I Created A Dungeon In A Cultivation World

Chapter 94 94: New Subordinate

Meanwhile, Argon was satisfied to see that everything was going well in his dungeon. He had received reports from the system that the cultivators were behaving themselves and following the rules. After spending some time observing the exchange floor, Argon decided it was time to return to his throne room.

He closed his eyes and focused his energy, teleporting back to his throne room in a flash of light. As he sat on his throne, he pondered what to do next. Then he remembered that he had yet to draw a subordinate from the system's subordinate gacha.

"System, I want to draw a subordinate."

[Opening Subordinates Gacha...]

In the next moment, a gacha machine emerged in front of him, Argon's eyes were wide open, because he saw an entirely different subordinate gacha.

The gacha machine was massive and imposing, easily reaching the height of two grown men. It was intricately decorated with ancient, golden engravings that sparkled in the light of the room. The machine's body was made of a deep metal that looked like it had been polished to a shine for centuries. The colors of the machine were muted, but they still gave off an air of majesty and awe.

As Argon approached the gacha machine, he could feel a faint, magical aura emanating from it. The machine seemed to hum with power and energy, and he could sense that there was something special about it. He reached out and placed his hand on the machine's wooden frame, feeling the smoothness of the wood and the coolness of the metal components inside.

As he examined the machine, he thought to himself that the appearance could use some improvement. He turned to the system and asked, "System since you can change the appearance of the subordinate gacha system. Is it possible to change it again?"

The system responded, [Yes, you can change the appearance of the subordinate gacha. Based on my memory and analysis of your preferences, I have come up with several design options for you to choose from.]

A holographic display appeared in front of Argon, showcasing various designs for the gacha machine. Each design was ornate and intricate, with elements of gold, silver, and precious gems. They were all grand and majestic, fitting for a powerful overlord like Argon. Some designs were sleek and modern, designs that were ornate and ancient, and designs that were unique and otherworldly.

Argon's eyes widened as he browsed through the options. He had never seen such intricate and majestic designs before. He was impressed with the level of detail and thought that had gone into each design.

After carefully considering each option, Argon finally settled on a design that was a combination of ancient and futuristic. The gacha machine was adorned with golden symbols and runes, giving it an ancient and mystical feel. The machine was also sleek and futuristic, with smooth curves and a polished finish.

"System, use this design for the subordinate gacha."

[Updating Subordinate Gacha...]

The gacha machine started to transform before Argon's eyes. Its dull metal exterior was replaced with ornate gold and silver accents, adorned with glowing gems that sparkled in the light. The machine now exuded an aura of power and majesty, fitting for a dungeon master like Argon.

The metal body shifted and morphed, taking on a new shape and design. Golden symbols and runes appeared on the surface, shining in the light of the room. The machine hummed louder, and Argon could feel a surge of power emanating from it.

Finally, the transformation was complete, and the new gacha machine stood before him. It was a stunning work of art, a combination of ancient and futuristic styles.

"Excellent work, system," Argon said, impressed with the result. "I'm looking forward to drawing my next subordinate from this machine."

The system replied, [I'm glad you're satisfied, Host. The subordinate gacha is now ready for use.]

With a smile, Argon approached the newly transformed gacha machine, feeling a sense of excitement as he prepared to draw his next subordinate.

"System, how much soul coins do I need to pay to use the subordinate gacha?" Argon asked, eager to try his luck.

The system replied, [To use the subordinate gacha, you need to pay 30,000 soul coins, Host.]

Argon nodded and told the system that he wasn't to draw.

[Drawing subordinate from the Subordinate Gacha...]

The machine whirred to life, and Argon could feel the magical energy building up inside it. He watched intently as the machine spun, and a bright light emanated from within. The anticipation was high, and Argon held his breath, waiting to see what kind of subordinate he would get.

Suddenly, the spinning slowed down, and the machine made a loud click. The light inside the machine faded, and a small hatch opened on the side. Argon could see a small box inside, and he eagerly reached in to retrieve it.

As he opened the box, he was greeted with a burst of magical energy that made his hair stand on end. He looked inside and saw a small, red card with gold lettering. The card read:

Royal-blood Vampire

Argon's eyes widened in shock and surprise. A royal-blood vampire was a rare and powerful creature, known for their beauty and seductive powers. He had never expected to draw such a powerful and alluring subordinate from the gacha machine.

Excitement and anticipation filled his heart as he looked forward to meeting his new subordinate. He imagined a country-toppling beauty and voluptuous woman, with piercing eyes and sharp fangs. A chill ran down his spine as he realized that the vampire would be a formidable ally, and a dangerous foe if crossed.

With a smile on his face, Argon pocketed the card and turned to the system. "I'm very pleased with this draw, system. Thank you for your assistance. I can't wait to meet my new subordinate and see what she can do."

Without wasting more time, he use the card anticipation. He just hopes that the cultivation of the new subordinate he got, was a Core Formation Realm.

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