Evolution: A Warlock's Rise To Power

Chapter 185: Consequences

Chapter 185: Consequences

Bo Hekin pulled into the garage and entered his home. He put away his coat and looked around for his wife. After searching, he could only find his son Derek, who was using the computer in Bo's office.

"Where is everybody?" Asked Bo.

"Mom went over to Brax's and Chris is staying at her friends house tonight for a sleep over. She told you yesterday at dinner."

"Oh yeah. What are you up to?"

"Just gaming with some pals, your computer is still the best."

"You winning?"

"Yupp, we have only lost a few matches but won twice as many."

"Nice, do well on your finals and I will get you dual monitors like I have."

"Ha, ha, you're the best. Dang! Pete, watch your back, a sniper just took me out."

"Have fun, tell your friends I said hi. I am going to go find your mom."

Bo left the room and could still hear Derek as he headed away.

"My dad says hey. I can only play a few more matches, if I ace my finals, he is going to get me a new monitor setup. I want to study a bit tonight before I head to bed."

Bo walked out the back of the house and strolled through the garden, coming to the guest house that Brax was living in.

Hearing a commotion inside he quickly opened the door.

"Aunty, please spare me. I didn't want to hide it from you. I am sorry. I am sorry. Please stop."

"If you were really sorry you would stop making me chase you. Get back here punk."

Bo walked in to see his wife chasing Brax around the living room with her slipper in hand. His nephew was fleeing like his life was on the line.

"Hey, hey, what is going on?" Bo said, stepping forward and blocking Brax's path.

His nephew dodged around him and ran towards the kitchen.

Marie stopped beside her husband, panting.

"What happened? Why are you so riled up?" Bo asked.

"That punk went and did it this time." Marie said, immediately taking off again after she caught her breath.

As Marie circled into the kitchen, Brax came running out. "Uncle, Uncle, Aunty has gone crazy, you have to help me."

Brax said, trying to run past again. Bo quickly reacted and grabbed him, halting his nephew's escape.

Marie came running out of the kitchen. "Ha, ha, I knew I married a good one. Hold him down while I get him."

Bo was accustomed to seeing the scene before him. He had witnessed it many times while they raised Brax. The nostalgia brought a faint smile to his face. "I got him dear, this rascal won't escape."

Marie dove froward.

*Smack* *Smack* *Smack*

Her slipper quickly found his bottom and gave out three slaps.

Bo let Brax go. She hadn't hit him hard at all. Marie was incapable of hurting her nephew. No matter how old he was, he would never outgrow a spanking from his aunt.

"Woah, you must have made her made if she unleashed the Triple Slap of Justice." Bo said.

Brax blushed while he rubbed his rear, it had slightly stung, but the sensation was already almost gone.

"I-." Brax was cut off before he could continue.

"Do you know what this punk did? He went and got himself married and didn't even tell anyone. He didn't even invite me." She said to Bo before turning back Brax. "I could understand if you didn't invite your Uncle, but how could you not let me come?" She said to him making a pitiful face.

Brax knew here face and tears were only a show, but he still felt bad.

"I am sorry. I should have invited you. But it is not like we had a wedding. We will still have to do that in the future, and I will need a lot of help from my smart and knowledgeable aunt." He said with his head lowered.

"Hmpf, good. At least you aren't entirely stupid."

"Hey, why is it fine if he didn't invite me?" Bo asked his wife.

"Geez, it was just signing come papers at the city hall. Why are you getting so worked up about this?" Marie said to her husband.

Bo could only shake his head and chuckle at his wife's behavior. He was used to it, this was nothing new.

After that, the three sat down and Brax told them about how things came to be and why Jenna wanted to get married in secret. In the end, they agreed not to say anything until Jenna was ready to tell her family. They were happy for Brax. Although they wished they could have been their when he officially became married, at least they had a wedding to look forward to. It wouldn't be easy for either side to back out since they were already married. A wedding was imminent.

After asking many questions they were finally satisfied. It was already late into the evening when they went back to their house.

Brax quickly ate a meal and sent a text message to Tony, the owner of the martial arts club. He explained that he would not be able to show up during the day until he got back on a normal schedule. Tony understood and said he would let Brax know if he ended up stay late at the gym like he sometimes did.

After the conversation, he headed down to the gym in the basement. Just because he wasn't going to the club didn't mean he was allowed to slack off. He still needed to train.

After his workout he received a text from Jenna. He smiled when he saw the name. He had a habit of changing her contact information every couple of days. Today it was 'Wifey'.

[Wifey: I smoothed things over with my folks. I didn't tell them we are married, but I told them I love you and asked what was wrong with staying at my boyfriend's place.]

[Brax: And they were fine with it?]

[Wifey: After a lecture about unplanned pregnancies, they just started talking about other stuff like nothing was wrong. So I think so. How did things go with your Aunt?]

[Brax: Um She chased me around with her slipper until she spanked me.]

[Wifey: Ha, ha, ha. That would have been great to see.]

[Brax: Obviously she is fine with it. But when we hold a wedding, I am sure she will want to be involved planning it. Oh yeah, she also told my uncle but they both promised to keep it to themselves. Is that alright?]

[Wifey: I am sorry Do you hate me for making you hide our relationship?]

{Brax: No way, don't be crazy. We can move at whatever pace you want too. As long as there is a future where we can openly be together, I will wait for however long it takes with out a single complaint. Being with you is prize enough.]

Brax played around on his computer and surface the forums while texting with Jenna. Their messed up schedule resulted in neither one of them being able to log in until the wee hours of the morning. At least, they both shared the same schedule and could talk while everyone else was either asleep or inside of Evolution.

Eventually it was time and they logged back in.

Lucan took a look at a map. He had already marked off the areas he traveled. Today, he would be heading west. He summoned his flying carpet and took to the sky with Adrestia siting in his lap.


Heaven had to rush back to Cloud Saint City to deal with some matters. Silent could only shake her head. Her sister had agreed to be in a movie, acted and left without ever signing a contract or even discussing her pay.

Heaven didn't forget to aske Silent for a favor before she left. She hopped that Silent could take care of it for her. It was not like they could just stiff her when they wanted to remain in Destole, the city that was given to her sister.

Silent approached the Starlight Entertainment headquarters that had recently been established.

Meeting with annabelle, the two began to discuss compensation.

In the end, the amount Starlight offered was a bit lower than what the average d-list celebrity would earn for such a situation.

Silent wasn't interested in arguing back and forth. And since the filming was completed inside Evolution and no one was sure how things would turn out, she accepted the offer.

With the contract settled, Silent return to the large manner in the center of the city. It was previously the home of the former Governor, but now it was where she based herself in the city.

During her stay in Destol, Silent had made many changes. Several new attendants saw to the city's needs. She also ousted a number of corrupt officials. Not everyone in the city appreciated her efforts, but she didn't care who appreciated her work.

She continued to make arrangements when she received a message from Lucan.

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