I'm the Owner of the Pokémon Day Care In the World of Pokémon

Chapter 75: Arriving at Mauville City

Chapter 75: Arriving at Mauville City

Yuga examined his leg and decided it was fine to leave this place. Retrieving Chimecho's Poké Ball, he addressed Audino, Linoone, and Swellow, "It's time for us to leave. Say goodbye to your fellow Pokémon."

In reality, Yuga wanted to say that if they didn't leave before nightfall, they wouldn't reach Mauville City in time. He didn't want to be stuck in the wilderness overnight with a wounded leg.

However, considering that Audino and the others were about to part from their friends, he refrained from saying that.

Amidst the tearful farewells of over a hundred Pokémon, Yuga, accompanied by his three companions, set off in the direction guided by the navigation.

By the way, Yuga was being carried on Audino's back.

Initially, Audino was attempting to princess carry Yuga, but he strongly objected, leading to them settling on this method.

Yuga thought it was a bit unexpected for Audino to carry him this way, considering its gentle appearance and the femininity one might expect from its gender.

Audino's pace was surprisingly fast. Initially, Yuga thought they wouldn't make it to Mauville City today, but they managed to arrive when it got dark.

Fortunately, the location of the train incident wasn't far from Mauville City; otherwise, Yuga wouldn't have known how to get there.

Upon reaching Mauville City, Yuga and his companions headed straight for the Pokémon Center.

Despite Audino's treatment, Yuga's leg wasn't fully healed, so it was best to consult Nurse Joy.

Although it was already dark, the time wasn't too late. When Yuga arrived at the Pokémon Center, there were still many trainers in the lobby, eating and chatting.

"What happened? Come in quickly, Chansey, you too," Nurse Joy said, seeing Yuga being carried in by Audino and noticing his bruised leg. She attended to Chansey and led Yuga into the examination room.

Inside the infirmary...

After some treatment, Nurse Joy said to Yuga, who was seated on the bed, "The injury was quite serious, but fortunately, it was handled promptly. It was Audino that brought you in, right? It did a good job. Rest for a couple of days, and then you'll be able to move freely."

"Thank you, Nurse Joy," Yuga expressed his gratitude.

Nurse Joy responded, "You're welcome. It's my duty. Rest well. I'll have Chansey bring you some food later. After eating, get some good rest. I'll leave for now."

"Sure, could you also prepare some food for the three Pokémon that came with me?" Yuga asked.

Nurse Joy smiled and replied, "Of course."

Nurse Joy had a favorable impression of people who cared for their Pokémon. Despite being injured, Yuga didn't forget about his Pokémon, which clearly earned him a higher opinion from Nurse Joy.

After finishing the dinner brought by Chansey, Yuga released Floette and the others to let them eat some Pokéblocks. After that, he lay down on the bed and fell asleep.

After a day of turmoil, physically and mentally exhausted, Yuga slept for two days before Nurse Joy allowed him to move around.

Finally allowed to get up, Yuga leisurely sat in the Pokémon Center's cafeteria, having breakfast, but his attention was drawn to a news report on the cafeteria's television.

"Recently, a train traveling from Rustboro City to Mauville City was attacked by an unidentified Elite level Salamence. This attack resulted in the deaths of multiple passengers on board. According to the police, the attack was orchestrated by a Pokémon poacher. Four members of this gang are known, two of whom died in the attack. The other two are currently at large. The whereabouts of the attacking Salamence are also unknown."

The authorities urged the public to contact them promptly if they had any relevant information about the incident."

After reading this news, Yuga realized that two of the three middle-aged men who stayed behind to confront the Salamence had died.

However, Yuga didn't sympathize with them at all. If it weren't for them, so many innocent people wouldn't have died, and he wouldn't have been injured.

And that Hunter J, she truly was a heartless woman. When there was danger, she ran faster than anyone else, leaving her subordinates behind to die. Truly devoid of humanity.

How could those three middle-aged men possibly be a match for a Elite Salamence? Their strength was far from Elite level; they would have been mere cannon fodder.

Afterward, Yuga didn't pay much more attention to the matter. Since it was in the past, and he was just an insignificant figure, he had no connection to its subsequent developments.

After breakfast, Yuga left with Audino, Swellow, and Linoone.

Mauville City was a bustling large city located in the central region of Hoenn Region. It was incredibly prosperous, leaving Audino and the others dazzled on their first visit to the human world.

"Audino, I'll take you to enjoy some delicious food," Yuga said to the three Pokémon, whose eyes were wandering around.

Hearing the mention of good food, the three Pokémon became very excited, their eyes shining brightly.

Yuga hadn't let them eat Pokéblocks for these two days. Since they had just arrived in the human world and hadn't fully tasted the delights of good food, he didn't let them eat those Pokéblocks that paled in comparison to regular food in terms of taste.

According to Yuga's investigation, there was a renowned food plaza in Mauville City with a variety of specialty snacks, like Village Sub Combo, Magnemite Grills, and Mauville Mixed Ramen Bowls.

Upon their arrival, Yuga, accompanied by his three Pokémon, found that the food plaza was indeed as legendary as rumored, with numerous food stalls and shops everywhere, and a bustling crowd.

However, there was a rule here: customers had to engage in Pokémon battles while waiting for their snacks to be prepared.

Nevertheless, Yuga's Pokémon didn't participate; they let Audino and the others hog the limelight.

Audino and the others were new to these experiences, finding them all novel. Whenever a battle opportunity arose, the three Pokémon eagerly jumped in, leaving no chance for Yuga's own Pokémon to showcase themselves.

The levels of these three Pokémon were simply too high. They won every battle effortlessly, not only leaving their bellies full but also gaining considerable popularity. Yuga, mistakenly taken for their trainer, also became well-known.

Nobody recognized Yuga, and they didn't even know his name, but witnessing someone so young with such strong power, they gave him a nickname: "Morning Star."

The "Morning Star" rises in the early morning, symbolizing Yuga's young age and his extraordinary brightness, indicating his formidable strength.

However, Yuga wasn't aware of this new title. After treating Audino and the others to a hearty meal, he left Mauville City with them, heading towards Route 111.

The "Morning Star," who never appeared again in the food plaza, eventually became a legend in the plaza's history.

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