I'm the Owner of the Pokémon Day Care In the World of Pokémon

Chapter 181: Opening of the New Store

Chapter 181: Opening of the New Store

After having breakfast, Yuga went to the new store because today was the day the renovation of the new store was completed, and Yuga needed to meet with the person in charge.

Upon entering the new store, Yuga saw the fresh and renovated interior, which he found very satisfying as it perfectly met his requirements.

The counters inside the store were all custom-made by Yuga, specifically designed to display Pokémon eggs.

After that, Yuga meticulously inspected the employee dormitories upstairs and the workshop downstairs. He was pleased with both areas and promptly settled the payment with the person in charge.

In fact, it was fortunate that Aroma's Day Care had paid the down payment for six months' worth of Pokéblocks yesterday. Otherwise, Yuga wouldn't even have been able to afford the wages for the renovation workers.

When Yuga returned to the old store, he noticed that the Chatot was chatting with Suzuki Koen, and he couldn't help but wonder what they were talking about, especially since he heard Suzuki Koen laughing uncontrollably.

Oh heavens! Didn't I tell Sister Koen not to mingle with the Chatot? How come they're both chatting so happily now?

Yuga walked over and shooed the Chatot away from the cash register with a wave of his hand.

"Move along, move along. Don't disturb Sister Koen while she's working."

In a dejected tone, the Chatot flew into the air and said, "Dear, how could you treat your boyfriend this way?"

Hearing this, Suzuki Koen burst into laughter beside them.

Helplessly, Yuga said, "Sister Koen, didn't I tell you to ignore it?"

Suzuki Koen asked in confusion, "Why? I find it quite entertaining!"

Yuga couldn't help but roll his eyes. He really didn't understand what you women are thinking. You call this entertaining? This is just a bird blabbering nonsense. Where's the entertainment?

"Gagagaga..." Upon hearing Suzuki Koen's words, the Chatot laughed smugly. "Dear, did you hear that? Someone still appreciates the captivating essence of my soul."

Saying this, it flew back to the cash register and continued chatting happily with Suzuki Koen.

Due to the impending opening of the new store, Yuga didn't have time to let the Chatot waste his time there. So, he went to the Ecopark to move the Pokémon eggs.

Almost all the Pokémon, including Audino, Milktank, and Linoone, had been called over by Yuga to help. With many hands, the task was completed quickly, and all the Pokémon eggs required for the new store's opening were placed in the counters.

After returning to the old store from the new one, as he approached the entrance, Yuga noticed that Misaki had arrived with her luggage.

"Boss, I'm reporting for duty." Misaki greeted Yuga cheerfully.

"You're here. Perfect timing. The new store is just ready. Come, I'll show you around your work and living space." Yuga gestured for her to follow him and even took some of her luggage. He then led her to the new store.

Upon arriving, Yuga said to Misaki, "The main focus of the new store is selling Pokémon eggs, but this is also where you'll work and live. There's another salesperson besides you, but you'll meet them when they start officially."

Misaki nodded in response to Yuga's words.

Yuga then guided Misaki to the second floor's employee dormitories and helped her tidy up her room.

One major difference between the Pokémon world and Yuga's previous life was that they didn't have to worry about pollution even in newly renovated houses. They could move in without any concerns.

After helping Misaki with her room, Yuga briefly showed her the area where she would be working in the future. Then, he returned to the old store. Before leaving, he informed Misaki that someone would come to get her for lunch.

On the second day of Misaki's arrival, the new branch of the YoYo's Day Care finally opened.

Being a relatively unknown small store, the opening of the new branch of the YoYo's Day Care was quite low-key. Apart from Yuga's Aunt's family, Uncle Kate's family, and some local neighbors, there weren't many special attendees.

However, to Yuga's surprise, Nurse Joy from Verdanturf Town's Pokémon Center actually showed up.

Although Yuga and Nurse Joy were acquainted, they weren't close. At most, they exchanged greetings when they met. Her presence was a considerable show of support for Yuga.

However, upon learning about the opening of Yuga's new store, his friends Robert and Reggie, although unable to be there in person, immediately congratulated him over the phone.

The signboard for the new store was the same as the old one, custom-made by Yuga. However, there was a small "2" in the bottom right corner of the YoYo's Day Care logo, distinguishing it from the old store.

The signboard of the original YoYo's Day Care was actually quite an aged item, almost as old as the establishment itself.

Yuga wasn't certain about when exactly the YoYo's Day Care was founded, but it had been a long time. In Yuga's memory, his parents, grandparents, and even great-grandparents had all made a living running this Day Care.

It was absolutely accurate to call the YoYo's Day Care a century-old establishment.

After the opening ceremony concluded and the neighbors dispersed, Yuga treated all the employees in the store, including his aunt's family, to a meal.

Raising a glass of Berry Juice at the table, Yuga addressed those present, saying, "Our Day Care is thriving more and more. In the future, we need to work together to continue prospering. First and foremost, I want to thank my aunt and uncle for taking care of me during this time. You've been busy and hardworking on my behalf."

Upon hearing Yuga's words, his Aunt, truly became teary-eyed. She never expected Yuga to become so accomplished. She felt both proud and honored, as well as remorseful for the times she might not have done enough for him.

To think her nephew had grown into such an exceptional man without her realizing it.

It seemed that Yuga's Uncle, understood his wife's emotions. He quietly comforted her while Luna, who didn't comprehend much, looked on with curious eyes, wondering why her mother was so happy today and yet shedding tears.

After expressing his gratitude to his family, Yuga turned to Suzuki Koen and Windy, saying, "The development of the Day Care owes much to both of you. I'm extremely grateful for your diligent work all this time."

Windy was a man of few words, so Suzuki Koen responded on behalf of both of them.

"Boss, you're too kind. Working hard is what we employees should do. We don't deserve much credit. Let's continue to work hard together in the future."

When Suzuki Koen had joined the YoYo's Day Care, she had initially thought of it as a way to lead a leisurely life. But seeing how the Day Care had developed step by step under their efforts, she couldn't help but feel proud.

After thanking Suzuki Koen and Windy, Yuga raised his glass to Misaki and Sena, saying, "Next, we want to take this opportunity to welcome our new comrades, Misaki and Sena, to the YoYo's Day Care. I hope that with our joint efforts, the Day Care will continue to thrive."

With Yuga's emotional speech, the group had a joyful meal together.

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