Harry Potter: The Ring Maker

Chapter 433: Enchanting

Chapter 433: Enchanting

Still when the time came for him to go to the class Nick did so without any complaint. The enchanting class was one of the new ones that had been implemented after Flammel injected funds into the school. While many of the upperclassmen were skeptical about the class since it seemed to heavily clash with the ancient runes class in terms of subject matter but the truth was much different. Enchanting taught the fundamentals of the craft while ancient runes barely scraped the surface of how the runes could be used. Sure enchanting was covered in the class but it was a sort of one and done type thing.-

Obviously the art of enchanting was far more complicated than that and thus few people really got into the field after Hogwarts until now. Had this not been the case and the enchanting class had existed for a long period of time then the wizarding world would likely look very different. This was Nicks thoughts on the subject and the professor of ancient runes professor Bathsheda Babbling seemed agreed with them. The professor had been discouraging the idea that enchanting clashed with her class since the moment it was announced last year after all.-

Anyway the room for the class was located in one of the previously empty classrooms on the fifth floor. 'The professor at least knows how to help students find their classroom.' Nick thought with a chuckle as he saw the bright glowing enchanted sign over the door that read {ENCHANTING!}. It was a simple but effective enchantment that did it's job without too much wasted mana. 'The runes used are also well written and linked in a clear and precise manner so they definitely know what they were doing.' Nick analyzed at a glance before walking into the room.-

The room had a similar design to that of the transfiguration classroom with several two person tables all facing the large table at the front. The biggest difference however was that on top of the large table was several samples of different materials and a small label for each of them. "Ah Mr. Ravenclaw I'm honored that you chose to attend my class given your well known ability in the field of enchanting." a male voice said for Nicks right and he looked over to it's source.-

There standing to the side of the door way was a short man with a thin build and short messy brown hair and pale skin from clear lack of sunlight. "I did not learn the field in a proper orthodox manner and so decided to attend the class in order to patch this deficit in knowledge." Nick explained honestly. "I see ,well at least you are willing and able to admit and correct your own flaws. I can't say the same for most prodigies." The man said with a smile. "The ones that I am aware of at least." Nick said with a shrug.-

"Seeing as the class is starting to fill up you'd best find a seat before I begin." the professor said after a quick look around the classroom. Nick found a spot next to Hermione and waited for the class to begin officially. Once the seats were filled the professor stood at the front of the class and begin to speak up. "Good afternoon children! My name is Ernest Gremont and I have the privilege of teaching the wondrously complex and fulfilling art of enchanting to each of you. A warning before that however is that if any of you have not taken ancient runes this year as well then you will find this class supremely difficult as the most well know type of enchantingrequires knowledge of them."-

"That said it is not impossible to excel at this subject without having taken the class if you study the subject in your free time or already know of it to a great degree. Does anyone have any questions before we begin?" Professor Gremont asked at the end of his introduction. From a nearby seat Anthony Goldstein raised his hand. "Yes what is it?" the professor asked encouragingly. "Well it's just that until now most of us only know of his enchantments , is there a difference between the two?" Anthony asked while pointing at Nick.-

"An excellent question , ten points to Ravenclaw. But to answer your inquiry yes there is several differences between the traditional enchantments and Mr. Ravenclaws works. Though I can not list all of them due to not having learnt his style of enchantment myself since he created it and has not shared it with the rest of the world ." Professor Gremont stated calmly. Susan Bones then raised her hand from a different table. The teacher motioned for her to speak and she asked another good question. "What differences can you tell us?"

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