Hellbound Heart

Chapter 202 Say That Again

This bonus chapter is dedicated to @Chinawa! Thank you very much for the supergift!!!


Before Jules and Millete could even fully process those words, the prince's threatening gaze locked with theirs. Their body flinched hard as they could feel the ominous danger creeping over their skin just with that single gaze. They knew he was intentional in his actions.r

'Consider this as your last warning. Next time, I'll rip your tongues and gouge your eyes out myself.' He said through their eye contact, and Jules and Millete found their hearts shuddering violently in fear. Though he had not spoken to them directly, they could still feel the tremors from his words reverberating through their very bones. Prince Sebastian was not joking nor was he putting up a show. If they ever tried to do the same thing again, they knew it would surely be to their own detriment.r


At the staircase, Elle kept her gaze focused on Kana. r

She was down there, still rooted on the spot as if she had turned into a statue. But her fists were tightly balled up and her face was facing down. She never raised her gaze towards them after Sebastian's first announcement. r

Elle was still in disbelief from his first announcement and now this. r

She could not help but think that this must be a really, really epic and fulfilling dream! Something she would only dare wish to happen in her wildest imagination. r

But she knew it had truly happened! And she felt like she was about to burst from all the overwhelming emotions that were churning about in her at the moment. She had never ever thought she would experience such a surreal thing in her life!r

However, as she continued staring down at Kana, part of her thought that this move by Sebastian might be too brutal. Announcing she was no longer useful to him right before the entire high society and vampire royalty was a harsh blow. But then her mind screamed at her, reminding her of the pain Kana's words had caused her. That Kana too, had been uncaring and brutal to her. Therefore, she should not be feeling sorry because Kana had honestly brought this upon herself.r

As Elle thought of that, Kana suddenly lifted her eyes. However, she was not looking at Elle but at Sebastian with a complicated gaze. There was anger, despair and rebelliousness all mixed in her eyes. r

'I can't believe you are blindly believing her, Your Highness.' Kana said, her smile was bitter as her eyes began to water. r

'Shut up, Kana. You should know I am holding back because it's you.' Sebastian replied. 'But I am warning you for the very last time –'r

'Jules told me what she said to the princess. But I don't see why you are raging about those words, Your Highness. Jules is simply stating the truth. The princess is a human. Why can't you accept that fact? Everyone knows that and that's why they keep saying she's just temporary. A human will always die sooner or later –'r

'SHUT THE F**K UP!' Sebastian's eyes reddened. 'Say that again and I won't even give you a moment to regret it. Even if it's you, I'll kill you.' r

Elle tugged at Sebastian's hand and then made him face her. She did not know what conversation was going on between them, but she could feel the tenseness. His rage was going to consume him very soon. And she was not going to let that happen. Not in front of all these people. His people. r

Smiling, Elle reached out and cupped his face gently. "Sebastian, honey?" she called out to him as she rubbed her thumb over his cheek. "Shall we go back? We still need to continue our private celebration." r

He gritted his teeth, his jaws clenching hard as he fought to clamp down on his fury. And when he lifted his hand and placed it over hers, he shut his eyes and took a few lengthy breaths. r

When he opened his eyes again, the red was back to grey. And then without any warning, he scooped her up again and began to ascend the stairs without looking back, his attention now fully focused on his wife. Flashing him a small encouraging smile, she wrapped her arms around his neck and leaned her weight into his arms.r

Then thinking of wanting to check something, Elle looked down over his shoulder. There, on the ballroom floor, she saw Lady Kana trembling with barely suppressed rage. Her gaze on Elle was filled with venom and hatred, filled with a promise that could kill. But Elle did not buckle this time. She held Kana's glare with an unbreakable confidence, promising her through her unwavering and compelling gaze that Sebastian was hers. Forever. r

In that moment, something so powerful blazed within her. It was her desire to have him. To claim him as hers. This man. This husband of hers. Sebastian Reign...r

She wanted him for herself only. She had never wanted anyone else in this world this way before. So, from now on, she will never let him go. She will take this man for herself alone. She will make him hers. She will never let anyone take him away from her. No matter who they were. No matter how strong they may be. r

When they finally reached their room, Sebastian just stood there by the door, not putting her down. It was obvious to Elle he was still unable to erase the anger within him completely. r

Silently, watching him try to completely lock the negative emotions within him, Elle reached out. And then, her mouth latched onto his neck. However, this time she did not give him a soft one like what she did a while ago. This one was bolder, more suggestive. And Sebastian was so caught off guard that he jerked and his back slammed against the door. r

"Oh, f**k, Iza..." he groaned low. "You -"r

"I..." Elle cut him off as their gazes met. Something in her eyes had him falling silent. "I want to... continue what I started a while ago, Sebastian." r

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