I Created A Dungeon In A Cultivation World

Chapter 104 104: Three Doors

The statue was silent for a moment before responding. "I cannot tell you which door leads to the treasure, but I can tell you that the guard of the middle door will lie to you."

Kael approached the statue of the middle door and asked the same question. "Can you tell me which door leads to the treasure?"

The statue responded quickly. "The door on the left leads to the treasure."

Eldorin and Jaren approached the statue of the right door. "Can you tell us which door leads to the treasure?"

The statue replied, "I cannot tell you which door leads to the treasure, but I can tell you that the door on the left does not lead to the treasure."

After hearing the responses of the statue, the group knew which door to choose. They quickly made their way to the door on the right and used the key to unlock it.

As they entered the room, they saw a magnificent sword placed on a pedestal at the center of the room. The sword was unlike any other they had ever seen. It was a 6-star sword, radiating a beautiful golden light, and its blade was made of pure diamond. The hilt was adorned with intricate designs of swirling patterns, and its pommel was a large, faceted emerald that glittered in the light.

Elara couldn't help but gasp in awe at the sight of the sword. "It's so beautiful," she whispered.

Eldorin's eyes widened at the sight of the sword. "This is a 6-star sword, the likes of which I've never seen before," he said in awe.

Kael and Jaren approached the sword, admiring its intricate design and craftsmanship. But as they reached out to touch it, a loud rumble echoed throughout the room, and the ground began to shake violently.

Suddenly, the pedestal the sword rested on began to sink into the floor, and the walls of the room began to close in. The group realized too late that the sword was a trap, and they had triggered it by approaching it.

"Grandpa, what is happening!!" Elara asked with a terrified looked.

"God dammit, you two find an exit or something that can stop the shrinking," Eldorin shouted at the two.

Kael and Jaren frantically searched the walls for any clues or mechanisms that could stop the room from closing in on them. But their efforts were in vain, and the walls continued to close in on them, inch by inch.

"Quickly, there's no time to waste," Eldorin urged, as he grabbed Elara's hand and turned his attention to the two doors, one was the exit, and one was another dead end.

Kael and Jaren tried their best to keep up with Eldorin and Elara as they raced towards the two doors. But the room was closing in on them so fast that they knew they wouldn't make it in time.

As Eldorin and Elara made it through the door, they heard a loud bang and a scream coming from behind them. Kael and Jaren were trapped inside, and the walls had closed in on him, crushing him under the pressure.

Eldorin could feel his heart racing, and he knew that they were running out of time. He looked back at the others, and he could see the fear and desperation in their eyes.

"Grandpa, we have to do something!" Elara cried out, tears streaming down her face.

Eldorin's mind raced as he tried to come up with a solution. Suddenly, an idea came to him, and he turned towards Kael and Jaren.

"Quickly, use your cultivation techniques to create a force field around yourselves. It might buy us some time," he shouted.

Kael and Jaren quickly nodded and started to channel their energy. They created a powerful force field that surrounded them, and the walls of the room couldn't crush them anymore. But that didn't last long, the barrier that the two jointly made began to crack.

"Fu*k... Hey bastard if you somehow get out of this hellhole alive, you better take care of my family I left behind, understood," Kael said.

"No, no, no, this is all m-" Before Jaren finished his sentence, Kael give him a palm strike pushing him toward the exit.

Kael's barrier burst out like glass, and the walls closed in on him, crushing him under the pressure. Jaren stood frozen, watching in horror as his friend was killed right in front of him.

Eldorin felt a wave of sadness and guilt wash over him as he realized what just happened. He had made the decision to choose the treasure door, but it had come at a terrible cost.

Elara began to cry, and Eldorin pulled her close to him, holding her tightly. Jaren was in shock, unable to move or speak, and Eldorin knew they needed to get out of there.

'Sigh' "Let's get out of here."

As they made their way out, Jaren couldn't help but feel like it was all his fault. "It's all my fault," he muttered to himself, tears streaming down his face. "If it wasn't for my greed for the treasure, Kael would still be alive."

Eldorin put a comforting hand on Jaren's shoulder. "It's not your fault, Jaren. We all made the decision to come here and choose the treasure room, and we all knew the risks involved. We're all responsible for what happened."

"But if it wasn't for me, Kael would still be alive," Jaren insisted, his voice cracking with emotion.

Eldorin shook his head. "We can't change what happened, but we can learn from it. We need to remember that sometimes the things we desire can come at a great cost, and it's important to weigh the risks before making decisions."

Elara sniffled and wiped away her tears. "Grandpa's right. We have to learn from this and move forward."

Jaren nodded, still feeling guilty but knowing that Eldorin and Elara were right. They had to learn from their mistakes and keep moving forward.

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