Harry Potter: The Ring Maker

Chapter 424: Set and forget

Chapter 424: Set and forget

This might not seem like a huge difference considering how long he spent deducing it but it should be remembered that this magic was VERY complicated and making even small changes could have massive side effects. The difficulty was finding the exact changes that didn't bring any of those into play while still giving the benefits he wanted. 'The next Full moon is in a week and if the conditions are correct I can start this process then.' He thought eagerly. With that matter pretty much settled Nick turned his attention to improving his power.-

He first spent a week to master all of the seventh years material while placing the mandrake leaf to the roof of his mouth with the sticking charm under the full moon. After that he polished his spell casting ability in the dueling room until he got a perfect score in the seventh slot. His own actual proficiency in dueling was slightly higher than in the room since his magical senses didn't work on the illusions attacks since it was all just the same illusion to them. After that he began to look into spell cloaking like what that man did that made it impossible for Nicks senses to "see".-

Nick didn't even think it was possible but he had personally witnessed it so he now knew about it and wanted it for himself. How could he not when if added to the islands wards would hide the island even better , maybe even to the point his magical senses also couldn't find it. The problem however was that he had no idea where to even begin in his research into magical cloaking. You would think focusing on something like the invisibility spell or notice me not spell would be a good start but you would be wrong.-

This was because just like all the usual spells he had come across he could "see" them plain as day which meant that they clearly wouldn't work. Nick checked the system for a book on the subject and while their was a few they were almost all horribly expensive point wise. The cheapest was a book titled {The vaguities of vagueness by Arn Scolf} at a stinging five hundred thousand points. Nick refused to pay that when he was only two hundred thousand away from the book that will basically make him truly immortal or at the very least stupid hard to kill.-

'Still at least I can confirm that the subject is way out of my league for the moment and move on to other easier things.' He thought with a sigh. With that pathway a bust Nick chose to focus his attention on his true field of expertise , crafting. Despite how it may seem Nick wouldn't be nearly as dangerous or advanced as he is currently if it wasn't for his crafting ability and he never forgot it. Sure his bloodline abilities alone made him prodigious at learning magic but only a few steps better than other prodigies like Dumbledore , Grindelwald and Voldemort.-

No all the "miracle" feats of magic he has performed were all thanks to his crafting and that is why above all else he identifies as the ring maker. Nick knew that the key to his future lied with his crafts just as his foundation rested upon it. So he turned his attention to his twilight style crafting ability to improve and find exactly what he needed to master it. It was a slow and monotonous process that he dragged Lucas into as his assistant.-

Wake up , eat , draw in light , meditate to recover , experiment with the light , eat , sleep , repeat. This was Nick's daily routine for the next week before the school shopping list for the third year came into his post box. Nick looked it over for a moment before discarding it since he already had all the books listed. Unlike last year Nick will be attending a few classes this year however that was because he wanted to rather than it being mandatory like with everyone else. He had specifically chosen to take arithmancy , divination , and standard enchanting to patch up his less than orthodox understanding of the subjects.-

Despite this he could drop the classes at any point should he so wish without any repercussions. This continued freedom had been Dumbledores gift to Nick as a way to express thanks for ending Voldemorts threat as well as helping to prepare for the future. The old goat had of course made sure that Nick hadn't needed the actual classes before he did this but the idea remained the same. 'That reminds me for whatever reason but since I have already invalidated the events of the third year from the books what will happen now?' Nick pondered curiously.

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