I'm the Owner of the Pokémon Day Care In the World of Pokémon

Chapter 74: Entering the Desert

Chapter 74: Entering the Desert

When Yuga set out from Mauville City this time, he not only restocked on a large amount of food and water but also made sure to have an ample supply of medicine that he hadn't thought of preparing before.

However, Route 111 was truly long, and Yuga and Audino walked for a long time without catching sight of Hoenn Great Desert.

At this moment, Yuga really regretted not having captured a Pokémon that could be used as a mount. Even during training sessions with his Pokémon, he would have exercised along with them, making him better prepared for the journey's physical demands. He was starting to feel a bit overwhelmed.

On the other hand, Audino trio seemed carefree, as if they were just leisurely strolling in the mountains.

Since they hadn't entered the desert region yet, the scenery along the way was still pleasant. However, Yuga, who was on the verge of exhaustion, couldn't muster the energy to appreciate it.

Fortunately, luck was on Yuga's side. Along the way, he met a truck driver whose route coincided with his own. The driver was heading in the same direction as Yuga, so he gave Yuga a lift.

When Yuga and Audino trio got off the truck, they still had a considerable distance to cover before reaching their destination, Hoenn Great Desert. They walked until it was dark and hadn't reached the desert yet, so they had to set up a tent and camp by the roadside.

Yuga released the other four Pokémon that had been cooped up in their Poké Balls for the past few days. Together, they set up the tent and prepared dinner, creating a joyous atmosphere.

The relationship between Floette and the three new team members improved gradually during these days. During training sessions, Audino trio would also exchange experiences with Floette's group.

After dinner, Yuga and his Pokémon lay on the grass, gazing at the stars that filled the sky.

Being in the wild, there wasn't much to do after dark, and it wasn't too late to sleep. Since Yuga couldn't sleep, he ended up stargazing with his companions.

Perhaps due to their proximity to the desert region, the terrain around them began to flatten, and the trees grew shorter. Most places were covered in expansive grasslands, which were rather comfortable to lie on. Of course, some areas had prickly weeds that were quite uncomfortable.

As Yuga lay there in silence, he pondered: "Did I go a bit overboard? How could I be so impulsive and venture into the desert alone?"

The more he thought, the more Yuga realized his impulsiveness. Was it really so easy to recklessly explore Hoenn Great Desert? Countless trainers went missing there every year. If something were to happen to him in there, he probably wouldn't even create a ripple.

Sighing, he thought, "I was too arrogant. Having a helping hand doesn't mean I know everything."

Thinking back, Yuga admitted that when he first arrived in this new world, he was quite lost.

Suddenly finding himself in a different world, he was unsure of what to do or how to proceed. Even though he didn't show it, Yuga was quite anxious back then.

It was at that moment that the system appeared out of nowhere, coinciding with his decision about inheriting the Day Care.

The system sorted things out for him, even setting a goal.

To be honest, without the system, there was a good chance Yuga would have abandoned the Day Care idea. After all, he had never run a business or managed a store.

At that time, Yuga might have followed the crowd to become an ordinary trainer. But how much success could he achieve that way? Would he truly lead a fulfilling and joyful life? He didn't know.

He understood that he was just an ordinary person. Yuga was more aware of this than anyone else. He didn't possess extraordinary intelligence or exceptional skills. His IQ and abilities were slightly above average, but without the system, he might have lived an average and unremarkable life like most trainers.

It wasn't simply about putting in effort; otherwise, he would have succeeded in his previous life. Did the world change just because he did? That was a joke. No matter where he went, he was still himself. He hadn't changed. His intelligence hadn't improved, his abilities hadn't transformed, and he hadn't suddenly gained extraordinary talents.

Effort might not guarantee success, and that's a true depiction of most ordinary trainers in this world.

Although Yuga hasn't achieved success yet, the system has prepared the direction and conditions for success. Regardless of whether he ultimately succeeds or fails, Yuga feels like he's living life anew in a different way.

Speaking of which, Yuga must thank the "golden finger" (referring to the system). Not to mention anything else, the goals set by the system helped him overcome the initial confusion that came with crossing into this new world.

Once a person has a goal, no matter what that goal is—even if it was once despair—it becomes possible to move forward with determination.

Thinking this way, Yuga suddenly felt a surge of courage, and Hoenn Great Desert seemed less daunting.

Early the next morning, Yuga woke up and roused his still-sleeping Pokémon. Training was most fitting for this early hour, even in the wild.

During training, Yuga would occasionally seek advice from Audino trio. After all, he didn't have much experience as a trainer and was figuring things out as he went along.

After training and breakfast, Yuga recalled Floette's group and Audino trio, and they continued their journey.

Today, Audino trio was particularly considerate. When Yuga was getting tired from walking, they used Heal Bell to alleviate his mental fatigue or Heal Pulse to ease his physical tiredness. With this care, the desert finally came into view in their line of sight.

Upon reaching the entrance of the desert and beholding the expanse of yellow sand, Yuga suddenly felt that the tough times were just beginning.

Currently positioned on Route 111, both sides were deserts. Yuga faced a choice: should they enter the desert on the left or the one on the right?

"Audino, which way do you think we should go?" Yuga asked.

Hearing his question, Audino shrugged, indicating that it didn't know either. After all, it had never entered a desert before and had no experience to draw from.

Seeing Audino's reaction, Yuga turned to ask Linoone and Swellow, "Any opinions from Linoone and Swellow that we could consider?"

Both of these Pokémon looked equally clueless.

Yuga thought for a moment and said, "Then let's entrust the task of choosing the direction to Linoone. Your ability is Pickup, and who knows, you might even lead us to some treasures!"

Upon hearing Yuga's words, Linoone felt that his Trainer might be a bit naive. If his ability could influence such a vast desert, he would have become a local king by now. Why would he need to stick around with you?

Although he thought this way, Linoone still casually pointed in a direction. He could tell that his Trainer didn't really care which way they went.

And so, dressed in sand-resistant clothing and wearing a hat, Yuga, accompanied by Audino, Swellow, and Linoone, entered the desert that Linoone indicated. This was the desert on the side closer to the Verdanturf Town.

This was the first time Yuga had laid eyes on a real desert in both his lives, and he found it rather novel.

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