Chapter 1398 Gestating Godling.

Chapter 1398 Gestating Godling.

Someone as powerful as him can't go around the void universe making descendants for the fun of it. He is not that lasciviousness, neither does he have so much time to waste. He created the dragon race to gain power and he succeeded in it.

It could be a coincidence that this Legion is following in his path. It might be a coincidence that he chose a dragon as one of his clones. Legion might not be after his Cosmic source.

It might be a coincidence that the dragon clone turned into a godling clone. But coincidence or not, the second law that they broke has turned Legion into his enemy. It is also an enemy that Draco has to take seriously.

He delved deeper into the history of this Legion and all his clones. Nothing about Legion could be hidden from him. After all, he is not looking through his eyes, he is looking through the eyes of the Will of the void universe.

The Will of the void universe is omniscient and omnipresent. It knows everything there is to know about the void universe. It is not omnipotent due to the laws that it abides by but its knowledge about every being in the universe is unparalleled.

Draco can take a peek into that archive of information through the cosmic source that he stole. The only thing that can be hidden from him and the void universe is Legion's thoughts and memories. All of his actions and the state of his existence are laid bare.

"What do I do about this?" he mused to himself.

He knows why the Overgod came to inform him about Legion. The Overgod can't do anything to Legion yet because their state of existence is too far apart for interaction to occur.

But the Overgod is not willing to wait until he can move into action because Legion might become a bigger problem in the meantime. So it came to Draco who has a certain amount of influence on Legion.

Draco is also far beyond Legion too. He should not be able to do anything to Legion if not for the fact that a part of Legion is a true dragon. That gives him a channel to take action.

But he doesn't want to solve the problem for the Overgod. He is not a tool for the void universe. If he were, he wouldn't have stolen the Cosmic source.

It is especially a bad idea to be a lackey because of the anomalies surrounding Legion. So no, he won't be a tool. He wants to take advantage of the situation. He wants to get that strange orb that each clone of Legion possesses. It is the same orb that turned the dragon egg into a gestating godling.

Draco said proudly, "It was not a bad decision to have descendants. It took a lot of time and effort but it has paid far more than it cost to do so."

Then he focused on Legion and said, "If you will steal from me, then I can steal from you too."

If that strange orb can turn a dragon egg into a godling, then it might be able to turn someone born as a godling into something more powerful. Draco doesn't know for sure if it will work, but he is willing to find out.


Legion-5 knew it was coming. Legion-7 expected it and he anticipated it simply because they are about to do something that no one has ever done before.

Legion-7 was sure that it would come because he was sure that the void universe wouldn't let them have their way easily. He has been able to hide from the void universe within Legion-5. But the breakthrough to Origin god means that Legion -5 would become one with the void universe.

He would not be hiding inside Legion-5 anymore. Their existence would mesh when Legion-5 fuses completely with his seed of power which is his inner world. That means he would become exposed to the void universe from then on.

It is just right to expect that the void universe would try everything to stop them from becoming an Origin god who is part of its law matrix.

Legion-5 on the other hand expected the tribulation because he would be officially fusing the part of perfection, the path of divinity, and the power of demons together.

He would be using these three paths to perfect himself which the void universe might not be happy to see. In a way, his simple act of becoming an Origin god will offend the void universe twice so a tribulation is all but certain to come.

He has Origin essence to advance so all he needs to do is use the Origin essence to fuse his existence.

He is not using the tribulation method to advance. There is no need for tribulation to test his qualifications for advancement before he advances because he has Origin essence. But he is certain that tribulation will come to stop him.

They expect that the tribulation would cause a lot of disturbance so Legion-5 decided to find a way to escape from the Supreme Alliance. He is not leaving because a tribulation is strange. Other supreme beasts use the tribulation to advance to Origin god every time so no one would bat an eye at the appearance of a tribulation.

But a tribulation only appears for a Supreme beast after many Origin cycles of comprehending laws and the completion of the fusion of all their divine abilities. It doesn't appear less than an Origin cycle of birth so it would definitely draw unwanted attention when the tribulation comes for him.

He decided to leave since he was not willing to wait for so long when he could advance as soon as possible.

He met with his handler first. His handler, a female Origin god Supreme Beast considered his request and said, "So you want an assignment to earn points?"

"Yes." He confirmed.

"There is an opening for you in Hichtaku plane. They need some supervisors for the hatchery. You can sign up there. Here is the list of vacancies in the realm."


A/N: I remember when someone in the discord channel was making fun of dragons and the dragon ancestor for fucking around. I wanted to stand up to defend Draco but I had to keep quiet not to spoil anything.

I have so much bottled within me. I don't think it is healthy.

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