I'm the Owner of the Pokémon Day Care In the World of Pokémon

Chapter 200: Trailing

Chapter 200: Trailing

"Can you secretly tell me, how did your wife become so powerful?" Yuga whispered to Chatot's ear.

Yuga was quite curious about why Noctowl had such formidable strength. If he knew the method, wouldn't he be able to reach the pinnacle of life directly?

Chatot immediately saw through Yuga's intentions and used its wings to push Yuga aside, saying, "What wife? I haven't acknowledged that yet!"

Yuga silently cursed it in his heart again: scumbag.

"I advise you not to entertain this idea! It has connections!" After saying this, Chatot cautiously looked around, finding no one nearby paying attention. Then it leaned in close to Yuga's ear and continued, "It's related to Celebi. She helped Celebi in the past, and her strength became so strong with Celebi's help."

Hearing Chatot's words, Yuga nearly blurted out in surprise, but he was immediately hushed by Chatot.

"Keep your voice down. This is a secret only I and her know. If you dare blabber about it, I guarantee you'll be done for immediately. SHE values Celebi more than she values me!"

"If she values Celebi that much, why would it tell you?" Yuga whispered.

"What can I do? Who told her to like me? My charm is too irresistible!" Chatot said proudly, raising its head.

"Indeed, you're a scumbag for spilling such an important secret about your wife!"

"Hey, why are you like this? Weren't you the one who asked?" Chatot said indignantly.

"I asked, and you answered. But why didn't you leave when I asked you to? Instead, you moved in here with your family!" Yuga retorted, unamused.

Chatot once again flew onto Yuga's shoulder, saying with feigned sincerity, "That just shows my true love for you."

Yuga pushed it off his shoulder and said with disdain, "Save your true love for Noctowl."

With that, Yuga turned and walked away.

He had initially hoped to extract some information from Chatot about how Noctowl became so powerful. However, he learned that it was an unrepeatable method, one that was based on connections!

He couldn't exactly go around trying to cozy up to Mythical Pokémons, could he? Besides, even if he knew where a Mythical Pokémon was, there was no guarantee it wouldn't slap him to death with a single swipe.

And so, a revered deity ended up living in the YoYo Day Care. Strangely, it never entered the Ecopark and spent its days perched on the weather tree in the shop.

In order to ensure its comfort during pregnancy, Yuga even took out the small nest that murkrow had used on the weather tree. However, due to Noctowl's larger size, he had to make some modifications.

Noctowl was highly skilled in using its psychic abilities. It could effortlessly monitor Chatot's every move near the Day Care without having to move. As a result, Chatot stayed in the Ecopark all day and didn't come out.

Noctowl didn't seem to mind. As long as Chatot wasn't trying to escape, it was content to stay in Yuga's shop.

Yuga couldn't help but sigh. Noctowl's love for Chatot was truly deep. He couldn't fathom what Noctowl saw in Chatot. After all, he found no redeeming qualities in it whatsoever.

Meanwhile, Steven spent some time in Verdanturf Town, but he couldn't suppress his restless heart any longer. He decided to leave the town and continue his adventures.

Yuga even went to the train station to see him off.

As he was about to board the train, Steven said to Yuga, "Thanks for your hospitality these past few days. If you ever need help, feel free to reach out. Here's my contact information." He handed Yuga a note with his contact details.

"If you can't reach me, you can also contact my good friend Wallace. He's quite well-known. You should have heard of him. His contact information is also written there."

Steven didn't know that Yuga had already met Wallace, but the two of them seemed like the best of buddies, readily passing on the responsibility of helping others.

Yuga took the note, nodded, and said, "Don't worry, I won't hesitate to ask for your help when needed. Travel safely!"

After bidding farewell to Steven, Yuga retraced his steps, preparing to return to the Day Care.

As Yuga passed a street corner, a person dressed in red attire caught his attention from the corner of his eye.

Team Magma?

Upon closer inspection, Yuga realized he recognized the person. It was the same individual who had attacked him alongside Shu and another Camerupt Trainer during their previous encounter.

At this time, Team Magma hadn't yet been classified as an evil organization. Therefore, this person was boldly walking down the street wearing Team Magma's attire.

Fate seemed to have a strange sense of humor, Yuga thought. If it weren't for Robert's help last time, he didn't know how things would have turned out. Encountering this person again now was quite unfortunate for them.

Yuga decided to first understand the person's purpose in coming to Verdanturf Town before deciding when to take action. So, he discreetly followed behind him.

The person was heading out of town, seeming quite cautious. Every now and then, he would check if anyone was following him. However, Yuga used Florges's Flower Veil ability, ensuring he remained unnoticed.

Silently trailing him, Yuga followed the person to a small hill outside of town. There, he saw another individual waiting, dressed in the same Team Magma attire, but with a much slimmer figure.

"Did you get the items?" The slim man's voice was equally sharp and unpleasant to the ears.

Yuga immediately recognized this person's voice. He was one of the trio who had pursued Absol, the same individual whose Seviper had severely injured Absol.

Today seemed to be a day to settle both new and old scores, Yuga thought.

"Got them!" the person who was being followed by Yuga replied.

Saying this, he took a box from his bag and opened it. Inside were four distinct-colored beads of the same size and shape – only the colors differed, ranging from red, blue, green, to yellow.

What are these? Yuga wondered. Nevertheless, if they considered these items valuable, they must be some kind of treasures, and if they were treasures, there was no reason not to take them for himself.

Just as the person was about to close the box and put it away, two vine whips materialized out of thin air, snatching the box away.

"Who goes there?" both men shouted in unison.

Yuga calmly accepted the box Florges had snatched and stepped out from behind a large tree.

"What's the matter? Just a few short months and you've forgotten me?" Yuga addressed the Scorpionscorp Trainer who had previously attacked him.

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