I Created A Dungeon In A Cultivation World

Chapter 95 95: Isadora, The Royal Blood Vampire

In the next moment, a blinding light emitted from the card. He could feel an intense aura emanating from the card, and he knew that whatever was about to emerge would be powerful.

After some time, the light subsided, and a figure emerged in front of him, the figure seemed to radiate with an otherworldly aura, cloaked in intense and powerful energy.

Argon couldn't believe his eyes as he beheld the most beautiful and voluptuous woman he had ever seen. She had long, flowing hair the color of midnight, with sharp, angular features that spoke of nobility and grace.

But what struck Argon the most was her eyes. They were a piercing blue, like sapphires that glinted in the light. They seemed to radiate power and intelligence, and Argon could tell that this woman was not someone to be trifled with.

As she stepped out forward, her long, flowing dress trailed behind her. It was a rich, deep red, with golden accents that complemented her stunning beauty. She looked like royalty, like someone who was born to rule.

Argon was speechless, stunned by the sight before him. He had never expected to draw a subordinate like this, and he couldn't help but feel grateful to the system for its generosity.

"System, give me her status?" Argon asked, eager to learn more about the woman who stood before him.


Race: Vampire

Special Blood: Royal Blood

Cultivation: Early-Stage Core Formation Realm

Description: This subordinate is a royal-blood vampire. She can be considered a powerful and rare subordinate in the gacha, and her beauty and intelligence are unrivaled. She is skilled in the art of manipulation and has the ability to control others with her mind. She is the perfect subordinate for a dungeon master like you, Host.]

As Argon gazed upon Isadora, he felt an unusual heat rising within him. He tried to suppress it, but he couldn't deny the primal urge that was taking hold of him, being a dragon didn't help either. After all, in folklore dragons were lustful in nature. Isadora's beauty was so intense, so captivating, that it was impossible for him to resist.

Isadora noticed Argon's reaction and smiled seductively. "Is something bothering you, my lord?" she asked, her voice like velvet.

Argon cleared his throat, trying to compose himself. "N-no, it's nothing," he stuttered.

Isadora moved closer to him, her body almost touching his. "You seem tense," she purred, trailing a finger down his chest. "Let me help you relax."

Argon's heart raced as Isadora's finger made contact with his skin. He felt a surge of desire that he had never experienced before, and he couldn't resist the temptation of Isadora's charms.

But then, just as suddenly as it had begun, the moment passed. Isadora stepped back, leaving Argon standing there, slightly dazed and confused.

"I apologize, my lord," Isadora said, her voice once again formal and controlled. "I forgot my place. I am here to serve you, not distract you."

Argon felt a pang of disappointment as he watched Isadora walk away. He couldn't help but wonder what could have happened if she had stayed a little longer.

Argon couldn't help but wonder if Isadora had used a charm spell on him to make him feel such intense desire. He asked the system in his mind, "Did Isadora use a charm spell on me?"

The system replied, [It is not a charm spell, but rather a passive skill that Isadora possesses due to her being a royal blood vampire. As long as your cultivation is lower than hers, you will be susceptible to her charms and manipulation.]

Argon nodded, understanding the situation better now. He knew that he needed to be careful around Isadora, after all right now he was only at the early-stage Golden Core Realm. But he couldn't deny the attraction he felt towards her.

"Isadora, welcome to my dungeon," Argon said, his voice firm and steady. "I trust that you will be an invaluable asset to me."

Isadora bowed gracefully. "Thank you, my lord," she said. "I am honored to serve you."

After their exchange, Argon called a robot maid to escort Isadora to her room. Isadora followed the maid through the winding hallways, taking in the intricate architecture and the vastness of the palace. Finally, they arrived at her room, and Isadora thanked the robot maid before entering.

As soon as she was alone, Isadora slumped onto the bed, panting heavily.

This was the first time she felt this way, as a princess of her kingdom, she would never do to just any man, what she did to Argon earlier.

Her thoughts were consumed by the powerful attraction she felt toward Argon. She couldn't deny the way her body had responded to him, the way his strong, firm chest had felt under her touch. She couldn't help but feel drawn to him, to his power and his commanding presence.

As she lay there, lost in her thoughts, Isadora's hand drifted down to her dress, tracing the intricate patterns and feeling the soft fabric against her skin. She closed her eyes and imagined Argon standing before her, his eyes filled with desire, his hands roaming over her body.

The mere thought of it was enough to make her body tremble with anticipation. However, she knew that she needed to be patient, to wait for the right moment to make her move. But for now, she would allow herself this small indulgence, this moment of erotic fantasy, before she set to work on fulfilling her duties as Argon's loyal subordinate.

Shortly after, as she lay there, lost in her thoughts and desires, Isadora knew that she had a mission to fulfill. She had been summoned by Argon for a reason, and she needed to focus on fulfilling her role as his subordinate. She got up from the bed and walked to the window, staring out at the special floor and the world beyond. She knew that there were dangers lurking outside, and that Argon was counting on her to help him face them.

Isadora took a deep breath and centered herself, calling upon the power within her. She was a royal-blood vampire, born to rule and dominate. She had powers that were beyond the comprehension of mortals, powers that she would use to serve Argon and help him achieve his goals.


After the horrifying event of the undead creatures attacking the outside world, chaos and panic spread like wildfire among the people of the Kingdom of Como, Tudela Kingdom, and Oland Kingdom. The three kingdoms were left shaken to the core, trying to make sense of what had just happened.

In the midst of all the confusion, the blame game began, and fingers were pointed in all directions. However, the Kingdom of Como and the Tudela Kingdom were quick to blame the Plague Sect for the attack. They believed that the Plague Sect was responsible for unleashing the monsters and causing the destruction that followed.

Despite the accusations, the Plague Sect remained calm and composed. They did not take the accusations strongly and responded by saying that if they had three Golden Core Monsters, they could have razed the three kingdoms to the ground. This statement left the Kingdom of Como and the Tudela Kingdom in silence, anger, and fear.

Many people become quiet because it was true. The three kingdoms and the Plague Sec were like arch-enemies, as long as either side was destroyed they won't stop killing each other.

As the days passed, the tension between the Kingdom of Como, the Tudela Kingdom, and the Plague Sect continued to escalate. It seemed that a full-blown conflict was inevitable, and the fate of the kingdoms hung in the balance.

Only time would tell what would become of this conflict, and whether the Plague Sect was truly responsible for the undead creatures' attack or not. The people could only hope that their leaders would find a way to resolve this issue peacefully and prevent any further destruction and chaos from occurring.

Just when it seemed like things were about to spiral out of control, a glimmer of hope appeared when Dryden, the founder of the Oland Kingdom, stepped forward and made an announcement that would change everything. He claimed that the monsters that attacked the kingdoms were not the doing of the Plague Sect but rather came from a tower called dungeon that popped up in the Endless Forest.

However, the people were initially hesitant to believe his claims. The idea of a dungeon full of monsters seemed like something straight out of a fairy tale. It was simply too fantastical to be true.

But as more and more rumors about the dungeon and its monsters began to circulate in the three kingdoms, people started to take notice.

There were stories of how one could raise their cultivation by killing the monsters inside and how valuable items could be obtained from the monsters they killed. Suddenly, the idea of a dungeon filled with powerful monsters became more real and enticing to those seeking power and riches.

As the rumors grew, so did the number of adventurers who set out to find the dungeon and prove its existence. Many of them returned with tales of the monsters they had encountered, further fueling the rumors and attracting even more adventurers.

Slowly but surely, the idea of the dungeon became more widely accepted, and people started to believe that Dryden's claims were true.

The revelation about the dungeon and its monsters had a profound impact on the three kingdoms. It shifted the focus away from the Plague Sect and onto the Endless Forest, where the dungeon was said to be located.

Many people saw the dungeon as a new source of power and wealth, and the idea of venturing into the unknown to face its challenges and reap its rewards was too tempting to resist.

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