Harry Potter: The Ring Maker

Chapter 340: Waiting game

Chapter 340: Waiting game

Lupin was quite shocked to hear this but Dumbledore was not since he understood that the depth of information Nick shared alone had plenty of workable points for fixing the magic. He knew the exact way the curse affected Lupin as well as the energy that fueled the magic. He even knew roughly how the curse was originally created and how to potentially strip it away from someone. With all of this information at his fingertips it would honestly be more surprising if he WASN'T close to being able to create a prototype enchantment.-

With all of that said though Dumbledore also recognized that this was also a play to get more information on animagi magic for his own gains. That was perfectly fine in his opinion as he had never intended for Nick to work without any self benefit in this matter. The boy for all of his genius was very profit driven and had only recently started to focus on helping others as well. "I'm sure Sirius would be more than happy to help if we asked him so long as we tell him what it's for." Lupin said eagerly volunteering his friend. -

Nick said it didn't matter at all who the Animagus was so Sirius would work fine before they left after sending a letter to the man via Fawkes. 'I should finish up my gifts for christmas since it is merely a waiting game at this point.' Nick thought as he returned to the workshop. For Flitwick it was a simply matter of giving him a generous amount of light material to study as it clearly interested him greatly. For Mcgonagall he instead created a quill out of one of Nazguls shed feathers that he inlaid with mithril very carefully.-

The silver metal running down the center of the black , white and golden feather gave it a sort of shine that appealed to the eyes greatly. He had quite a few of Nazguls feathers since as she grew she had to replace her older smaller ones with new larger versions. For Snape he forged a ladle that was enchanted to give detailed feedback to the person using it on the status of the potion. He had based this enchantment on both his understanding of potions and on his realms analysis capabilities. Obviously it was nowhere as impressive but still good enough to be of some use to the man in his chosen field.-

For Hagrid he ordered a pigmy drake from eeylops emporium that cost him a couple hundred galleons. Pigmy drakes were reptiles about the size of a house cat that were dragons in all regards except size and personality. Unlike dragons they were not generally very aggressive or territorial unless trained to be such. At that point they were really good at guarding an area since they tended to work in a group of five or more. Nick merely got the sort raised to be pets instead since while Hagrid couldn't have an actual dragon he would still love something like this.-

For Dumbledore he simply got the man a dozen thick woolen socks just for the hell of it. Sirius on the other hand got a custom made bracelet that was enchanted to get rid of the lingering effects of his long term exposure to dementors as well as strengthen his body back to healthy levels. Even now months after he had been released the man was nowhere near recovered from the decade of malnutrition , spiritual rot and illness. This gift would let him quickly reach full strength and even return to active combat against the death eaters that will no doubt be a problem soon.-

'Finally done.' Nick thought after he finished the bracelet that was the last gift he needed to prepare. Checking the time he saw that it was only six thirty two and decided to go join the other students at dinner. His appearance in the great hall was met with a mix of jealousy and surprise as word had spread throughout the student body of his exemption from classes by this point. The less intelligent or short sighted of the students were jealous and thought it unfair.-

The others though had figured out that he had simply traded one for of study and work for another as he was much more tired looking and absent minded when he was seen now. His friends in Gryffindor were supportive of him and made no mention of his exemption as he had told them the terms of it and they knew he was truly working his hardest. Regardless of all else they saw him smelt no less than four hundred blank iron rings a day that he turned into rings of protection in varying amounts.

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