Evolution: A Warlock's Rise To Power

Chapter 184: Judgment Day

Chapter 184: Judgment Day

Heaven's Kiss did not have very many lines, but Silent still helped her go through the script. This was her first time acting, she didn't want to let the others down.

She may have been an internet idol, but now she was going to appear in an actual movie. She was having a hard time calming herself down. She knew that if Silent wasn't her she would probably lose her cool.

With her sister sitting across from her, she practiced her few lines over and over.

The director of the film saw the two practicing lines and came over to watch. After Heaven ran through her part, the director pointed out a few things and gave a couple of suggestion to help improve her performance. After giving Heaven a few notes, he left to check on the others.

"You don't have to stay an help me practice if you have other things to do." Heaven said to Silent.

"What would be more important than this?" Silent said.

"Don't you have to get things in order in this city?" Heaven asked.

"It is no problem. There are plenty of people who are working on it. If anything, major happens, one of the attendants will send me a message. Until then, I can help you practice as many times as you want."

"Good, good. I didn't realize I would be so nervous." Heaven said while looking towards the set that was being prepared.

"Don't you live stream in front of a live audience every now and then. How does a film crew of twenty people make you nervous, but you are fine streaming for fifty thousand fans?" Silent asked with a laugh.

"It isn't the same." Heaven said. "People come to the live stream specifically to see me. This film is different. I am just a small part, if I mess up, I will be holding everyone back. Besides, I don't want to mess up my first chance at being an actress."

Silent nodded even though she didn't understand. Live streaming for fifty thousand people was a lot more nerve-racking to her compared to filming in front of twenty people. Heaven was given a new set of clothes to wear, she ran into a building to quickly change before coming back.

After a few more minutes, the director called everyone over. Heaven and the others in this scene listened closely as the director explained what he wanted from them. After going through the motions a few times, the camera were ready and everyone moved to their places.

"Action!" The director called out as the cameras began rolling.

Silent stood the side and stayed quiet as she watched.

Heaven was only playing a minor part in this movie, but she was determined to do her best.

On the first time through the scene, she gave her lines perfectly, but the actor across from her, stumbled on his words. They had to re shoot it.

After trying seven times, the director was finally satisfied with what he captured. Heaven had only messed up one of the tries. She was feeling good about herself and was no longer as nervous as she was earlier.

The director gave out directions to let them know what scene they would be filming next. Once everyone was informed, they gathered up their things and the equipment and went off to the next location.

Silent followed closely while making sure her sister had everything she needed. Even if Silent and Heaven's relationship had not improved recently, she would still be here helping out Heaven. How could she not help when it had always been her sisters dream to become famous.

The rest of the day was spent bouncing from one location to another. The director went through every scene that belonged to the actress that had left. By the end of the day, everything had been replaced with Heaven's kiss.

"Good work. That is enough for now. You have completed all your scenes. We may call you back if we need to reshoot something, or if we have last minute changes, but you will be informed in advance if that happens." The director said as he saw the two women off.


Lucan had been searching for a pocket dimension all day long and had still had not found it. He chanced across a few monsters and beasts during his wandering. If they were the appropriate level, he would fight them, just to have something to do. It was rather boring just flying on his magic carpet.

Checking his interface, he found that it was almost time to log off.

He found a place to land and put his flying carpet away before initiating the log out sequence.

Brax stretched while pushing open the lid to his capsule. Putting his feet on the ground, he prepared to head to the bathroom when he heard a groan that frightened him.

Quickly turning he saw Jenna getting out of the other capsule. He had known that she was here, but this was the first time that someone had used the other capsule. It still caught him off guard, compared to the normal routine that he had moved through every other day.

He couldn't help but smile when he saw Jenna sit up and cutely rub her eyes before looking around.

When she saw Brax staring at her, she blushed and got to her feet. He let her run off to the bathroom first and held it in until she finished.

It was already late in the evening. Since they had started playing before the sun even rose, they were both now on a messed-up schedule. Brax wasn't too worried about it. Over the next month he would log out a little earlier whenever he would have the chance. This would start slowly shifting his game time back towards the night instead of the day.

When Jenna left the bathroom, Brax took his turn. He relieved himself, cleaned up a bit and brushed his teeth.

When he walked out, he could smell something being cooked in the kitchen.

It appeared that Jenna wasn't a failure at cooking like himself. She had made two sets of eggs, toasts, and fried some small bits of potato. Brax cut up a few pieces of fruit to help out while she finished.

They both sat down and quickly went through their food.

"Do you have to go back?" Brax asked while taking the dishes to the sink. He asked but he had already known the answer.

"Yes, I need to head back."

"That's no fair." He said while walking up behind her and wrapping his arms around her. "You should stay here with your husband."

"If I could, I would. But my family thinks that we are only dating. It wouldn't be appropriate."

"Hmpf, I can call your dad right now and tell him we are married." Brax said with a teasing tone.

Jenna turned around and hugged him tightly. "Don't worry, I will tell them soon." She said.

Brax leaned forward and began to kiss her neck while his hands wandered downward. She half-heartedly tried to push his hands away but gave in after a moment.

His hands slid into the sweatpants she had taken and griped her firm backside while she pressed her chest up against his.

She eagerly kissed him back, biting his lips and sucking on his tongue. When they pulled away for a breath of air. Jenna looked mischievously towards her husband.

"You are only making things worse for yourself." She said. "I still have to leave."

Brax ignored her and pulled her back towards him while locking their lips together again.

His hands roamed up her smooth stomach and began lifting up her shirt. He grabbed onto her chest while they made out. Brax wasn't the only one enjoying himself. Jenna has started squeezing Brax's butt and was enjoying herself while her husband groped and squeezed.

"Are you sure you don't want to stay?" Brax asked again.

"Of course, I want to stay, but I can't." She replied. Reaching into the front of his pants, she stood on her toes and whispered in his ear. "Let me take care of you before I go."


Forty minutes later, Jenna driver arrived and she headed home.

A few minutes after his front door shut, Brax heard it open again. He quickly went over to see if Jenna had changed his mind.

He suddenly remembered that he had forgotten something about yesterday. His aunt knew that he was married.

"Quit hiding from me you punk! You have some explaining to do!" She called out through the guest house while Brax went to go hide in the gym downstairs.

Judgment had come and he was afraid. That tiny aunt of his was the most fearsome monster in Brax's eyes, but he knew that it wasn't her fault. He was the one that got married and had hidden it from her. Knowing his aunt's personality, what was to come, was only natural.

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