I Created A Dungeon In A Cultivation World

Chapter 103 103: 4-Star Healing Pill

Argon, who was monitoring Eldorin's group through the system, noticed that they were heading towards a valley that he had specifically designed and named the "Ghost Valley." He had placed 10 ghosts strategically around the valley to create obstacles for the group. At the end of the valley, he had also placed a big tomb to add to the challenge.

There were only three kinds of tombs on the second floor, small tomb, big tomb, and one special tomb

As he watched the group progress through the valley, Argon couldn't help but feel proud of his creation. He chuckled to himself and boasted to the system, "Aren't I a genius? I named it the 'Ghost Valley' because it sounds cool, and it's giving Eldorin's group a run a hard time."

The system responded dryly, [Yes, Host. You're a genius for putting some ghosts in a valley. How groundbreaking.]

Argon rolled his eyes. "Oh, come on. You have to admit, it's pretty impressive how I've managed to make this place to give them a good adventure."

The system replied, [Your creation skills are indeed impressive, host.]

Argon smirked. "Ha! That's right. Wait till Eldorin's group reaches the middle tomb. They'll have a challenge that will test their skills and teamwork like never before."

The system remained silent, knowing that Argon was too focused on his self-praise to engage in any meaningful conversation.


The group carefully entered the tomb and saw that the interior was dimly lit by a flickering torch on the wall. The air was musty, and the sound of their footsteps echoed off the walls.

As they looked around, they saw a pedestal in the center of the room, and on top of it was a small bottle with a label that read "4-star healing pill". The pill had the power to heal any physical or spiritual injury, making it highly valuable in the cultivation world.

Even in their sect, a 4-star healing pill was a valuable asset, the two teachers looked at the pills with greed in their eyes.

But there was a catch. The bottle was guarded by a series of puzzles that needed to be solved before they could take it. The first puzzle was written on the wall in ancient script. It read: "I am always hungry, I must always be fed. The finger I touch, will soon turn red. What am I?"

The group looked at each other in confusion, trying to come up with an answer. Suddenly, Kael had an idea. "It's a flame," he said confidently. "It's always hungry for fuel, and when it touches something, it turns red."

Eldorin smiled. "Well done, Kael. That was impressive." He approached the wall and pressed his hand against the carving of a flame.

The tiles on the floor shifted, revealing the next puzzle. This one was more complex, and the group had to work together to solve it. After several minutes of intense concentration, they finally figured it out.

The final puzzle was the most difficult of all. It required a deep understanding of cultivation and spiritual energy manipulation. Eldorin stepped forward and said, "I'll take care of this one."

He closed his eyes and focused his energy, his hands glowing with a soft blue light. He slowly traced the symbols on the floor, and as he did so, the tiles shifted and rearranged themselves. After a few minutes, the final puzzle was solved, and the bottle was finally within their grasp.

Elara reached out to take the bottle, but just as she touched it, the room shook, and the sound of stone grinding against stone filled the air. A hidden door in the wall opened, revealing a secret passage.

"Grandpa, we just entered the tomb and we already got 4-star pills, isn't this tomb too rich?" Elara said with excitement.

Eldorin chuckled at his granddaughter's eagerness. "Don't get too excited yet, Elara. We still don't know what's waiting for us in that secret passage," he warned, looking at the rest of the group. "Let's proceed with caution."

The group entered the secret passage, and as they walked deeper into the tomb, the air grew colder, and the darkness became even more oppressive. Finally, the group found themselves in a large hall. The hall was empty except for a pedestal with a small key on it. However, there were three doors in the hall, and the key wouldn't fit any of them.

The next puzzle was a logic puzzle inscribed on the wall:

"There are three doors, and behind each door is a treasure and death, with one exception. One door leads to a room filled with gold, one door leads to an exit, and one door leads to a room filled with death. You can ask the guard of one door one question to determine which door leads to the treasure. What question should you ask?"

The group looked at each other in silence, each lost in thought as they tried to come up with the answer. Finally, Jaren spoke up. "I know this one. The question we should ask is, 'Which door would the other guard say leads to the treasure?'"

"Wait, why treasure? Shouldn't we need to find the exit?" Elara asked in confusion.

Everyone looked at Jaren, trying to see his intention.

"Okay, Elder Eldorin aren't you interested in the treasures? If we got a 4-star pill from the start, aren't we going to get a 5-star or even 6-star treasure in this one?" He explained, greed flashing in his eyes.

Eldorin sigh. "Okay, Jaren. I'm indeed interested, let's go to the guards and see if we can get the key." he would be lying if he was not interested at all.

The group split up, each approaching one of the three doors. Elara approached the door on the left, Kael approached the door in the middle, and Eldorin and Jaren approached the door on the right.

"Excuse me," Elara said, addressing the statue of the left door. "Can you tell me which door leads to the treasure?"

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