zhao Ziqi continued, "And this time the Zerg not only invaded the fringe galaxy of our Federation, but also the fringe star of the Chinese Empire next door. Being attacked by the Zerg, it seems that the Zerg is going to have a big fight this time."

While reporting to Jiang Chenxi, Zhao Ziqi quickly thought about the possible reasons for the Zerg's attack.

In the past, the Zerg race was basically a test, the number of people coming was not large, and the level of the bugs was relatively low. However, the message sent back this time was completely different from the usual ones. Not only were there a lot of bugs, but there were also many The high-level Zerg seems to be fighting for the last time, trying to take down the human domain at all costs.

"Send the advance troops to check if there is any problem behind the Zerg." Jiang Chenxi gave the order decisively.

He intuitively felt that there might be a problem behind the Zerg, otherwise it would have been hundreds of years, and the Zerg would not suddenly have a big riot, and the target was not only the Federation, but also the empire next door. All human beings are wiped out. -

The relationship between the Federation and the Chinese Empire is not bad. It has been relatively peaceful for thousands of years. No one will invade anyone's territory, and sometimes they will have friendly relations. Therefore, at this time, the Federation does not have to worry about the empire next door. Take the opportunity to embezzle the territory of the Federation.

In this way, they can concentrate on dealing with the Zerg, and they can even form an alliance with the people of the Chinese Empire to fight against the Zerg. In this way, the power of human beings will become stronger, and there will be more chances of winning against the Zerg.

Jiang Chenxi kept this idea in his heart for the time being, and planned secretly, hoping that this idea would not become a reality, because once this idea needs to be activated, it would really be the time when the Federation could no longer defend against those Zergs on its own. It's time for the real crisis of the Federation.

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