Harry Potter: The Ring Maker

Chapter 341: Nose to the grindstone

Chapter 341: Nose to the grindstone

Nick turned in for the night after dinner as he was quite tired mentally after the past few days activities. The next three days were fairly quiet as he spent the entire time enchanting the ring blanks he smelted to try and work his way through the large number of protection rings he needed to finish for his mission. There was a bonus to this sort of mindless repetitive actions though as he was quickly growing more and more capable of enchanting more and more rings at once with this specific enchantment.-

At first it was twenty per reserve but by the end of the third day he could barely stretch it to thirty putting his total at three hundred and sixty per day. This lowered the amount of time it would take to complete the mission to about three years based on the rough math. He figured that by the end of next year he might finish up if he continued to improve at his current rate , maybe even soon if he was lucky. On the fourth day though he received a visitor in the form of one Sirius Black who wanted almost desperately to be of help to his friend.-

Thanks to the data Nick received from his transformation to and from his animal form Nick identified the parts of the curse he needed to target for correction and which ones served a different purpose. Sirius was allowed to stay on for the rest of the week as an assistant teacher for Lupin during which time he spent as much time as possible with Harry. Nick on the other hand had locked himself away within the workshop over this time drafting , scrapping and restarting his creation of an enchantment for Lupins ring.-

The holiday break came without him even knowing as he poured his undivided attention into this project only stopping to eat , drink and use the restroom as needed. "You should take a day off child , you are running yourself ragged like this." Celebrimbor said concerned at the pace Nick was holding. He wasn't alone in his concern either as Helena , Dusk and the professors were all worried about him burning out. Nick also knew that this was unhealthy but this matter needed to be done as soon as possible as the next full moon was a mere three weeks away.-

He could relax once the mission was finished but for now he felt that only his maximum effort would suffice as no mistakes could be made. Still he relented and took an entire day of nothing but relaxation and recovery. 'It's amazing to see the sort of progress you can make if you take a moment to destress.' he thought looking at the newest enchantment design he had created in his realm. By itself it appeared disharmonious and incomplete which was because it was. That was the unique thing about this enchantment , it's incompleteness was what made it work to complete the curse and turn it into a blessing.-

This was the reason he wanted to get it done before the next full moon as it was only at that time that it's full effects could be seen. He didn't make some sort of patch for the curse that masked the problems it had , no what he made was a sort of magical organ transplant type thing. On the night of the full moon when the lunar energy blankets the world and the curse draws it into Lupin the enchantment will creep into his body at that moment and place itself over the broken parts that need fixing.-

The transformation will be excruciating for Lupin but once the enchantment successfully suppresses the broken parts of the curse and it's parts meld with the rest of the magic a dramatic change shall commence. No longer will the cells turn cancerous and destructive but rather cancerous in a positive reinforcing manner with a set limit to prevent them from turning dangerous. The life force will grow more powerful and harmonious as the wrong parts no longer are there having been replaced by the good ones. The final touch Nick added though was that after this first transformation the pain will no longer exist for Lupin and in fact given enough time the original curses broken parts will be overwritten entirely.-

This means that not only will Lupin be able to freely control his transformation like a true Animagus but he will not even need the enchantment any more after a certain amount of time. The best part in Nicks opinion though was that he corrected the disproportional form of the body after transformation into a powerful and perfect hybrid of wolf and man. 'Of course this all hinges on the next full moon going perfectly after this ring is put on.' Nick thought seriously.

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