Interstellar Cute Little Husband

Chapter 269: vomit all

From the central star to the edge star, even the fastest warship takes more than a week.

During this week, Jiang Chenxi led the army and was not idle. The high-level officials were constantly analyzing the information sent from the front line, while the others were intensively training in the training room of the warship, never letting up for a moment.

This time Jiang Chenxi brought out some veterans, each of them had been to the front line before, each of them was full of combat power and combat experience, and their fighting spirit was also very high.

This time, they will definitely beat the Zerg back to their lair again, so that they dare not step into the human area easily!

"Most of the Zerg's attacks started from the east and south, and this time the Zerg attack was not as endless as before. Instead, they retreated after fighting for a while, and then attacked again after a while, as if they were attacked by someone. Commanding and manipulating from behind. Zhao Ziqi looked at the incoming information carefully and analyzed.

"Damn it, bugs also have such a smart strategy?" Xiao Qi's eyes widened in surprise, his face full of disbelief.

Although it was rumored a long time ago that the high-level Zergs possessed wisdom, and they were probably no less intelligent than humans, but that was a legend after all, and humans had never seen such intelligent insects.

In the past when fighting Zerg, the biggest weapon that Zerg relied on was the large number. The visual experience of being densely packed with bugs in the universe is definitely not something ordinary people can bear. Fainted.

Moreover, in the past when fighting those Zergs, if they did not destroy all the Zergs participating in the battle, the other party would not let it go. This is probably a kind of persistence and spirit of the Zergs.

However, although there are a lot of bugs, humans with high-tech weapons are not very worried about these Zergs. After all, as long as they persevere, one day they will be able to clean up all those bugs.

However, if the Zerg is really born with bugs that are no less intelligent than humans, then the difficulty of fighting the Zerg will directly increase by N levels.

Just imagine, you are fighting with a group of animals that have no intelligence and only numbers. Although it takes time, they will always be wiped out. But suddenly one day they fight with strategies, know how to advance and retreat, know how to attack and defend, and know when to encircle. There are a huge number of them, so the pressure will inevitably increase countless times, and it may even consume a lifetime just to spend with each other.

Xiao Qi wanted such a scene, and the others naturally also thought of it. Immediately, everyone's expressions were not very good-looking.

"All of this is just conjecture now, and the specific situation needs to be checked on the spot." Jiang Chenxi comforted the agitated hearts, they couldn't be scared to death by their own brain supplies before going to the battlefield.

"Yes!" Everyone responded in unison, with determination on their faces.

Regardless of whether the Zerg really evolved intelligent species or not, they are all enemies of their humanity and must be eliminated.

If intelligent species really evolved, it should be killed as soon as possible, otherwise it will definitely be a huge disaster for human beings.

Since sending Jiang Chenxi away, Mu Yan's mood has been a little depressed.

Although he had been telling himself before that Ah Chen would come back safely, they could still meet in the system farm, and they could also make video calls and send text messages.

However, without Ah Chen's presence, I still feel empty in my heart, as if a piece is missing, I can't cheer up doing anything, and I always worry about Ah Chen's safety involuntarily.

He has never been on the battlefield, and he can't imagine such a scene, but he knows that the battlefield must be very, very dangerous, even if Ah Chen is very powerful, there is danger.

Therefore, he was always involuntarily worried, couldn't eat or sleep well, and lost weight quickly.

The Jiang family saw it in their eyes, felt pain in their hearts, and were extremely anxious.

"Yanyan, eat more. You are pregnant now, and one person has to eat for three people. If you eat so little, the babies will not be able to bear it." Zheng Xueyan looked at Muyan and only took a few mouthfuls. Don't eat, suddenly said distressed.

Muyan who was in a daze heard Zheng Xueyan's words, and then he came back to his senses a little, and looked at the dishes on the table.

He really can't eat it anymore, even if he eats it, it will be tasteless and his appetite is very bad, but when he thinks of the babies in his stomach, and the thought of Ah Chen saying that he will come back before the babies are born, he must take care of them. Good kids, wait for Ah Chen to come back.

Mu Yan picked up the chess pieces again, even though he didn't want to eat them, he still put in a lot more, just for the two babies in his belly.

Seeing Mu Yan forcing himself like this, the others feel distressed but have nothing to do.

"Mom, I'm done eating, I'm going back to my room first." Mu Yan suppressed the desire to vomit, stood up and greeted everyone, and hurried back to the room.

As soon as he returned to the room, he walked quickly to the bathroom, and with a "wow", he vomited out all the food he had just eaten.

"Yanyan, are you okay?" No. 5 looked at Muyan with a painful expression, and asked anxiously.

"No, nothing." Mu Yan weakly shook his hand at No. 5, indicating that he was fine, but in fact, he is in a very bad condition now, his stomach and stomach are throbbing and hurting, even if it is for the babies, he barely eats. Some things went down, but in the end they all vomited out.

Mu Yan looked at the spitting out dirt, his eyes were red, and the tears kept rolling.

"What should I do? I vomited everything out, and the babies have nothing to eat." Mu Yan was also very anxious. If this continues, he can't stand it. It's fine, but he absolutely can't let the babies suffer with him.

"Yanyan, don't worry, there will definitely be a solution." No. 5 anxiously turned around in the sky, almost making himself dizzy, and finally had a flash of inspiration, thinking of a good way, and said: "Yanyan In other words, if you can’t eat these foods, don’t eat them. Don’t the people here also eat something called nutrient supplements. The amount of this thing is small, but it can provide enough nutrition and you won’t feel hungry. I think it’s just right It suits you right now."

Mu Yan heard the words and thought it made sense, he really couldn't eat anything now.

This pregnancy, the reaction was very strong, maybe because I was pregnant with two reasons at once, from the very beginning of morning sickness, it has not been relieved until now.

- In the beginning, Ah Chen was responsible for his food. At that time, he could barely eat a little, but since Ah Chen left, he really couldn't eat at all, and would throw up as much as he ate.

That's why Mu Yan lost weight so quickly, but he never showed it in front of other people. Therefore, the rest of the Jiang family could only see that Mu Yan was losing weight, but they didn't know the reason.

Mu Yan immediately asked his servants to help him buy nutritional supplements. Jiang's servants were all well-trained, and their work efficiency was very high. They quickly bought back the nutritional supplements Mu Yan needed.

This is the first time for Mu Yan to really see nutritional supplements and how to eat them. When he was in Taohua Village, he only saw nutritional powders. People in Taohua Village couldn’t buy high-end products like nutritional supplements. from

The nutritional supplements are packed in a long and thin transparent glass tube, about ten milliliters per tube, the color is clear, and the colors of different flavors are different, but it is quite beautiful*

"Yanyan, what does it taste like?" No. 5 said while staring at the nutritional supplement.

Mu Yan took out a tube of red, then opened the lid, raised his head and drank it all, smashing his mouth, but didn't feel the taste.

"It doesn't taste good." Mu Yan said truthfully to No. 5, but although the nutritional supplement tasted very light, the stomach that was hungry and uncomfortable before has subsided.

Number Five looked at the little bit left in the tube, then curiously stretched out his little chubby paw, wiped a little bit around his mouth, but he didn't know what it tasted like.

"Tsk tsk tsk... You said different flavors, but it didn't even have a little bit of taste, okay? It's just deceiving the masses, bad review!" Number five looked at the nutritional supplements with disgust, and the people in this world are indeed pitiful. Is it just such a tasteless nutrient that I eat all day long?

There are so many delicacies in the world, but people in this world still can't eat them. It's just too pitiful. Fortunately, its great No. 5 brought the little host Yanyan here, which can be regarded as bringing good news to this world. Otherwise, the people here People are going to continue to be pitiful and pathetic.

However, the value of these nutrients cannot be completely denied.

"Although these nutrients are tasteless, I have to say that the people here are quite powerful. With just this small tube of food, they can keep their stomachs full for a day and supplement the nutrients needed by human beings. On the one hand, it's pretty good, but of course it's not as good as our food." When No. 5 praised the nutritional supplements, he didn't forget to include himself.

Mu Yan also felt that these nutritional supplements were quite miraculous, even though the amount was so small, he could drink them without feeling hungry, which was just right for him who was pregnant now.

He really can't eat any delicacies now, and I'm afraid he can only rely on these nutrients for a while.

As soon as Mu Yan bought the nutritional supplements, Zheng Xueyan received the news. ^

"Nutritionals, are you talking about telling you to buy nutritional supplements?" Zheng Xueyan confirmed to the servant again

Ever since they knew about food and ate it, the Jiang family almost never went to eat nutritional supplements, unless it was extremely busy or under special circumstances.

After all, food is obviously more popular than tasteless nutritional supplements, but Zheng Xueyan did not expect Mu Yan to choose nutritional supplements.

"Yes, ^> Master let us buy a good case." The servant reported.

The servant came to report these things not as a small report, but because Mu Yan suddenly wanted to take nutritional supplements, he was a little unnaturally worried, so he found the master to report.

Zheng Xueyan waved the man to go down, but she frowned tightly. She always felt that there was something wrong with Mu Yan recently, and her body was very thin, but when she asked him, he said nothing, and everyone only thought that he was pregnant. of.

But does pregnancy really change a person's eating habits? What's more, they have never seen Mu Yan take nutritional supplements before, so why are they suddenly thinking of taking nutritional supplements at this time.

"Don't worry, Yanyan must have his intentions for doing this, and the nutritional supplement is not a bad thing, and it will not harm the pregnant woman." Zhao Shuqi comforted Zheng Xueyan.

As people who have experienced it, they know what it's like to be pregnant, and naturally they also know that nutritional supplements are harmless to both pregnant women and pregnant women.

"I see," Jiang Xuexi suddenly called out, attracting everyone's attention, and continued: "Do you think it's because the third sister-in-law is pregnant and doesn't like to eat those things made in the kitchen, so she chose Nutrients? I once saw the third sister-in-law throw up after eating."

"Throwing up?" Zheng Xueyan and the three said in surprise.

As the aborigines of Interstellar, as the aborigines who have only recently started to eat delicious food, they have not experienced morning sickness during pregnancy, so they cannot understand the phenomenon of morning sickness.

In fact, it is understandable when you think about it. The nutritional ingredients are almost the same. They are highly concentrated nutrients and tasteless. Even if pregnant women eat them, they don’t feel much, and they don’t eat much, but they are enough to provide what they need for a day. Nutritious, where is there enough for them to spit it out?

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