Chapter 1399 Perfect Parents.

Chapter 1399 Perfect Parents.

Legion-5 read through the list and decided on a plane. He made his decision known to his handler.

She said to him, "Here are the details of your posting. I will inform them of your coming."

He said, "Alright." Then he turned to leave.

His supervisor called after him, "I recommend that you get an escort for protection until you get to the plane."

"I'll do that." He said in agreement.

He lied. He doesn't plan to do that. He left his handler knowing fully well that he wouldn't reach his posting. His situation is pretty good here in the ancient battlefield. He can lay about doing nothing for many Origin cycles. That's the only option for him if he wants to stay here since there is nothing useful for him to do here.

But he can't do that since he is already prepared to become an Origin god and he has gotten news that the era of conquest will start in less than an Origin cycle. There is no way he will allow himself to lag behind and waste time doing nothing.

The other option is for him to leave. Other Supreme beasts do this too. They work for the Supreme Alliance to get the resources needed for their breakthrough while also comprehending the laws they need and fusing their divine abilities.

Supreme beasts aren't like other Sovereigns. They are strong in the aspect of divine abilities but they are weak in the aspect of stats. They need a lot of life essence to strengthen themselves if they are to survive the tribulation.

However, they won't be able to get life essence easily if they aren't in the rite of passage anymore. If they need Life essence, they must work diligently for it. He is using that opportunity to work to leave the Supreme Alliance for a while.

He looked at all the Origin materials and weapons in his storage artifact that he has hoarded over the years and he couldn't help but smile.

"Talk about eating my cake and having it." He said as he packed away the things he might need.

He could have escaped without permission if he wanted to but he doesn't want to leave the Supreme Alliance completely yet. It is a case of being greedy.

The Supreme Alliance is rich, and powerful, and has been very good to him. They are almost like the parents he would have wanted. If only they would allow him to take everything they have without asking for anything in return then they would be the perfect parents.

Unfortunately, they are not the perfect parents. He can't just leave whenever he wants and he certainly can't become an Origin god without being questioned. He doesn't want to sever his ties with them so he has to prepare a way to return.

The Supreme Alliance made arrangements for his work and informed him of them. He went to the teleportation system that the Supreme Alliance has prepared to get him across to the planar portal of the plane.

He was surprised when he heard what they arranged for him, "They cuddle us too much so I can't leave."

Teleportation is very expensive but they are willing to allow it to ensure his safety. With Teleportation as a means of transportation, it will not feel as if he is going across the ancient battlefield. It would look like he is just stepping into his backyard. But even then, his handler recommended that he get some escort for protection.

The need for escorts for protection is on top of all the security at the teleportation checkpoints and the fact that they can track him through his identity mark. It shows just how much the Supreme Alliance cares for him. It also makes it painful to leave such a good life.

Just the information channel of the Supreme Alliance is more than enough to continue to stick with them. After all, no one else seems to have gotten the latest news about the impending era of conquest.

Apparently, the start of the era of conquest has been decided but only the Supreme Alliance, the realm lord, and Mother High Heaven know when it will start. He doesn't know how the Supreme Alliance managed it but it is undoubtedly impressive. Still, he has to leave.

Legion-5 left the Megastructure that is the headquarters of the Supreme Alliance. It is a building that almost rivals the Tower of Heaven in height. Legion-5 is sure that it is much smaller than the Tower of Heaven both in external size and internal size, but he isn't sure which has better service.

While the Tower of Heaven contains Origin energy in the highest concentration possible, the Tower of Supremacy caters to the luxury of its inhabitants.

They don't have the highest concentration of Origin energy in the Tower of Supremacy, but sometimes, luxury trumps practicality.

You can't have any race you want to eat delivered to you in the tower of heaven and neither can you have your whims catered to or be treated like royalty. That is more than enough for the Tower of Supremacy to beat the Tower of Heaven in his own book.

"I am going to miss you." He said as he took one last look at the magnificent structure.

The Tower of Supremacy stood in all its shininess. The materials that were used to build it enhance and reflect light perfectly. So light that strikes it is amplified before it is reflected. It makes the Tower of Supremacy very bright.

The constant daylight in the ancient battlefield makes it so that anyone looking at it with their eyes will be stung by the glare of reflection. Supreme beasts don't have eyes so they don't care. They live in luxury while punishing people who stare at their shining 100,000-floor building.

"This way please." A Sovereign said to him.

He nodded and followed the Sovereign to the teleportation circle.

This Sovereign is one of the numerous slaves created and nurtured by the Supreme Alliance. They are premium livestock.

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