How a Former Pro Takes Advantage by Doing an Easy Job

Chapter 572

Chapter 572. Quiet World (3)

However, unlike me who woke up on my own based on ignorant resistance, my sister could not escape this technique on her own.

If I hadn't forced her to wake up, she would have stayed asleep the whole time.

Well, that's good.

Now is the time when you need a little bit of work.

“For now, I will only tell you the situation I grasped.”


To Kania-noona, who was meekly listening, I appropriately modulated the situation I knew.

If I told you everything, it would be inexplicable for me to keep my eyes open.

They pretended that we were awake by chance or for some reason.

“… … So you're saying everyone fell asleep with some kind of strange magic?”

“You can understand that much.”

That's how much you understand.

To see if her sister wanted to check it herself, she approached the adjutant Sir Meika among the people rolling around and touched her.

And seeing that it doesn't happen again, the complexion becomes seriously hardened.

Now I have a clear understanding of the situation.

“What do we do? Can I wake everyone up? Or should I sprinkle some ice water on you?”

“Do not. I only catch people for no reason.”

I don't know if it's because of my mood, but Sir Meika lying face down at my sister's feet, huh? and something groaned.

Are you having a nightmare?

“Most of these kinds of magic or witchcraft work by finding the cause and doing something about it.”


“Yeah, ‘somehow’.”

A detailed explanation is omitted.

Just find it somehow and somehow Kwa Gang! And somehow Kwagang! If you do, everything will be solved.

After hearing this solution, which didn't seem serious at all, my older sister understood it.

“I see!”

It seems like you just have no idea.

I'm using my head because I can do it secretly.

That's it. Perfect.

“First, let’s figure out the situation and look for it.”

The basis for coping with strange situations is on-site investigation.

The calm one always wins.

calm down

Calmly count even a few decimals in your head and calm down!

Kania-nee also meekly agreed with my opinion, and now tried to figure out the clues first.

First of all, after looking at our personnel first.

Next, he invaded the room where the envoys from other countries were and looked at the situation.

After all, they are all asleep.

Everyone is sleeping in the dark. these sleepers.

I pretended to inspect one of the envoys, but after I was sure I couldn't find out more, I kicked him into a corner.

Anyway, this won't happen

“It seems that only me and my older sister were lucky enough to wake up.”

“Why are we alone?”

“… … well.”

In response to her natural question, I just casually brushed it off.

“It must be a coincidence.”

“ah? What a coincidence.”

everything is a coincidence

It's all a coincidence that's troublesome to explain.

Coincidence What a nice word!

Anyway, there is little chance that Noona will realize the truth.

Even if you insist that it is just a coincidence, you have no choice but to accept it and move on.

“By the way, Arell? Didn’t everyone say they fell asleep because of magic?”

My sister asked as she stabbed the foreign soldier rolling at her feet with her scabbard.

To be precise, it seems that some complex magic system has been applied, but even if you explain it to her, it is difficult for her to understand.

So I called it magic.

It's not wrong anyway.

Whether it's magic or magic, it's because it's a secret technique that causes impossible phenomena.

“Isn’t it common to put people to sleep with magic?”

“ah? It is, but... …

I know what my sister is asking.

Sleep induction magic is a fairly common type of mental interference magic.

The lowest level of mental magic.

That is, the weakest. Just inducing sleepiness is the end.

There are just as many breaking laws.

“There was an anecdote that once silenced a large army with sleep magic. It was a few hundred years ago.”

That tactic doesn't work now.

This is because a lot of countermeasures have already been made and this is a tactic that has ended.

Now that it's a sleep magic, it's just a sleeping pill.

At best, it's only occasionally used in territorial battles in provincial territories where you can't afford to hire a wizard.

“however… … Well, this is just my guess.”


He added that it was speculation.

It's close to certainty, but it's plausible if it's a guess.

“This is a sleep spell, but it is not a sleep spell.”

I had the illusion that several question marks were floating above my sister's head.

Well, even when I think about it, this word is a bit strange.

I'm not talking about it, it's a sleep magic, but it's not sleep.

This is the horse, makgeolli.

But this expression is true.

At least if what I figured out is true.

“ah… … I mean. Usually, sleep magic sends brain waves to the brain as mana... … Well, that's because it induces sleep-inducing wavelengths in the head and makes you fall asleep.”

But now the situation is different.

It's not just humans who are asleep.

“The problem is, if what I saw is correct, everyone is asleep right now… …


“… … human animal plant... … Beyond that, everything else.”

Interference to the point of stopping the flow of all things.

This is the kind of power that interferes with logic.

“For example, sister? Did you feel any discomfort when you woke up?”

My older sister has a face that I don't know.

“I don’t know how long I slept, but if I slept for quite a long time, my body should be weak at least a little bit.”

But we don't have that sign.

Literally, it means going into hibernation cell by cell.

In other words, even if you are asleep, your body does not get damaged or age.

When they wake up, there will be almost nothing wrong with them.

but… … Other changes will happen.

“… … Put all beings to sleep and let only time flow. Chit, what a nasty method.”


“it's nothing. In any case, unless you accidentally escaped like us, you won't be able to avoid it.”

In fact, even now, I secretly contact Shen, Rerensen, and other partners with whom I have formed an alliance, but there is no reply.

Did they get it too? Or is it not possible to receive it?

I don't know now.

First of all, I decided not to expect their help.

“What should I do?”

“Let’s start by looking for the cause. Probably in this castle. It's a feeling.”

In fact, it is because a strange presence is felt around this area.

A barely perceptible sense of incongruity.

‘… … But didn't he go to sleep after doing this?'

I doubt it, but if I find out why, I'll know.

We first headed to the place where we felt that sense of incongruity.

We arrived at the office of Duke Hummel, the lord of this place.

“First, let’s look for it here. If it's not here, I'll search the other places in order.”

“Okay, then open it?”

Nod like I agree.

Kania-sister kicked the door down without hesitation.

Just in case, I put my hand on my waist to pull out the sword right away.

I didn't feel any sign of anything else, but instead, I kept feeling a sense of incongruity... … And I can feel the smell of blood.

The reason could be seen with our own eyes.


My sister sighed in surprise.

As soon as we entered, what we saw was a disastrous corpse lying face down.

I don't know what the heck is going on, but the chest is cut out, and pieces of meat presumably a heart are scattered.

“Arel? this person… …

“… … It's the first time I've seen your face.”

At least not envoys from other countries.

If so, are you a member of this place?

‘Aren't you human?'

From the outside, it can be mistaken, but upon closer inspection, some structures are different from humans.

Are you a reincarnated person?

But why is the reincarnated person dying here?

“… … It’s like a sacrifice.”

“A sacrifice?”

“Sacrificing the heart of a living sacrifice is the basis of witchcraft.”

It is a traditional and historical way.

It's savage, but it's just as powerful.

Was it also close to witchcraft?

As proof of this, a blood stain is drawn on the bottom of the corpse.

Judging from the circumstances, the owner of this corpse might be the one who created this magic.

If Lee Ja is a reincarnated person, it is understandable that he gave up his own life.

“Anyway, it looks like I've found a solution.”

I knew how to go left and right.

“sister? Destroy this corpse completely with your sword. With a sword loaded with a sweet aura.”

“… … Is that okay?”

My sister seems a little disliked.

Well, you probably don't have the hobby of hacking up corpses for nothing.

“Now this corpse is the medium of this sorcery.

In other words, it's like becoming an artifact. So if you damage it so it doesn't function, even this funny spell will stop.”

“… … That's it.”

My sister agreed and drew her sword.

If there is a reason, there is no reason to distance yourself.

There are some doubts, but my judgment will be correct.

In the case of such large-scale witchcraft, it is difficult to complicate the release means.

‘but… … Why are you showing this openly... …

As if asking me to please release it.

Doubts should be put aside.

I don't even want to keep doing this.

Once that thing is destroyed and I secretly interfere with the shaman's circle, this situation will be over.

“Then I will break it.”

The moment my sister tried to strike the sword without hesitation.

Suddenly the corpse jumped up.


If it was a horror movie, the audience would go crazy here.

“I’m alive!”

“It’s a prank someone put on! It just moves!”

it's a fucking joke

The corpse jumped up and flew straight through the window like a puppet controlled by some kind of string.

“Catch it! You can't miss it!”

“I’ll go after you!”

At the same time as I shouted, Kania-nee jumped in.

My sister chased after the corpse, which immediately ran away, as if it was a waste of time to answer, and climbed over the window and disappeared into the distance.

I really have a bad taste.

I clicked my tongue and turned my back.

I already know that bitch exists.

“What are you going to do now? Are you kidding me?”

“Whoops. Wouldn't you like her to be away for a while? Are you still imitating humans?

yes? huh?”

With a nervous laugh, the cheeky pink hair that had been waiting invisible in the corner of the office appeared.

Rumel City Thasa.

annoying pink.

“Was it you too?”

“Precisely, she threw herself and completed the sorcery, right? I just laid the groundwork.”

As if there was no need to hide it anyway, she admitted it herself.

“You are doing something very cruel. Wasn't that your colleague?”

“I feel sorry for her who had to become a sacrifice herself. Harial will call again anyway. Wouldn't that be a problem?”

Wouldn't it be that crazy thing

It was clear that he acted politely during the meeting. It must be his nature to have a light attitude now.

“… … so? What's the point of doing this?”

“Are you already guessing? wasting time.”

She answered, even yawning, as if to stop asking the obvious.

“Because you keep grinding your teeth. We also had to delay a bit. You know what I mean by wasting time, right?”

“These talks themselves are bait.”

“Whoop whoop. that's right. that's right. There is no point in talking. If there is any meaning, is introducing us to humans in advance? In fact, even that much doesn't mean much. It's enough to dominate.”

After all, they probably didn't have the heart to interact with each other from the beginning.

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