Chapter 1319 Organic Vs Inorganic Vessel.

Chapter 1319 Organic Vs Inorganic Vessel.

Legion-7 has indeed learned a lot of things in the spiritual dimension. What struck a chord in him was the black hole. It is arguably the most significant thing he saw apart from the great mothers.

He had tried to copy how they devoured souls but he failed. Still, he managed to learn how to attract and pull souls to himself using soul force. He also believes that if given time and opportunity, he can use the resurrection system of the Origin gods in the spiritual dimension to create an independent one for Legion to use.

Legion-7 finished his explanation with a caveat, "But I will need protection or a way to avoid death myself. I am currently vulnerable and easy to kill. It will not do if I am the core of the resurrection and I die."

"Hmm. You make a good point. But as of yet, there is no solution. Maybe you will find a way to protect yourself through the gods."

"The domains of gods do contain a lot of potential. Plus you are yet to evolve. Let's wait and see what will come of your evolution."

"I think we can find and build a perfect body for you just like we prepared a body for Legion-9."

"An organic body is good but a mechanical body can also work. I think a great artifact built to protect souls will work much better than an organic body."

"But an organic body will grant us another useful clone with a useful divine ability. What can an inorganic body do?"

"As good as that might be, where are we going to find a useful organic body for him to possess? The life tree can work but we already have one. Another one will be a waste."

"But a robot body seems like a waste too."

"No, it is not. Imagine a large number of robots connected and controlled by Legion-7. It will be like Malekite but more durable and reliable."

The clones were arguing about what to do with Legion-7. Legion-7 is currently not useful to them and they are already planning to get rid of him. But he has the potential for greatness, especially with his suggestion to create an independent resurrection system.

The best thing and also the easiest thing is to kill him and create another clone in his place. They will lose his special existence but they will also gain a useful clone. But they don't want to lose his special existence. At least not yet.

Unfortunately, if they are to keep him, they have to deal with the hostility of the whole void universe towards him. That brings a lot of difficulty that they don't know how to solve yet.

The best they can come up with ensconcing him within a specially made body that will be very compatible with him, unlike the hosts that die when he possesses them or prepare an inorganic body that can't be destroyed easily. This has led to quite an argument amongst them.

"How about we wait until he evolves? He might gain an ability that will increase his survivability. It will also increase his worth to us so we know just how much we can sacrifice to keep him."

Legion-7 suggested, "That's for the future. Currently, I think we have to remove the system from us as soon as possible. The realm lord cannot be trusted."

Legion-1 agreed. "You're right. It is best not to risk anything when it comes to him."

Legion-7 is a spiritual being who is very adept with connections. There is one connection that he has noticed between Legion and the realm tree. That connection is the same one that attaches the system to them.

He doesn't have the system anymore ever since he went to the spiritual dimension. Becoming a soul prowler severed his connection with the realm. This is probably why the realm lord is interested in his experience in the spiritual dimension or why the void universe doesn't consider him a living being.

But the other clones still have their connection with the system. They can't do anything about it until they become Origin gods and Legion-1 has never bothered to have it removed since they believe that the realm lord can't acquire any information from it. After all, the realm lord has not acquired their permission to do so. But they have decided not to rely on Mother High Heaven and the rules that bind the realm lord to protect them anymore.

"I have removed it." Legion-1 said.

"So have I," Aeternus said.

Helios also joined in. "And I."

Those three are the only ones who have enough power to sever their connection with the system. Soverick, Ragnarok, Legion-5, and Legion-8 can't yet.

"The loss of the stat screens means that we can't track our progress easily anymore."

"We don't need the stat screen as Origin gods anyway."

"I wonder what he is using the information he gathers for."

"He must gain something from it, most likely strength."

"Even if he doesn't gain strength from it, he must gain knowledge and knowledge is power."

"Let's consider the problem of our own strength next."

"If we are strong enough, the threat of the realm lord won't matter."

They take the realm lord seriously but as a future adversary who they would antagonize and overcome. They planned for the fight to be when the void universe dies but recent events as shown that the realm lord might come after them earlier than that time.

So Legion took note of the realm lord's deal, made some changes to themselves, and updated their threat assessment of the realm lord. Then they moved on to make plans that would ensure their survivability against the realm lord if need be.

They concluded that Legion-7 needed to evolve and acquire more soul techniques. So he turned his greedy gaze towards the gods.

"It seems my hobby has become a job. There is no better thing than that."

It is the best of both worlds when what you do for fun becomes something that will get you paid. For Legion-7, killing and eating gods has become the best of both worlds.

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