Headed by a Snake

Chapter 373 Spoils Of War

The low thrum of a battle horn resounded through the battlefield. The sound of sword and steel grew silent... and was soon replaced by celebratory cheers of victory.

Tycondrius looked over his shoulder. Guild leader Bannok had climbed atop a large boulder in the distance, where he raised his axe in a victory pose.

"The White Lady had been defeated!! The honors go to the Brazen Guard collective!!!"

The adventurers still caught in illusions slowly began to regain themselves. Even Tancred, sopping wet with the blood and gore of his allies, stopped his flailing about, staring blankly with his eyes unfocused.

Tycon clicked his tongue as he turned to walk away.

Though the battle had been won, an inkling of regret remained in his heart. He prayed that the decision he made this sun would not haunt him in the future.


The Brazen Guard's elite forces suffered six deaths, total. All of the other casualties were able to be saved, as Priestess Ariadne's magical healing ability was nigh miraculous.

Tycon recognized several of the bodies. He had witnessed them in various states of being devoured by cannibalistic wendigos.

He wondered if he could have done more to save them. Tanamar had sought out and defeated the frozen statue guardians as well as he could.

Tycon did not do that, nor did he wish to. He had his fill of singular combat, fighting a Gold-Rank battle maniac.

The Brazen Guard guild leader, Bannok of Kasydon, gathered the various group leaders together to divide the battle's spoils.

For their merit, Bannok granted the highest priority to Tycon and Tanamar-- with the rest of the Stormbrands to choose afterward. While this displayed clear favoritism, none of the other adventuring companies gave great objection.

If Tycon was guaranteed reward for throwing garbage-humans to their certain deaths, he would do so more often.

Numerous adventuring companies had fallen to the White Lady over the years. Enchanted weaponry, armor, trinkets-- there was plenty to choose from. Granted, Bannok was particular about adventurers only choosing items based on their class.

Tycon spent some time analyzing the various gear laid about.

His first priority was to find a spatial storage item... which was notoriously absent from the loot pile... It was so troublesome to carry heavy gear around on his back instead of an easy-to-transport magical bag.

His second goal was to find an enchanted set of armor... or failing that, a weapon that was either more versatile or more powerful than his blade-whip. He found nothing substantially superior in those categories.

Ultimately, he chose an item his System identified as having a hidden feature.

⟬ Sturdy Scabbard. Elementary Transmutation. Warning: This item contains a Gold-Rank sentience. ⟭

The scabbard was for a two-handed, curved blade, peculiar in that it was reinforced with adamantine, one of the most durable metals in the Realm. The craftsmanship was superb.

It made sense. Only a master smith would be capable of working with the magical material.

While he did not prefer such a large weapon... the enchanted scabbard resonated with him. The etchings upon its non-metal parts were Orcish in nature, granting Tycon the strong suspicion that it once belonged to Samurai Garock.

That it still held sentience... or a Weapon Spirit, as the Hidden Sects called it, was something Tycon wished to investigate.

Upon choosing his reward, Tycon was mentally prepared to be contested. A lengthy sword scabbard was not particularly beneficial to the Tactician class and claiming an item that belonged to an orc was certain to be met with suspicion.

However, it seemed the members of the Brazen Guard collective were relieved that Tycon hadn't taken anything of actual value. It was likely that only him and perhaps Tanamar could sense that the scabbard's sentience had more worth than a Second or Third-Circle item.

...that and none of the Tyrion humans had recognized its markings.

Tanamar chose an ostentatious Second-Circle war-spear... of which the Stormbrands hailed and congratulated him for.

Tycon knew better. Tanamar's mana-created holy lance performed as well as, or better than his chosen item. Clearly, he was planning on selling it. The small fortune he would gain would tide House Vanzano's coffers for another moon or two.

Tancred Mors picked up a crimson belt that would look very handsome, worn on its own. However, adding that to his already colorful set of armor tempted Tycon to gouge out his eyes.

Cleric Occam chose an enchanted set of armguards once belonging to a Martialist. Notably, he ignored a few choice pieces of gear that would increase his mana reserves or empower his healing ability.

Tycon ignored the fellow's inefficiency as well as he could.

Zenon chose a unique pair of trousers that slightly increased his affinity for protective spells. While it slightly increased the efficacy of his ⌈Wind Barrier⌋... it didn't do much else for him. Tycon did not stop him, as he didn't identify anything substantially better that could be worn in tandem with his Centurion armor.

"Hah! HAHA!! The Lighthouse!! Hahaha!! What're you gonna do with that, sell it?!" A Stormbrand Champion openly mocked him.

"Hurr hurr hurr," Occam chuckled. "Peasants do as they please-- he probably just picked it because he liked the way it looked."

Cleric Occam made a point to sneer at Tycon, afterward.

Tycon was again taken aback by the cluelessness and hypocrisy displayed by the group he associated with.

Athena was amongst the last of the Stormbrands to choose. Tycon's heart tightened as he watched her pick up a set of enchanted heavy-steel armor, far too large for her to ever hope to don herself.

"It's... it's a lot of material. It'll... it'll cost a lot," Her bottom lip quivered terribly as she averted her eyes away from Tancred and Occam. The pain in her voice was apparent.

Occam crossed his arms and grinned, "It's a cool set of armor, Athena."

"It's a good choice," Tancred nodded.

Though the various Stormbrands were directly supportive of the young lady, they could not take back the carelessness of their earlier words.

Athena Vanzano could not smile about her family's situation. But though she faced hardships, she continued to do her duty, seeking every advantage to grant to her family.

As miserable as she must have been feeling... she refused to cry.

Athena was a good girl.

Tanamar stood by her side, silently wrapping an arm around her shoulders. The young man was likely the only consistent relationship that Athena could truly rely on.

Both Tanamar and Athena deserved better.

That was what Tycon was fighting for.

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