Hellbound Heart

Chapter 147 Shrill

Abi kept glancing over at Izabelle. She was with Alex on the twin couch while Elle plopped herself down by the window, holding her wine glass.

Wanting to give her space to enjoy the night scenery, Abi did not approach her for another chat. But then, Abi noticed the subtle changes in Elle's stance, causing her to slightly crease her brows.

She contemplated if it was better for her to allow Elle to have some breathing space, or approach her. After thinking for a while, Abi rose from her seat and decided to approach Elle. For some reason, Abi was starting to feel that the reason behind Elle's somewhat strange expressions sometimes was not all because of the new realities that she had learned. Abi felt like there was something else that was bothering her. And her instincts were telling her that if this was not settled, it would be bad.

When she was about to speak to get Elle's attention, Abi was speechless as soon as she saw where her eyes were riveted to. Her gaze flew back to Elle again and her eyes widened at the realization that dawned to her.

Elle's expression was almost too serene, like a placid lake, as though she was looking out at the beautiful scenery of the front yard. But the look in her eyes gave away her complicated emotions to Abi. There was... hurt in them. Oh dear...

"Elle...?" Abi called out her name to get her attention.

She whipped her gaze up, startled a little by the unexpected call. Blinking a couple of times, she took some time before she could respond to Abi's call. "Yes?"

"Oh, sorry for startling you."

"No, that's alright. I think the wine had gotten to me and is making me space out." Elle forced a chuckle at the sight of concern in Abi's face, before shaking her head and massaging her right temple with her fingers.

"Uhm... dear. Can we have a talk outside?"

Elle blinked at Abi, now curious as to why Abi suddenly wanted to talk to her privately. Could it be that she had noticed something? She would not put it past Abi to miss out on her fluctuating emotions that were quickly getting dark and depressed. Nibbling on the inside of her lip, Elle nodded. "Of course, Abi." There was no reason for her to refuse. She could only draw in a steadying breath before following after her.

Abi led her to the other exit at the side of the house. There was also another large and perfectly kept back yard on this side. And Elle noticed that it was as beautiful as the front yard where tiny flowers were blooming and were now actually looking like they were glowing in the dark. She just could not help but be awed at the magical feel of everything in this place. For a moment, Elle forgot her worries and was engrossed in drinking in the beauty of nature as she stood, looking around and appreciating it.

However, Abi walked a few more steps forward before stopping. In the midst of the glowing flowers, Abi turned around to face Elle.

"It's been more than ten years since I met Alicia," Abi started, looking back to the house behind Elle. Elle perked up, thinking that Abi was wanting to tell her a story related to Alicia and herself. "I first saw her in Whitefalls but I actually officially met her here in the Black Forest. I never thought she would one day become the sister that I never had. So, when she and Ezekiel fell in love and got married, I was truly happy."

"Ezekiel is... the eldest Prince, right?" Elle asked hesitantly. She already knew that this was the name of Reigns' eldest prince.

Abi nodded. "Ezekiel is... he's such an amazing man. He's the most intelligent man I've ever known. He's the best doctor too."

"D-doctor? The prince is a doctor?!" Elle's eyes widened. Was he not a vampire prince?

A wide grin flashed across Abi's face. "He is a doctor and also a tycoon back in the day. He was the one who had saved me back then. He managed to successfully remove my tumor and he also saved... another little girl that was like my little sister back then."

"Wow... that's amazing." Elle could not help but be amazed at what she was hearing. She would never have imagined that the man Sebastian did not want to even mention was this amazing! To think that he was both a surgeon and a tycoon was simply terrific! "I can already imagine him as such an incredibly cool and heroic person."

Abi chuckled. "Actually, Zeke was a... how should I put it... he's like Sebastian at times, but Zeke was worse because he never shows any emotions no matter the circumstance. He's quite a savage mastermind too."

Elle's lips formed a small 'o'. The word 'mastermind' reminds her of Azy's game play this morning. It seems the genius in Azy was something that was passed down from his father.

"What happened to him? To Prince Ezekiel?" Elle finally asked the burning question in her mind. "Where is he now?"

The change in Abi's expression told Elle that something... sad... had happened. That caused her to brace herself for what she would hear next. She prayed within herself that the prince was still with them and maybe he had just gone away somewhere far. And that was why he could not be here with his family.

But just as Abi was about to answer her, something jolted Abi and had her eyes stretching wide as she whipped her head towards the house.

"Oh, god." Abi uttered as they saw something like a dark wisp of smoke coming from the house.

"Stay here, Elle!" Abi told her and then she ran off into the house, leaving Elle standing there and looking up, paralyzed as she started to hear a shrill, agonizing scream that seemed to belong to a boy.

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