I'm the Owner of the Pokémon Day Care In the World of Pokémon

Chapter 180: A Very Sassy Bird

Chapter 180: A Very Sassy Bird

"Since my dear doesn't like it, I won't say anything then," the Chatot said while miming the action of zipping its beak shut.

At that moment, Sena walked over and heard the Chatot. She asked, "Did I just hear this Pokémon talk? Did I mishear?"

"You didn't mishear, it's the great me talking," the Chatot, which had just closed its beak, opened it again. "Hmm, why were you so disgusted by me just now? Seems like you already have a crush on someone," it said while throwing a disdainful look at Yuga.

Yuga was about to cover the sassy bird's beak when it suddenly flapped twice and flew up, circling around Sena twice. It continued, "I think this kid is not as good as me. You should consider me instead."

Sena was completely baffled on the side. What is this bird saying? Why can't I understand a single word? In the end, Sena could only awkwardly say, "This bird is surprisingly articulate."

"Never mind, just go about your business. Don't pay any attention to this sassy bird. Treat whatever it says as if you didn't hear it," Yuga pushed Sena away from the Chatot, trying to save her from its influence.

Seeing Sena walk away, the Chatot said regretfully, "Leaving already? I haven't even declared to my rival in love yet!"

Rival in love? Yuga clenched his fist and gave the Chatot's head two thumps. "Shut up. Who's your rival? If you keep blabbering, I'll throw you out."

Seeing Yuga getting annoyed, the Chatot quieted down, awkwardly saying, "Alright, I won't say anything anymore. Don't throw me out, I still need you to take care of me! The meal earlier was really delicious!" As it spoke, it smacked its beak a couple of times, savoring the taste.

Yuga was truly regretting bringing it back.

"Just stay here properly, don't cause any trouble for me. Otherwise, I'll deal with you!" Yuga pretended to be fierce, saying as he turned to leave.

"I understand, dear," the Chatot pinched its throat and spoke in an odd voice.

Yuga couldn't resist and turned back to give it two more thumps. "Don't call me dear!"

"Then... husband..."

The Chatot covered its head, which Yuga had thumped, with its wings and shyly said, the tone being a perfect example of coquetry.

"Oh no, that won't do, it's too embarrassing! Calling me husband directly is progressing too quickly. Let's take it slow."

After saying that, it rolled around on the table, then lay on its back and kicked its tiny short legs, covering its head as if embarrassed to face anyone.

Yuga simply ignored it and turned to leave. He realized that the more attention he paid to it, the more spirited it became.

"Dear, I won't give up. I'll definitely defeat my rival in love and ascend to the position of the main consort."

Suddenly, this sentence came from behind Yuga, causing him to almost trip.

Yuga walked to the cash register and saw Suzuki koen busy working. He thought for a moment and walked over to say, "Sister Koen, a talking Chatot has come to the shop. When you're free, don't bother with it."

"A talking Chatot?" Suzuki koen looked up, surprised. "That's quite rare."

Chatots are born with the ability to mimic human voices, but there aren't many that can speak human language fluently.

"But why shouldn't we bother with it? A Pokémon that can talk is quite interesting, isn't it?" Suzuki koen was puzzled.

"Just don't ask why. Just do as I said, and you won't go wrong." Yuga waved his hand, not wanting to explain the reasons.

"Okay, I'll listen to you," Suzuki koen nodded. When you're the boss, everyone follows your lead.

The next day, Yuga hadn't been awake for long when he felt a sharp pain on his face. He opened his eyes and saw the Chatot on his chest.

"Dear, wake up."

As it spoke, it struck a pose it believed to be very seductive and kept throwing flirtatious glances at Yuga.

"Wait, were you pecking at my face just now?"

"Oh come on, it's not pecking, it's 'morning love kisses'!" it replied, sounding rather smug.

Damn it, this sassy bird! Can't it talk properly?

Yuga rubbed his eyes and asked, "What are you doing so early, harassing me like this?"

Yuga woke up early every day to take everyone to the Ecopark for training. But today, it wasn't time yet, and the Chatot had already woken him up.

"Of course, it's time to feed your dear boyfriend."

Yuga automatically blocked out its sentence as if he hadn't heard anything.

Since he was awake, Yuga reluctantly got out of bed.

After getting up, Yuga went to the bathroom to freshen up. When he was brushing his teeth, the Chatot flapped its wings and flew over, opening its pink little beak and saying, "Dear, shouldn't you also brush your dear boyfriend?"

Without a word, Yuga picked up the cup he used for rinsing and gently tapped the Chatot's head.

After freshening up, Yuga entered the Ecopark. This was also the first time the Chatot entered there.

"Wow." The Chatot marveled at Yuga's Ecopark. "I thought you were just a poor guy, didn't expect you to have a kingdom." The Chatot surveyed the Ecopark with satisfaction.

"Oh my, looks like I'm about to upgrade to become a queen," the Chatot loudly exclaimed while flying in the air. "This palace just has a few too many concubines." Hovering in the air, it looked down at the other Pokémon below with a face of regret.

Just as the Chatot was about to say something, a sudden shadow appeared next to it, and in an instant, a Steel Wing attack knocked the Chatot to the ground.

The unexpected attack sent the Chatot crashing into the ground, creating a small pit.

"What... what... is happening... Who dares to ambush this queen!" The Chatot lay in the pit, its two soft yellow short legs trembling.

Yuga looked up and realized that the attacker was the Swellow.

Lately, the Swellow had been enthusiastic about recruiting underlings. However, the number of flying-type Pokémon in the Ecopark was quite limited. Seeing the Chatot, it mistook it for another potential underling brought in by Yuga and wanted to establish its dominance.

However, the Swellow's attack was controlled well, and the Chatot wasn't seriously harmed.

Seeing the Chatot being reprimanded by the Swellow, Yuga couldn't help but feel a bit pleased. How's that for your smart mouth? You're facing the consequences now.

The Chatot, which had taken flight again, approached the Swellow and circled around it. It said, "Big bro, you're really strong. Looks like you're the boss around here."

Upon hearing the Chatot praise its strength, the Swellow proudly raised its head. When the Chatot declared it the boss, its tail raised even higher.

To Yuga's surprise, the Chatot started discussing how to be in a romantic relationship with the Swellow. The Swellow seemed genuinely interested, and in no time, the two birds were acting like brothers. Yuga could only gape in astonishment.

This Swellow was truly a flip-flopper. Yuga decided to ignore them both and went on to train the Pokémon.

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