Headed by a Snake

Chapter 374 Waterfall Cave

The Brazen Guard had enough supplies to remain another four suns, leaving two suns for convalescence and another two for exploration. With the major threats in the Icingdeath Dungeon dealt with, the various adventurer groups could explore the various parts of the mist-covered valley forest, murdering the dungeon denizens and looting as they pleased.

Bannok's group would be searching for the Dungeon Core, of course. As they had three Gold-Ranks amongst them, they would reasonably encounter little resistance. If they did, they'd call for a full withdrawal, reporting back to the Tyrion Adventurer Guild, where another quest would be opened.

Tanamar sought to venture into a cavern system he had discovered near the lake waterfall. To that end, he gathered a few volunteers from the Brazen Guard collective along with all the Stormbrands who could still fight.

Athena was very insistent upon accompanying them, leveraging the fact that she hadn't been allowed to participate in the encounter against the White Lady.

Centurion Zenon absolutely did not want to support the Stormbrands.

Tycon just wanted to go home.

Still, his conscience bade him to accompany the young lady to ensure her relative safety. He and Zenon would keep the back lines, only intervening if necessary.

"Hey! Tanamar! Tanamaaaar!!"

A certain armored human was the last adventurer their group was waiting for. The clumsy fellow had somehow dented his shield in the previous battle, making him seem far more pathetic than he actually was.

⟬ Karodin, Iron-Rank Human Legionnaire. Guild Brazen Guard. ⟭

"Tch, Karodin of Ember-shite," Cleric Occam glared. "What in the seven hells do you think you're doing here?"

"Occam, chill." Tanamar rolled his eyes, "I invited him. You know we're lacking in defensive classes."

"Pfff. Well, alright." Occam swept back his raven-black hair, "As long as he doesn't get our guys killed like that Lighthouse guy."

Centurion Zenon crinkled his mustache at the insult, both of his fists clenched in annoyance. Tycon tapped him on the shoulder, shaking his head.

"Th-thanks for agreeing to bring me along, Tanamar," Karodin confided.

"Don't worry about it, man." Tanamar smiled, "Just don't let what these guys say get to you."

"Ehehe..." Karodin scratched at his dark-blue hair. It seemed he had yet to replace his helmet, "I just hope I don't make any mistakes."

Empty night. The man was an Iron-Rank Legionnaire-- and an armored class that the Stormbrands could sorely use. He could use a bit more confidence.

Tycon and Zenon flanked Athena as they entered the cave system.


The first sign of trouble was when Tycon's System alerted him of a noxious Elementary poison spread throughout the caverns. While relatively harmless to the Bronze-Ranks and above, it was plausible for it to affect anyone who became grievously injured.

Tanamar didn't seem to notice it. If he did, he made no mention of it. Tycon was particularly sensitive to the existence of poisons... but as the other transmigrator showed no concern, neither did he.

The second sign of trouble came when Athena's teeth began to chatter. She wore Tycon's open-sleeved Decanus armor, and absentmindedly shivered, rubbing her bare arms.

Two suspicious factors should have been enough for Tycon to elect to abandon the mission. Athena had an artificial Yin Body, which made her all but immune to the cold. As the temperature hadn't drastically decreased in their surroundings, there must have been a different, not-yet-apparent explanation.

Within a half-bell, the cave's denizens revealed themselves to defend their territory.

Low-rank frost demons. Mostly Bronze, a few Iron. They were either summoned by the Icingdeath Dungeon Core or they had managed to escape from the hells whence they came through an insignificant hole, deeper in.

It was their unnatural cold auras that managed to affect Athena-- though she still resisted their effects greatly.

Tancred and Occam led the battle. Tanamar supported them with ranged attacks. Zenon ensured Athena's safety... and the young lady slew her first demon.

Good for her.

The Stormbrands elected to largely ignore Karodin, even more so than when under the scrutiny of the rest of the Brazen Guard collective.

Even with the Legionnaire's recent breakthrough, the young man took a deep-cutting claw injury fighting three Frost Demons at once. And of course, once injured, he collapsed in a near-paralyzed state, affected by the subtle poison in the air.

Karodin was going to die.

...But then Tycon realized he could possibly use the Legionnaire's dying-state to his advantage.

Immediately after the frost demons were defeated, Tycon hefted the immobile Karodin of Emberhold onto his shoulder.

"Uh, Brother-Tycon," Zenon grimaced. "Our training dictates that the injured shouldn't be moved so easily."

"Oh, this?" Tycon raised an eyebrow, "He's fine."

"The pain....." Karodin groaned.

"Sir Tycon..." Athena pursed her lips. "Mister Karodin doesn't sound fine. He's... he's bleeding all over your cloak."

"Thank you for your concern, young lady, but don't worry," Tycon smiled politely. "It's not mine."

Athena placed her hands on her hips, "Well, that's not very funny, Sir Tycon! Mister Karodin's really hurt!"

Tycon shook his head, "Nonsense, young lady. But still, let us escort him to the infirmary tents to ensure that he lives. This is not the best he can do, after all."

⟬ ⌈Inspirational Surge⌋ conditions met. Activate? Y/N? ⟭

Readjusting the human on his shoulder, Tycon turned and started towards the cavern entrance. Zenon followed without argument, surely glad to leave the Stormbrands behind.

After a short conversation between Tancred and Tanamar... it was decided that Team Athena would travel back to the Brazen Guard camp. The Stormbrands and remaining others would continue onward.

Athena hurried after Tycon reluctantly, along with Tanamar and Victorius.

Tycon breathed a sigh of relief, thankful that his forceful attitude had its intended effect. As much as Athena wanted to venture deeper into the caverns, the young lady would prioritize a team escort mission when a life was theoretically at stake.

« Please activate the skill now, thank you. »

⟬ Activating. You're welcome. ⟭

"S-sir Tycon... I think... I'm feeling... a little better," Karodin wheezed.

As Tycon had advanced to Gold-Rank, his healing ability had increased in efficacy.

For his situation, a fully-healed Karodin just wouldn't do.

"Miss Athena, did you say something?" Tycon spun around, facing the young Athena with an incredulous expression. Simultaneously, he bashed Karodin's Iron-Rank head against the cavern wall.

He'd live.

He may have received a traumatic brain injury, but he'd live.

"N-no, Sir Tycon?" Athena frowned. "But... I think you just hit Mister Karodin's--"

"He's fine," Tycon insisted. "I'm going to increase my pace. Are the four of you prepared for a short run?"

"C-can... we not?" The dazed Karodin softly pleaded.

"No objections? Excellent. Don't lag far behind."

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