Harry Potter: The Ring Maker

Chapter 332: Chat with Newt

Chapter 332: Chat with Newt

Nick got gawked at while he ate again but he ignored that in favor of indulging his hunger. After that he turned in for the night content with his gains while he was here. He woke up nice and early the next day and tidied up the room he was in since he wouldn't be returning to it at the end of the day. He walked through the halls of Beauxbatons while admiring the details of the castle. Hogwarts was grand and all but in terms of details it was fairly lacking since the focus was mostly on pragmatism.-

Beauxbatons on the other hand clearly placed heavily emphasis on beauty and art as the halls were adorned with any statues , paintings and expensive but pretty materials like gold veined marble. This wasn't to say that the wards protecting the school weren't extremely powerful , merely that the look of the place was different. There weren't many people up at this time so Nick went fairly unnoticed as he strolled through the hallways. The few people who did notice him wisely decided that they wanted nothing to do with the large unreasonably angry looking bird on his shoulder.-

Nick had long given up on improving Dusks attitude and mostly ignored the fear he caused as a result. So long as no one tried to touch the bird he was actually fairly harmless as he didn't go picking fights for no reason , he was far too arrogant for such a thing after all. As it turned out however Newt Scamander was also an early riser and unlike everyone else knew that he had nothing to fear from the bird. "Ah Mr. Ravenclaw just the person I was hoping to bump into!" the older man said warmly as he spotted Nick in the hallway.-

"Can't imagine you'd have much reason to see me besides my familiar or Dusk here." Nick said slightly confused. He honestly had no reason that he could think of as to why the magizoologist would want to see him other than the beast he kept in his company. He had already passed all the information he had on the celestial bird the last time they spoke so it couldn't be that. "I actually had an offer for you in fact that I thought might interest you given your unique situation. You see I happen to be visiting an old friend in the form of a thunderbird over the summer and was wondering if you might be interested in meeting him?" Newt asked with a smile.-

Nick was taken back by this question as he hadn't even thought about it despite knowing that Newt once had a thunderbird in his possession. "I wouldn't mind meeting such a creature myself but I doubt I'll have the time unfortunately. I am under a rather heavy time crunch to improve my abilities and simply can't relax for any real period of time." Nick said with an apologetic sigh.-

Newt was surprised and furrowed his brows "What could be so important as to have a child like yourself under so much pressure?" he asked concerned. "I may have offended Voldemort quite heavily and he also may have recently been resurrected." Nick said casually. Newts jaw practically hit the floor at this which was to be expected considering the nature of the information. "Surely Dumbledore would not allow a child to be dragged into a matter like this and would protect you?" Newt questioned in disbelief. "In a normal situation that would be true , unfortunately the situation is far from normal." Nick then explained the pressure the old goat was under as well as his own exemption from classes and the reasons for it.-

Basically it boiled down to the old man being far too busy to help Nick actively so he was basically given free reins to improve and protect himself to the best of his ability. Newt could only sigh in resignation that Nick truly was under a serious time crunch and indeed had no time for a relaxing trip to the states to see a thunderbird. With that matter truly settled Newt could only change the topic to Nazgul to raise his mood.-

It was a rather interesting conversation for Nick as the magizoologist knew his field well and pointed out a few of the strange features she had. Things like the clear serpentine neck and head that resembled a basilisk suspiciously closely to even how she had features from both phoenixes as well as thunderbirds. The thing that seemed to confuse Newt the most about her however was the ring at the end of her tail that seemed to serve no actual purpose beyond appearances. Nick had to explain how Nazgul was born for Newt to understand why that existed but that information only gave the man even more questions.

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