I'm the Owner of the Pokémon Day Care In the World of Pokémon

Chapter 201: New Grudges, Old Hatreds

Chapter 201: New Grudges, Old Hatreds

"It's you!"

As Yuga appeared, the Skorupi Trainer recognized him instantly! This was the wretched kid who had snatched his mission target and caused his group significant losses last time.

"Do you know him?" the Seviper Trainer beside him whispered.

"He's the one who took away the Absol we were chasing last time!" explained the Skorupi Trainer.

"Ah, so it's him! Today, we can't just let him go. It's the perfect opportunity to take Absol back from him!"

The Seviper Trainer squinted his eyes and said with a malicious tone, matching his sinister appearance, which made him quite intimidating.

Hearing this, Yuga smiled and said, "Today, it's not so easy for anyone to leave!"

The Skorupi Trainer scoffed, "You, brat, haven't you forgotten how we beat you without breaking a sweat last time? Today, no one's coming to rescue you!"

Hearing the Skorupi Trainer mention the incident from last time, Yuga felt a surge of frustration. While his lack of strength was a drawback, today was a different story.

"Hmph, don't underestimate others just because you haven't seen them for a few days. After today, you'll know!" Yuga sneered.

A red light flashed, and Absol appeared beside Yuga.

Meanwhile, the two opponents also released their Pokémon, a Skorupi and a Seviper.

"Absol, today we settle both new and old scores. Make sure to give it your all!" Yuga said to Absol.


Absol locked eyes with the Seviper not far away and let out a low roar in response.

"Let's start! Florges, Grassy Terrain!"


Upon Yuga's command, a thick green light swept in, bringing with it the fragrance of grass. The environment, already a grassy field, now became even more vibrant and alive.

Seeing Yuga take action, the opponents immediately gave orders to their Pokémon.

"Skorupi, Pin Missile!"

"Seviper, Venom Impact!"

Purple pin missiles and a deep purple venom shot toward Florges, but Florges, who had just activated the Grassy Terrain, couldn't dodge in time. However, Absol stepped in front of Florges, releasing an angry roar as the attacks approached.

As Absol's roar spread, waves of black energy emanated from it, dissipating the pin missiles and venom in mid-air. This Roar technique was a move Absol had recently learned, specifically for situations like this. Although it wasn't particularly powerful, being a sound-based special move, it had a wide range of applications.

The Skorupi Trainer hadn't expected Yuga and Absol to make such progress in just a few months. Facing him and Absol now was proving to be more challenging than they'd anticipated.

While the opponents were still dazed, Yuga didn't hesitate. Florges and Absol immediately launched their next attacks.

Florges swiftly lashed out with two Vine Whips, pulling the Skorupi from a distance and binding it tightly.

Meanwhile, Absol, prepared in advance, made a sudden assault, crashing accurately into the Skorupi and eliciting a pained screech.

Subsequently, Florges executed a graceful parabola, hurling the Skorupi onto the Seviper's back, causing the Seviper to become dizzy.

Flawlessly coordinated, Florges and Absol completed their actions so smoothly that the opponents hadn't even recovered their senses yet.

"Skorupi, use Acupressure!"

Seeing his side repeatedly suffer setbacks, the Skorupi Trainer decided to use Acupressure.

"Absol, stop it!"

Hearing Yuga's command, a colossal Psycho Cut appeared and swiftly slashed toward the Skorupi, which was using Acupressure.

"Seviper, Coil!"

Seeing the Psycho Cut aimed at the Skorupi, the Seviper Trainer quickly coiled its entire body together, blocking Absol's Psycho Cut.

"Skorupi, continue using Acupressure!"

Yuga realized that letting the Skorupi use Acupressure freely would be disastrous, so he ordered Florges and Absol to intervene.

Consequently, Florges used Magical Leaf, and Absol's Psycho Cut targeted the Skorupi using Acupressure again.

"Seviper, block it with Coil!"

After having used Coil twice, the Seviper was now quite tough. Despite the damage it had sustained from Florges's Magical Leaf and Absol's Psycho Cut, it was still battle-ready. Additionally, using Coil twice had significantly boosted both its attack and defense.

Yuga was somewhat puzzled. Learning Coil typically required a Pokémon to be at a relatively high level. This Seviper clearly didn't meet the prerequisites!

"Skorupi, Slash!"

While Florges and the others were still engaged in a standoff with the Seviper, the Skorupi had rapidly closed in on Absol and struck it with a powerful Slash.

Caught off guard, Absol was hit by the sudden attack and tumbled to the ground.

The Skorupi's speed and attack had both noticeably increased – the effects of the two Acupressure moves.

Fortunately, the effects of Florges's Grassy Terrain were still in play, allowing Absol's injuries to quickly heal.

Seeing Absol take a hit, Yuga was somewhat frustrated. This is your idea of strengthening?

"Absol, Swords Dance repeatedly! Florges, cover Absol!"

Upon hearing Yuga's command, a circle of blue energy swords appeared around Absol, rotating rapidly.

The Skorupi and the Seviper both tried to intervene, but the Skorupi was hindered by Florges's Magical Leaf.

Despite the Skorupi's speed, Florges's Magical Leaf's unique tracking effect consistently intercepted its movements.

The Seviper, with more severe injuries, had slightly limited mobility. However, it continuously used its venomous attacks against Florges, causing significant trouble for Florges, who was at a disadvantage due to the type disadvantage.

Thankfully, Florges's control abilities were robust. It used Magical Leaf and Vine Whip effectively, managing to hold on until Absol had completed two Swords Dance moves.

Just as Absol finished its second Swords Dance, Florges received its signal. The two Vine Whips, akin to agile tentacles, instantly flung the bulkier Seviper toward Absol.

In the terrified eyes of the Seviper, Absol used a Sucker Punch to finish it off.

Florges had initially intended to use the same strategy against the Skorupi, but the Skorupi managed to deftly evade.

However, after narrowly escaping Florges's Vine Whip, the Skorupi couldn't avoid Absol's Quick Attack.

Knocked down by Absol's Quick Attack, the Skorupi was quickly bound by Florges's Vine Whip.

Subsequently, Absol's numerous Psycho Cuts rained down upon it.

One could only say that Absol and Florges's coordination was incredibly seamless.

Seeing their Pokémon defeated, the opponents' first instinct was to flee. However, Yuga promptly released a Chimecho, using psychic power to apprehend them both, preventing their escape.

Looking at the motionless Seviper on the ground, Yuga asked Absol, "Absol, how do you feel? Satisfied?"

Absol nodded. While its expression didn't show much, Yuga knew it was definitely pleased.

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