Harry Potter: The Ring Maker

Chapter 490: Divine crystal

Chapter 490: Divine crystal

Needless to say Nick was VERY hesitant to touch the subject because while he knew for a fact multiverse theory was correct he would rather not find out what happens if you successfully fuck with your own timeline too much. That said canceling the temporal stasis field was a piece of cake as Nick merely scratched out the mana drawing runes and watched as the circle rapidly depowered as it burned through it's fuel. It was interesting to see the small but adult dragons in the cages go from still frame to slowly moving as time resumed for them.-

Well small compared to the huge beast out in the molten lake but still about the size of an elephant so large in truth. Nick counted and there was thirty adults , fifteen juveniles and twenty unhatched eggs in total. 'Really seemed to like the number five it seems.' he thought with a chuckle after he was done counting the creatures. Unlike the dragon out in the molten lake that had been living freely it's entire life these ones were born and raised under the thumb of the dwemer so remained well behaved despite seeing Nick.-

Going through the creatures memories Nick discovered why too as the dwemer was a cruel master that punished any disobedience harshly and rewarded obedience lightly. The punishments were agonizing torture and the rewards were slightly more or better food and the privilege to breed. Nick was disgusted by this and and released the creatures from their cages and into the molten lake after placing himself firmly as their alpha. The huge dragon in the lake was not bothered at all by this as the new additions to the environment immediately submitted to it. The eggs however were a different story for Nick as he stored them in his realm.-

'Hagrid will likely be thrilled to take care of them until they hatch but I'll have to check with Dumbledore if that will be alright first. If nothing else these little ones will help set up a stable population of this species.' Nick thought after he stored the eggs away. Despite being an engineered species by the dwemer the dragons were originally part of a species that truly existed but had gone extinct from over hunting so most magizoologist would be thrilled to see them return in some way.-

Nick obviously knew that publicly coming out and saying that he discovered them wouldn't sit well with the order since it would definitely draw attention to them again as those in the know would seek them out to learn where Nick found the dragons. This was where Dumbledore came into play as the old man could go on a short trip without anyone knowing and come back while saying that he discovered the species. The really tricky part was getting a decent sized population set up and removing them from the molten lake and into the "original habitat".-

There was no way in hell Nick was going to let anyone near the dwemer ruin and even less of a chance the molten lake with the crystal he suspected contained a god. It doesn't even matter that the huge dragon could fend off most wizards easily as if they somehow caused the seal on the crystal to come undone the god within is likely to be pissed from basically being killed by curious ants as there was no way a god could survive for long with the current mana levels of the world. So moving the dragons to a new place and then having them be "accidentally" discovered by Dumbledore was the best option.-

Nick was satisfied with his haul on this trip and left the hidden room behind him after emptying it off everything he was interested in. Floating about the molten lake Nick approached the crystal which got him watched closely by the huge dragon resting on the molten lakes shore. Nick ignored that however as he closed his eyes and focused on his magical senses as he closely observed the crystal. It was hard to notice but the longer he observed the more horrified he was at what he found.-

An uncountable number of runes were all layered on top of each other and through each other in a massive spell formation that had solidified around something of immense power to stop the effects of time on it until a condition was fulfilled. The real horror however came from the discovery that the molten lake was created exclusively from the minute amounts of that the immense powers mana that leaked. In simple terms the metal was created out of pure energy in defiance of the laws of reality on ACCIDENT. 'Is this the true meaning of divinity? To create matter from nothing by simply existing?' Nick pondered in shock.

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