Harry Potter: The Ring Maker

Chapter 437: Tryouts

Chapter 437: Tryouts

Nick tapped his wand on the ground and a white stone rectangle on it's side rose out of the ground with black lettering detailing the rules of the game. The sport was much like Quidditch in that the rules for play were actually fairly simple. The difference was that unlike quidditch there wasn't a stupidly high amount of rules detailing what not to do. There were a few obvious ones of course like no holding another player for more than a minute or no trying to remove other players clothes. But most of these rules were just to make it clear where to draw the line for what was acceptable.-

Anyways the rules for playing the game were that each score is worth one point and each foul is worth negative two points. There are six positions on a team and no replacement players per position unless the team recruits one. One can use their hands to move the ball or pass it to another player but if trying to score the ball must be kicked into the goal. No magic is allowed before or during a game including potions , with the exception of the rings needed to play the game.-

The game can have a maximum of four quarters each lasting an hour or until a team gets a point lead in the case of the final two quarters. Other than that the game was pretty much free reign for the players to move however they want. Nick was satisfied with these rules and tapped his wand against the ground again to create a large amount of chairs for those waiting to tryout. After that it was a matter of waiting for people to arrive at the pitch that no doubt drew a large amount of attention by now.-

How could it not when it had a huge sphere of water floating above it that was clearly visible from the castle. Nick didn't need to wait long before the first person arrived though it was not someone he had expected. Mcgonagall herself had come to see this new sport and seemed impressed if the look she had was any indication. "You never cease to amaze Mr. Ravenclaw , this new sport seems well thought out and you are clearly well prepared to hold tryouts." she said with a small smile.-

"It had been on my to do list for quite some time to be honest with you. Frankly speaking it boggles the mind how few magical means of entertainment exist despite the clear demand for it. Truthfully I expect that quidditch is only as popular as it is since it's the only sport wizard kind has." Nick said with a shrug. "Now that I ponder it myself I believe you may be right. Regardless I believe a reward is in order for the effort you have put into this project and thus give fifty points to Gryffindor." She said with a sly smile.-

Nick laughed at this as despite knowing she was merely using his work as an excuse to prop up her house slightly ahead of the rest he wasn't going to point it out. He thought the point system to be a silly and pointless thing and everyone knew it after all. The next people to arrive was the twins who looked at the playing field eagerly. "We thought you might have been overselling it mate but this lives up to the image we had of it for sure!" Fred said with a wide smile and George nodded in agreement.-

"Like I told the professor here it's been on my to do list for quite some time now. Though I am happy to hear it meets your expectations." Nick said still smiling. "Mind if we give it a go while you wait for the rest to show up?" George asked while pointing at the field above. "Did you read the rules?" Nick asked while motioning to the list of rules nearby. "Err , no?" Fred said sheepishly while scratching his head. "You should do that first then you need to transfigure your robes into a swim suit and put on these rings before heading up into the playing field." Nick said seriously.-

""You're the boss."" they said simultaneously shrugging. A few more people showed up as the twins were going over the rules and transfiguring their robes but no one Nick felt any need to really acknowledge. The positions available were clearly shown in the rules and Nick explained that he hoped there would be four teams by the end of the tryouts tomorrow evening. "How do we even get up there anyways?" Fred asked curiously while putting one of the rings on. "Simple really , jump up." Nick said with a chuckle.

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