Hellbound Heart

Chapter 148 Too Fast

This bonus chapter is dedicated to @Ivette_M11!! Thank you very much for the supergifts!!! <3 <3


Elle's heart drummed so hard as she forced her feet to move. The screams did not seem to belong to Alexis. So, it could only mean that the one screaming was... Azy!

The magical and peaceful atmosphere suddenly made a 180 turn in the blink of an eye. It was like a fierce storm that had appeared out of nowhere and without any warning.

And Elle did not know what to do. What was... going on? Why was Azy screaming like he was being tortured to the extreme?

When Elle was about to reach the door, she suddenly felt like it was getting harder for her to breathe. Was it because of this smoke-like thing that had appeared? Could this be some kind of poisonous smoke?

The door swung open and Alexander emerged, holding Alice in his arms.

Alexis also came out and shut the door closed behind him.

"Izabelle, I'm sorry but we need to leave this instant." Alexander informed her and then he came at her like a blur.

The next thing she knew, she was hoisted and carried over Alexander's shoulder and they were already moving away from Alicia's house at bullet speed.

Elle turned and was about to protest as she saw it was only Alexis that was following after them. But the moment she turned, she saw Alice hugging her father's neck and crying as she looked ahead behind them. Her silent but heaving sobs caused the words to die before they could even leave Elle's lips.

Everything had happened too fast and before Elle knew it, they had arrived back at Alexander's house.

He slowly put her down by the door. Elle was about to bombard Alexander with questions but she managed to hold her tongue the moment she saw him squatting before his children and coaxing Alice to stop crying gently.

"Azy is going to be alright, right? Daddy?" Alice could not stop crying while Alexis just stood there silently, clenching his fists tight with his head hung down low.

"Don't worry. He'll be fine. Daddy's going to go back there to help. So don't cry anymore and wait here, okay? I promise Azy will be fine." Alexander promised and with that Alice nodded, wiping away her tears with the backs of her hands. However, though she promised, she still could not help but continue to sniffle.

"Okay, daddy. Please go now. We will wait here." She said obediently and Alexander kissed the little girl's head. Such a respectful and lovely young girl... it was impossible not to love her.

"Good girl," Alexander rubbed the girl's head with fondness shining in his eyes before he looked over at Alexis. "I'm leaving your sister and your aunt here into your care for a while, Alexis. You okay?"

Alexis nodded firmly without hesitation. "Yes, dad. I'll take care of them."

Elle noticed how the boy looked so emotional but he was trying his best to be strong.

"Alright, get inside, all of you. And don't come out until I'm back." Alexander patted his son's shoulder and then he finally stood and faced Elle.

"I know you are very confused with everything that is going on right now, Elle. But we will definitely explain everything that happens when things settle down. But for now, stay with Alexis and Alice as I need to return there as soon as I can."

Biting the inside of her lower lip, Elle nodded and with that, the three of them entered the house.

As soon as Alexander turned away from the door, a golden-haired man landed before him.

"I'm leaving their safety to you for now, Caelian." Alexander said in a low voice and as soon as the man named Caelian nodded, Alexander immediately left. He knew what was not said as well. 'If anything bad happens to them, it will be your head on the chopping block.'


The sun was already up and shining brightly when Elle woke up the next morning. She carefully and quietly moved to leave the bed as Alice was still fast asleep.

Elle had gone over and slept in Alice's room to console and comfort her as she knew the girl was truly shaken. Though she was being brave and had stopped crying so sadly as she had done earlier, Elle could still see how she was holding back and the slight tremble in her petite frame could be seen. She did not ask the kids any questions and simply tried her best to just be there for them, but she realized from Alexis' reactions that this was not the first time this happened.

And now she could not stop thinking about Azy. That scream still made her feel the shivers running through her and for such a young boy to go through whatever that had made him scream like that, made her heart ache so badly.

She found Alexis already awake in the kitchen, holding a box of oats as he was about to pour it into a saucepan.

"Morning Alexis..." Elle greeted the boy.

"Morning, Princess. I am wondering if you eat oats? Mom likes these so I thought you'd like it too."

"Mm. I like them." Elle replied. She was glad that Alexis looked much better now compared to last night.

"I only know how to cook oats so I guess we can settle on this for now." He scratched his neck a little sheepishly as he said that, shocking Elle. He was planning to cook for them! What a sweet boy!

"It's fine, Alexis. I'll do the cooking." Elle approached him and smiled.


"Geez... I'll do the cooking. Don't worry, I'm good at it." Elle winked at the boy, seeing his hesitation and thankfully, he finally gave in and handed her the box of oats.

The duo then started their chores in the kitchen as Elle decided to cook something else for the three of them. And because Alexis insisted on helping, she gave him something to do.

Soon, Alice also woke up, just at the exact moment the food was being set on the table.

But just as they were about to eat, Alexis rose from his seat. "They're back!" he said and the three immediately rushed towards the door.

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