Harry Potter: The Ring Maker

Chapter 425: Start of a new year

Chapter 425: Start of a new year

It was a reasonable question to be sure as knowing the future roughly was had allowed Nick to make such great progress in various important matters such as dealing with Voldemorts horcruxes. But with the events of the books being pretty much invalidated entirely at this point he had no clue what was coming and it made him a bit nervous. Not much since he was pretty well prepared for just about any "normal" wizarding issue but a little none the less. 'I guess I'll do like normal and deal with the problems as they come.' he decided eventually.-

Nick finally got the first shipment of alchemically treated mirrors from Leo Le Blanc and sent over a jar filled with fire salts to the man as payment. This shipment was only consistent of a dozen mirror that looked fairly normal as they had silver handles and backs that were smooth and plain while the glass was hard and clean. Nick was quite happy with them all things considered and went to enchanting them in the way he wanted. He had already used Jesseph to inform Vlad of the delay on the mirrors so there was no problem on that end.-

"And ... Done!" Nick said after he finished enchanting all of the mirrors in the manner he wanted. Each of the mirrors going to the royals had a standard protean charm and connection to the "master" mirror that he was going to keep that had the modified version of the protean charm and connection on it. This meant the royals could send and receive messages to Nick but not to each other while he could contact any one he wanted. "Dotty!" he called and the elf appeared. "Give these eleven mirrors to Jesseph and tell him that they will serve as the method of communication between us." he said and the elf bowed and did as ordered.-

'Three days until I head back to Hogwarts officially so I should finish up what I have here and relax until then.' he thought and looked over at the dangerous object he had created while experimenting with the elemental salts , the omni crystal. The omni crystal was an accidental creation that happened when Nick accidentally spilt some fire salts into some air salts and created a "furnace" crystal that created an unbearably hot temperature around it like standing within a furnace hence the name.-

The omni crystal came as a result of the spark of inspiration Nick got from that when he mixed air salts and the other two atronach salts he had to create powerful magic crystals before he collided all the crystals together. The resulting product was the omni crystal that surprisingly enough had no attribute of it's own but took and enhanced the properties of whatever it was exposed to. The problem was however that it did EXACTLY that. You know those trace amounts of elements in the air? Yeah Nick learned firsthand that more is not always better after spikes of diamond and super flammable gas filled the workshop.-

Nick was forced to contain the omni crystal in a special container that kept it suspended in a vacuum isolated from literally everything. Despite this though Nick was VERY exited about the crystal as he imagined that it could serve in some rather insane alchemical creations. Like the philosophers stone level insanity. After that brief accident he stopped keeping the salts near each other and got very careful when handling them. Three days later and it was finally time to head back to Hogwarts so Nick had dotty transport him to the castle.-

"Good afternoon Hagrid!" Nick greeted the grounds keeper after he arrived long before any other student. "Blimey Nick what are you doing here so early?" Hagrid asked surprised to see him. "I used my house elf to apparate to the castle figured I'd come say hello while I wait for the rest to get here." Nick said honestly. Hagrid nodded "Dead useful them elves are , can't imagine what we'd do without them." he said honestly and Nick agreed with him. "So what have ya been up to over the summer Nick?" Hagrid asked curiously.-

'Made friends with the royal vampire clan , discovered a secret organization that isn't my biggest fan and made several breakthroughs in my studies.' Nick thought to himself while what he actually said was "More of the same I'm afraid , work , study and even more work after that. Been real busy you see." Nick spoke honestly and shrugged helplessly. "Aye , life'll do that to ya sometimes but it always works itself out in the end , just you wait." Hagrid said assuringly. "I'll keep that in mind , but I'll see you later since for now I'd like to have a chat with Dumbledore over something I learned during the summer." Nick said before leaving.

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