Harry Potter: The Ring Maker

Chapter 333: Pageant results

Chapter 333: Pageant results

Newt bombarded Nick with various strange questions for the next thirty minutes until it was finally time for breakfast at which point he reluctantly left. While Nick didn't mind sharing what he knew of Nazgul with the man he had trouble keeping up with some of the questions. For example Newt asked how many feathers she had as if it was a totally normal thing to sit down and count them. Sure Nick understood that the man was being thorough but this was plain weird. Breakfast went much like the previous two meals with Nick eating a large sum of food before leaving for the pageant area.-

The area had been changed from the sort of fair-ish like set up to a wide open field with various objects and walkways throughout it. Nick merely needed to look over each of the objects to figure out what they were used for. 'They were certainly thorough with the tests they set up.' he thought impressed. it was very comprehensive as their was seven different types of strength testers , speed testers , magical ability testers and various miscellaneous other tools for testing unique aspects. All in all the competition was about as fair as possible at this stage for judging the best beast.-

Nick took his time explaining how each of the pieces of equipment worked to Nazgul and Dusk as well as which ones they would be using. There wasn't a piece of equipment for testing soul based attacks but that was fine for Nick since he didn't want to publicize that ability of Nazguls. The shows of power that Dusk was going to do was it's firepower , strength , speed and aerial prowess. For Nazgul it was a bit more complex as she had far more abilities than any of the immortal birds as she had teleportation , super strength , special fire , regular fire , soul attacking and devouring , flight , basilisk eyes and high intelligence.-

She may also even have the rebirth ability of the immortal birds or perhaps might just be inherently immortal. Nick had to admit that his familiar was nearly as crazy to quantify as himself in terms of abilities and almost certainly many times more powerful. Nazgul was strange in that regard as she actually had no more magical power than a wizarding owl yet was a spiritual juggernaut in terms of spiritual energy.-

To explain it would be like comparing Slytherins mana to Rons , it was incomparable larger and more potent. This led to a rather funny loophole in the amount of power a creature could have on earth at the moment due to the low mana levels. As Nazguls main source of power wasn't mana she was not really limited in how powerful she could get and as a result was likely the most powerful thing on the planet in an unsealed state. Thankfully she was very gentle and lazy most of the time so was no real threat unless somehow pissed off which hadn't happened yet.-

All of the participants for the pageant were given a badge with a number on it to show them when they could come out onto the field and show off their beasts abilities. Nick was the only participant given two badges due to having two different beasts competing in the pageant. For Dusk he had the number thirty four and for Nazgul the number one hundred four which was towards the end of the pageant. It was at this time that the participants got to finally see who the judges were since they were hidden in the previous part.-

Madam Maxime , Dumbledore , Martin Dumont , Apolline Delacour and Newt Scamander made up the judges and were sitting comfortably at a table chatting. Nick could feel his eyebrow twitch at the line up as at least three of the five judges were people he has interacted with to a slightly personal degree in some manner. Dumbledore is in almost constant contact with him , Newt was in love with magical creatures and thus eagerly chatted and felt comfortable around Nick and Apolline Delacour was a veela and thus subject to his avian dominion. The only true neutral judges were Madam Maxime and Martin Dumont.-

Martin Dumont was a interesting individual to have as a judge in this competition considering his expertise was in dueling. in fact during the height of Voldemorts rein years back the man was the three time champion of the global dueling tournament. The best part though was that the man had a raging hatred for the death eaters under Voldemort after they stole his infant child to use as Blackmail but ended up killing it. There was no evidence found but the three death eaters responsible went missing a year after that incident and all fingers pointed at this man.

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