Hellbound Heart

Chapter 201 Announcement

The shock was just too much that Elle could barely stop herself from gaping at what Sebastian had announced. It took all her willpower to maintain her serene expression and stand calmly beside Sebastian, their hands still linked. r

She never expected him to do this. She had thought they were going back to confront Kana personally. She had thought Sebastian was going to deal with the matter by questioning everyone who was involved. But then this... oh dear lord! She still could not believe it even if it was happening right before her eyes. Was this even real?! r

Tearing her eyes from his stern looking face, Elle looked down at the crowd. Everyone was as shocked, if not more than herself and most of the guests were even gaping. They too, obviously could not believe what they had just heard. r

Then the sharp sound of a glass shattering on the marble floor echoed in the currently silent hall. r

Everyone's attention shifted to the source of the sound. It was... Kana. r

The guests, even the ladies who had been circling around Kana like a bunch of flies around a pile of shit now suddenly took a few steps away from her. The ladies had their eyes still wide and their hands over their mouths. However, they could not wait to distance themselves from her after Prince Sebastian's announcement.r

And Kana... she could only stand there, utterly pale from the shock that had been dealt to her. r

Soon, the stalemate was broken. The crowd began to stir. Someone started to murmur through whispers, but others communicated through their telepathy.r

'OH MY GOD!!!' Almira screamed silently in both awe and disbelief. 'Did you hear that, huh? Like I told you guys, Prince Sebastian is completely smitten with our Princess! Wow! I can't believe he'd announce that publicly! Way to go, Savage Prince!!!' Almira was beside herself with excitement, eyes wide and sparkling as she stared at the beautiful couple still standing on the stairs. They both looked so good and compatible with each other. Anyone who said otherwise were either blind or jealous. r

While Almira and a few ladies were giggling and celebrating like a bunch of diehard fans, the other ladies, including Jules and Millete, were still frozen where they stood. r

'Good lord... this is crazy.' Millete finally spoke. 'Is that... is that even our Prince Sebastian? I never would have imagined that he was the type who would be a wife protector and do this!'r

'Right! That's so f**ked up! He didn't need to announce that in public. The other royals had never done that! What the hell! It seems like he's truly poisoned by that human!' Jules seconded. Both ladies were still too prideful to accept that everything they had believed and said apparently was not true at all.r

However, the other ladies no longer spoke to them like how they did before the prince made his announcement.r

'Look...' Jules began again, irritated that none of the ladies were now siding with her, 'do you guys really believe this? This could just be a stunt that the prince had done just so his little human wife would stop bugging him. I believe she must have been bad mouthing Lady Kana and now she has forced the prince to make that ridiculous announcement. Don't you find that the prince's behavior is so strange right now? He's definitely not behaving as he usually does! That's not the Prince Sebastian that we know!'r

Few of the ladies' expressions then changed. They were getting swayed by Jules' words again. They thought that Jules had made a strong point. Because Prince Sebastian seemed to have changed completely tonight. And his behavior was only different whenever he was dealing with the princess! r

'But his change of behavior could only mean he's just truly in love with the princess, Jules. It's not an impossible thing. Some men who are truly in love do change in some ways you know?' Another lady defended the prince's behavior, causing Jules and Millete's face to harden and blacken in displeasure.r

'That's just plain bullshit and you all know it!' Jules rolled her eyes. 'That's only applicable to the humans. Vampire men don't change that easily. Most especially the royals! You should know that.' r

'I don't think I'll agree with you on this, Jules. Because look... even Alexander had changed so drastically.' r

Jules wavered. But he still tipped her chin and retorted. 'Alexander's wife is no mere human. She's an immortal. Don't you even dare compare her level to that... weakling of a princess right there!'r

The other woman sighed in surrender. 'That's not my point Jules. And I was not comparing them at all. Also, do you think Prince Sebastian is the kind of person who would be willing to be manipulated and controlled by a human?'r

'Enough! Think however you like! If you want to side with that weak princess then go ahead, be my guest. We'll support Lady Kana no matter what.' Jules declared with stubborn willfulness. 'You guys will regret ever turning your backs on Lady Kana!'r

Just as the other lady was about to respond, their attention was dragged back towards the couple standing on the grand staircase when they heard Prince Sebastian's voice once again. r

"My second announcement is..." he trailed off and the group of ladies who were still standing close to where Jules and Millete were, had their bodies almost turning into stone. The prince's intense gaze was currently trained on them! Somehow, they had the foreboding that whatever he would say next would be something that would not be in their favor.r

"I would like everyone to note and pay serious attention to this obvious rule once again. Disrespect and malicious comments and rumors about the Crown Princess will never be tolerated. Ever! You will be held accountable for your words and will be punished accordingly. So, I am giving everyone a final warning right now. To stop spreading ridiculous and baseless gossip about my wife, Crown Princess Izabelle."r

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