Harry Potter: The Ring Maker

Chapter 489: Sneaky Dwemer

Chapter 489: Sneaky Dwemer

Don't be mistaken into believing that the dragon was anything but a wild force of nature even after Nicks mental tampering as the beast by no means would obey him unconditionally. In fact if he ever showed up in front of it in a poor shape it was likely to try and usurp his dominant position in the relationship. The same was also true if it felt like it was able to defeat him at any given point in time. Nick while tempted to dive into the dwemers memories to try and steal it's knowledge didn't do so because he was very much aware that this would disrupt the balance of the dragon and dwemers position in the same mind.-

Just the small glimpse he saw told Nick that the dwemer was not the sort of being he wanted to truly take control of the dragons body. It was extremely self centered , arrogant and had a clear disregard for all that could be considered forbidden or dark magic. Something like that at tier five with all it's knowledge would almost definitely become a problem in the future after learning that it was leagues more powerful than most magical beings on the planet.-

How could the dwemer not figure that out after Nick read the entries that it had written that stated it had scanned the entire planet already? No , rather than run the risk of the dwemers mind taking over by diving through it's memories Nick chose to leave the dragon in charge for now. Anyways after the "spar" the dragon swam to the shore of the molten lake to start recovering from it's wounds while ignoring Nick since according to it he was not out of place at all. Nick on the other hand flew to the far side of the molten lake and pressed on a stone that looked normal at first glance.-

After pressing it however the rock wall shuddered and rumbled as it opened up to reveal the hidden room that the dwemer used to store the other members of the dragons species in stasis alongside all the ritual circles and knowledge it had in a lexicon pedestal. Like all dwemer this one simply hated the idea of it's knowledge getting lost in case there was an accident or it died and thus stored all it knew in this pedestal.-

Of course this all required a blank lexicon to be inscribed in the first place and only contained pure knowledge without any experiences or personal findings like the dwemers memories held. Luckily for Nick he had picked up a raw lexicon from the ruins earlier and thus set it in place and hit the button to start the inscribing process. Under the scrutiny of his magical senses Nick understood how the dwemer did it and couldn't help but admit that it was ingenious. See the lexicons were actually not the key to this method of storing information but rather merely the chosen medium that the dwemer used for it.-

The true key was actually the pedestal itself that shot out microscopic lasers of mana that quite literally burned the preprogramed information into the mediums surface and core. It was super high concept stuff that the wizarding world probably would never come up with on it's own as it was just so far away from it that it wasn't even funny. 'And I actually thought that I could replicate this with merely a lexicon , what a joke!' Nick thought with a sigh. Soon enough the lexicon was finished being inscribed and Nick could "see" the huge amount of mana contained within the thing.-

Millions of microscopic runes covered the lexicon and waited for someone to use their mana to read the information they held. Nick didn't do that since he was on a bit of a timeline and there was clearly not a small amount of information within the lexicon. Instead Nick stored the lexicon within the realm and turned his attention to the specimens that were kept under stasis via circles that fed off the mana present in the air to power a sort of temporal field. 'Of course the dwemer fucked with time , because absolutely nothing is off limits to these crazy bastards apparently.' Nick complained mentally.-

Some topics were forbidden for a reason and time definitely fell on that list strictly because of the horrible things that could happen by messing with it. A good example was how the grandfather paradox solved itself after someone put it to the test with a time turner. A person went back about four generations and killed their ancestor which caused time to decide that the persons entire family after that point to simply zero sum out of existence beyond the records outside of time held by the ministry.

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