Chapter 1320 Mad Malekite.

Chapter 1320 Mad Malekite.

-----The Gods.

The gods who had been watching the war between the two low gods were surprised. They hadn't expected the war to end just like that. It came to them as a shock that Malekite had gained transcendents in her race. This elevated their assessment of her and also created a lot of enemies for her.

The group of gods who became wary of her are the gods with domains of diseases and plagues. They used to be enemies with Gholu but their adversity has shifted to her now that she possesses a small part of that domain.

The gods were expecting her to relax for many years to digest her newfound powers. Then she would attack them to expand the power of her domain after years of recuperation and preparation.

They were wrong. Malekite didn't relax. She started a new war immediately. She also didn't target the gods with the domain of diseases and plagues. She targeted Rier the god of poison.

A god snickered and said, "If the domain of poison is her target, then she must be mad for power. She is biting more than she can chew."

As if those two behaviors were not odd enough, Rier is also not a low-god like Gholu. She is a mid-god with a much stronger divine power than Gholu. This war confirmed that Malekite might actually be mad and not just for power. She might very well be mentally unstable.

This sequence of events made some gods pay attention to Malekite more. They soon found her source of confidence when they noticed that the Malekite race increased in number massively. This is because Malekite used the kingdom of Gholu as fertilizer to create more Malekites.

The Malekite race attacked the kingdom and killed everyone. Then she used their dead bodies as seed beds for her spores to create more Malekites. It was a massacre that turned a whole territory into a graveyard but there was no outcry. Instead, the gods couldn't help but be envious of her.

Instead of saying, "Malekite has gone too far. Mortal life shouldn't be treated like this. We are supposed to be protectors of mortals, not their killers."

They said, "This Malekite is truly lucky. She can create believers by herself. Her acquisition of the domain of diseases and plagues has made her reproductive ability stronger."

"And she has even managed to elevate them to transcendents. I thought she was suppressing them not to become transcendents so that they wouldn't break away from her control. It seems she is going all out."

"She has lost her restraints. Her strength has exploded because of it but it might also backfire. Transcendents are not so easy to control. They will soon start to get ideas of their own. It will happen soon with the way she is pushing them to their deaths in war."

"Why is she after the domain of poison though? It makes no sense. Spores don't go well with poison."

The gods were envious of her ability to reproduce and create believers as her offspring. They can't emulate her because reproduction is very difficult for other gods. Their divinity reduces their fertility but the domain of Spores is the opposite. It enhanced her fertility.

The fact that her offsprings her also the race that she created made them automatic believers. It has made it so that she has a strong potential to become a Celestial.

Malekite is unique in that aspect. She is the only primogenitor who is still alive in the plane. The ancestors of other races are long dead either due to old age or accidents. Her potential has made it evident that she is capable of achieving great things if she is not killed.

Her special position has not made them take Malekite seriously though. At least, the powerful gods that can kill her are not willing to take action yet. They want her to grow stronger and her domain of spores to develop more so that they will gain more from killing her.

But it looks like they won't get that pleasure. Rier will surely kill her for overreaching. Or her transcendents will rebel. After all, if they gain her godhood then they will be able to replace her as the Primogenitor of their race.

These reasons are why weaker gods are not taking her seriously. All the gods are envious of her but they are certain that she won't meet a good end. Malekite used to be cautious in the past but she seems to have gone mad and they are waiting for her inevitable death.

They are certain that she won't have a good end mostly because of her transcendent offsprings. Her offspring couldn't rebel before because of the suppression of their ancestry but that suppression is no more now that they have broken their limits.

Malekite has broken one important rule of a god, believers are meant to be weak and reliant on their gods to maintain their faith. So the gods expected to see a loss. Everything was working towards that outcome.

Malekite had a lot of transcendents as opposed to the single transcendent that Rier had employed. Her transcendents decimated Rier's army. They broke through the army to fight Rier herself. But their quantity couldn't overcome the quality that is the divine power of a mid-god. Rier killed them easily.

30 transcendents fought a single mid-god and died until only 5 of them were left. The 25 that were killed died in less than 10 minutes of fighting with her. Even the 4 vessels that showed up couldn't stand against her.

All Rier had to do was eliminate the rest and claim victory. It seemed the transcendents sensed this outcome too. They rushed her and tried to bury her with their attacks and their bodies.

No one knows what happened exactly but Rier was dead by the time the rubble of the desperate charge of the transcendents was over. She appeared to have been suffocated which allowed the transcendents to deplete her divine energy and kill her.

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