How a Former Pro Takes Advantage by Doing an Easy Job

Chapter 573

Chapter 573. A Quiet World (4)

“Because I have to solve the reason why I cast magic here anyway. If it were you, you'd get it out right away. Or can you tell me how to unlock it? Can you teach me slowly and leisurely? how is it?”

“No, that’s okay.”

Judging by his attitude, the purpose is to drag a little time.

“Do you think we should wait a little longer to see that the corpse was blown up?”

“You woke up earlier than expected. Really, my resistance is so terribly frightening! What did you usually eat?”


As she raised her hand, a shaman circle drawn on the floor came to mind and slipped into the amulet she pulled out.


Then, as if by magic, she hid the amulet and pretended to open her empty palm.

“What are we going to do?”

“Shall we play tag for a bit?”

She snapped her finger as she spoke.

And the middle finger... … .

that's on purpose

“But the tagger is that one!”

As she beckoned, hundreds of amulets that had been hidden and placed nearby appeared at the same time, and all at once spewed red lightning.

It's not just lightning.

The red lightnings coalesced and instantly took the form of hundreds of spiders, and then BANG! exploded!

It's needlessly noisy.


I threw myself out the window without hesitation.

“This is how it happened. I’ll crush your face first and slowly listen to the rest.”

Without hesitation, I swung the blade of my hand upwards.

Even if magic was impossible to use because of the strange flow of mana, it was possible to spread sword skills as much as possible by using vast inner power.

A transparent sword slashed through the office as if split in half and hit Rumelsitasa.

“oh? Whoops, be brutal?”

As soon as she lightly nodded, it was cut into two pieces.

But after he had already left.

The fake Rumelsitasa, split in two, splits into hundreds of talismans.

“Drive it.”

After the talisman was folded and changed into a sparrow-like shape, it spread out and came out and raged, and this time it became a storm accompanied by lightning and swarmed the area.

And the storm moves away from the castle and moves into the forest near the city.

It means to pursue it openly.

Even for me, it's better to fight in a distant place than fight in the castle.

I can't be happy because it's intentional.

“A skilled sorcerer… … It's annoying to deal with.”

On purpose she is procrastinating.

If you can use magic, you will be able to respond to some extent by burning it.

‘Looks like it's only the normal flow of mana that gets in the way?'

If it's true, you can forcefully use magic by converting it into prana that Dia taught you.

I want to save as much power as possible.

‘By the way, isn't there a limit to that bitch's use of mana?'

It is the same as shamanism, which draws and uses nature's mana.

It's just that the activation spell is different.

In this situation, it's normal that she can't use it either.

She is unleashing all sorts of flamboyant attacks.

Perhaps she is the only exception to this phenomenon and draws mana.

Is it a perfect self-stage?

“Isn’t it petty? You're the only one using witchcraft. Am I just punching?”

“Ahahahaha. If you feel unfair, use anything!

If you can!”

Rumelsitasa, hiding somewhere in the sky, has been provoking.

At the same time, the surroundings flashed, and a huge rocky tiger's head emerged from my feet and tried to bite me.

I smashed it with a light fist and clicked my tongue.

After taking one step, curses pour down from all sides.

He also broke it by waving his hand.

Even after that, curses, flames, and even meaningless water are pouring down relentlessly.

It must be on purpose to get on my nerves.

“go away!”

Let's blow it all up with only spirit and try to rush.

This time, I wonder if the ground and sky are reversed, but the landscape is fragmented and mixed in one way or another, trying to dazzle me.

Let the ground turn over and slide down.

This time, it flips over again and keeps me flowing.

The unpleasant feeling of shaking an insect in a glass bottle.

“Is it true this time? It varies.”

I grabbed the air and tore it apart, shattering the landscape she had distorted.

When the scenery returns to normal, pieces of the charred and torn amulet scatter around.

“Why don’t you stop wasting time?”

Her voice was heard from all directions.

“I hate it! It's because I'm in a position where I have to drag out a little more time, but can't you hang out with me a little more?”

“okay? Then go ahead.”

if you can

“If you want to play, I will play with you. Unless you get caught for just four years.”

I stomped my feet as hard as I could.

A step taken with not only the strength of the legs, but also a lot of inner strength.

Mangeunchu (77 斤鍾).

It was a single step, but it penetrated beneath the ground and split the ground like a broken tortoise shell.

“Oh my gosh? Resentment?”

“that's right. … … step.”

I buried my feet deep into the ground up to the top of my instep.

“Towards the fourth year!”

kicked up

The whole ground was crushed, and then the whole thing was blown upwards with full power.

As it was, the rocks and clods of earth, loaded with my energy, soared upward without stopping their momentum.

like a shotgun.

The target is Rumelsitasa, who is performing magic somewhere in the sky.

If it's hard to spot, you can target the entire sky and scatter your attacks.

Is it possible without using magic?

“… … How ignorant you are!”

There is a faint sound of accusation, and a subtle squealing sound from above.

The sound of objects other than rocks colliding, not the sound of rocks hitting each other.

It must have been that Rumelsitasa had not been able to dodge and collided with it.

It must have been about a stone hit, but I can't fool my ears.

“under! Unlike his witchcraft skills, his body must be dull! Didn't you lose some weight?”

I leaped with all my might in the direction of the sound.

After accelerating through the air several times, she reached out her hand before she hid herself again.

Rumelsitasa's ankle, which could not be avoided, came into my hand.

“I got you, bitch.”

“ah… … Um so?”

Isn't it obvious?

“And die.”

I kicked the air with all my might and threw myself to the ground.

Like a meteorite, it deliberately adds more acceleration.

And the moment I almost reached the ground.

Without hesitation, I slashed the Rumelshitasa I was holding onto the ground and swung it.


Unbelievable that a single person bumped into it, and the ground shook with a sound.

If I didn't close the barrier, there would be an uproar.

“not there yet!”

Actually, I'm in a bit of a bad mood today.

So, I would like it to be a bit more accurate.

Magic is still difficult to use, but instead, something like this is possible.

I let go of her and lifted my arm.

Enormous energy spurted out and ran wild, creating frictional heat with the air and emitting unusual heat.

A firearm made entirely of firearms.

I lifted it up and my eyes met Rumelsitasa, who just raised her head.

As expected, her eyes asked me if I was still fine even after being slumped like that.

… … will you throw

… … yes i will throw it

“Eat this too.”

I just threw a heat grenade at me.

Dust and hot wind blew through the area, creating a huge crater.

If it's normal, it's a symptom even if you brush it.

However, even after seeing this result, I didn't like it and clicked my tongue.

“… … Yes, it is quite skillful, I guess.”

After the dust has cleared.

In the center of the crater, a shattered shaman is depicted as if it had been left behind on purpose.

ran away

From the beginning, it would have taken a reasonable amount of time, and if it didn't work anymore, it would have been a plan to drop it.

It was probably half intentional that he was beaten along the way.

In addition, the power of the attack I hit was weaker than expected.

It must have offset the power by some means.

Contrary to his irritating behavior, his skills are considerable.

Perhaps even within the alliance, his position was considerable.

‘… … I'll have to come up with a plan to deal with her next time we meet.'

Anyway, my goal is to deal with only the shaman's staff.

For now, I decided to count it as an achievement.

I trampled the half-erased shaman formation with my shoe and rubbed it mercilessly.

It was only then that the shaman's staff was completely erased, like scribbles that were less drawn.

‘All that's left now is if my sister destroys the medium... … This trivial spell will be resolved.'

How far did you go before that?

At least it seems to have gone pretty far in this area.

It's scary enough to worry that you might have to secretly help! I suddenly felt a slight tingling sensation on my skin.

‘I just dealt with it.'

Sister Kania must have just destroyed the medium.

As the medium was destroyed, the effect of the sorcery must have suddenly been released.

It must have felt a tingling sensation in the aftermath of the awakening of all things that had been asleep.

‘As expected from the beginning, I was going to release it like this.'

Seeing that they don't do anything else, it means they have no purpose beyond that.

But I don't feel very good.

Because they already achieved what they wanted.

You'll soon find out what they're up to.

‘okay… … Let's see if I can watch something.'

If an opponent comes up on stage, it must be manners to greet them.

At least it's not my hobby to wait for them to come up on stage.

First of all, you need to make sure that there are no sequelae.

other guys besides me.

First of all, I checked Asha's condition.

She gets up slowly only when I shake her.

“Asha? Woke up?”

I don't know if you had a good dream.

“… … Are you Arel? oh? uh? Why is Arel-nim awake first?”

“Is that more surprising now?”

I was stunned.

Well, in a situation where I don't know anything, it's probably the only thing I can see is that I woke up early.

Otherwise, there are no side effects.

No, it's not an illusion that he looks more energetic than usual.

Is this the effect of a good night's sleep?

Others were also taking their turns.

Everyone seemed to be in a somewhat refreshed mood.

… … Ugh, something is unfair!

I'm just feeling tired.

Rather, I was thinking about how to explain this situation for a while, and only then did Kania-noona return.

“Ah~ Arell! Is it over? Did everyone wake up?”

“It looks like that… … How far have you been before that? It seems like it took quite a while.”

I smiled slightly bitterly.

Kania noona's appearance right now is unreasonable.

Branches, straw, and soil were sloppy like a child playing with dirt.

“… … me. I ran all the way to the border of Felsen Kingdom.”

“… … You put a lot of effort into that.”

While I forced Rumelsitasa to land on the ground, Kania's sister had to run an express marathon like crazy.

It must have been a forest, a mountain, a river, and they all had to run.

My sister also had to lose all her strength like this, so maybe she wasn't in a good mood, her adjutant Meika rubbed her eyes and said,

“Captain? Where else have you been playing?”

When asked, he quickly kicked it.

Well, that was just right.

“Looking at it on the way, everyone seemed to have woken up’?”

“It looks like that. For now, I'm worried about the Kingdom, so I'm trying to contact you, so wait a little bit.”

“… … Then I... … I want to wash.”

As if she was really fed up, she headed somewhere without hesitation.

It's really a lot of work because of some idiots.

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