Evolution: A Warlock's Rise To Power

Chapter 162: Elder Beneil

Chapter 162: Elder Beneil

"I will end you! You will pay for this!" Screamed Elder Beneil.

Lucan only laughed to himself as the monk tried to get to his feet even though they were bound together.

"How has your stay been? Enjoying yourself?" Lucan asked.

"You-. Just you-." Elder Beneil was cut off as the devil near him shoved him back down to the ground.

"You, you, you, what?" Lucan said with a laugh. "Are you proud of turning on your family? Even your son has left you. Hopefully your money and your company can care for you when you fall sick, because no one else will. No one cares about you."

"RAGHHH!!!!!" Mr. Beneil struggled against the bonds that bounds him to no avail.

With the crack of the devil's whip, the four-legged beast began to drag him through the shit and mud again.

"Ha, ha, better keep your mouth closed while you are being dragged around. All that shit your have been spewing is trying to find a way back in."

The low-level devils around Lucan could not understand what he was saying, but none of them caused problems for the warlock. Lucan could hear them talking to each other. The only word he recognized was the name Gilbuzz. And it was frequently mentioned while they pointed to the brand on his forehead.

It appeared that even though Lucan was a slave for a week, he still had a bit of status among the low-level devils. As long as he didn't go too far, nobody would mess with him since messing with Lucan was the same as messing with GIlbuzz's property.

The devil who was in the pit with the four-legged creature and Elder Beneil walked to the edge and offered his whip to Lucan. Even though the devil couldn't tell what they were saying he could still tell that there was animosity between the two and he didn't want to miss the chance to suck up towards Gilbuzz. Who knew if their leader would come to personally retrieve his slave, maybe the human flesh monkey would even say something good about him to Gilbuzz. At least that is what the devil torturing Elder Beneil thought.

Lucan didn't want to miss his opportunity. He hopped over the waist high fence and landed in the pit. He took the whip from the devil and cracked it once.

The four-legged creature came to a stop.

"Ha, you have finally come to your senses." Elder Beneil said. "But it is too late, I will never forgive you. Things have already been set with Jason; this wedding will be happening."

"He, he, you're too funny." Lucan said. "I didn't stop you because I want to help you. Are you really so foolish, how did you ever manage to lead a company? I am amazed by how much your mind deteriorated in your old age. I didn't come to help you, I came to join in on the fun."

"What!!! It is one thing to have devils storm the city, but you are actually working this close with them. Just you wait till everyone finds out what kind of pathetic scum you are. You-."

Elder Beneil chocked on his words when he saw a foot-long centipede appear in Lucan's hand.

The low-level devils also quieted down. The creature in the warlock's hand was something that they were not familiar with. To find something that the devils were not familiar with was an impressive feat.

Lucan held Creepy by his rear and dangled him over the monk who's hands and feet had been tied together.

Elder Beneil rolled back and forth through the shit and the mud, trying to not let the pet in Lucan's hand fall on him. But since the warlock never dropped Creep, the old monk just ended up rolling around in the mud and shit. The low-level devils enjoyed a good laugh.

"SHUT UP!!! ALL OF YOU, SHUT UP!!!" Elder Beneil could not stand being the center of ridicule.

The monk was howling and making all kinds of noise. Lucan finally dropped Creepy on his face. When the little guy crawled towards Elder Beneil's mouth, the old man finally shut up.

But it was no matter, if Creepy couldn't crawl into his mouth, there was other ways to torture him. The centipede's hundreds of legs could be felt as he crawled down the monk's neck and into his shirt.

"AHHH!! GET IF OFF! GET IT OFF QUICK!!!!" He shouted.

"So talkative." Lucan said while signaling to Creepy. The centipede crawled back up towards the man's head causing the monk to shut his mouth again.

Crawling up his neck, Creepy began to poke into the monk's ears as he took a look around.

Lucan stretched out his hand while softly muttering a chant. The nearby devils could feel magic gathering around him, but none tried to stop the warlock. They let him do as he liked. They watched as the centipede continued to crawl around the monk's head.

The warlock waved his hand. Thousands of centipedes in hundreds of sizes began to crawl up and out of the mud. The moved towards the monk and started to creep all over his body while taking small bites.

With so many of the creatures, Elder Beneil didn't dare to let out a scream. There were many waiting to dive into his mouth. But he didn't know that his resistance was meaningless. As the creepy crawlers stepped up their assault, the monk was unable to hold back anymore.


The bugs had entered his ears. The loud sounds of their tiny feet and mouths scarping his flesh echoed loudly as they bit and chewed their way inside. They didn't stop there. They found a way in through his nose and didn't hold back as they pushed inward. Their small mandibles pinched and tore at his eyelids. Unable to hold it back, Elder Beneil let out a scream.

The centipede didn't wait and dove into his open mouth, a dozen at a time.

The monk began to shake and tremble unable to hold himself back.

The living nightmare was taking a toll on Elder Beneil. The illusions continued to punish him when Creepy showed himself. He reared up on his hindquarters for a moment before diving down and using his strong jaws to rip into the monk's stomach. He quickly burrowed inside.

With a new opening made, the other centipedes did waste time and followed him in.

Elder Beneil was unable to say anything and stopped resisting when the last bit of his health bar disappeared. He was expecting to die but found himself back on the ground, still tied up.

The warlock waved his hand. Thousands of centipedes in hundreds of sizes began to crawl up and out of the mud. The moved towards the monk and started to creep all over his body while taking small bites.

"NOO!!! STOP!!!!"

Lucan bent over panting. The thousands of centipedes disappeared while Creepy crawled back to him. The warlock was out of mana and could no longer sustain the spell.

"I will-."


Lucan used the whip the devil had passed to him earlier to smack Elder Beneil across the face and shut him up. Hearing the familiar sound, the four-legged creature responded and began to drag the monk around again.

The devil who had been torturing Elder Beneil earlier came and stood beside Lucan and watched his prey get dragged through the mud. Lucan passed the whip back to him and gave a nod of thanks to the devil. The torturer gave a nod back before Lucan exited the pit and left him to his work.

The warlock left Elder Beneil to his fate and continued walking around the camp. He didn't have any interest in torturing the other prisoners, Elder Beneil was a special case.

After an hour of wandering around, Lucan returned to Gilbuzz's tent. He was stopped outside by a pair of devil guards. They didn't let him inside and Lucan didn't dare fight them on the issue. They pointed to a fur that had been laid out beside the entrance to the tent.

Lucan sat down and waited.

He summoned Little Brown in his bird form. The small spirt was a little nervous when he saw they were in a devil camp but calmed down when he realized they were not under attack.

Lucan stroked the birds head a few times.

He may be forced to stay in the nine hells, but his deal didn't apply to his familiar. Lucan opened a portal to the shadow realm and Little Brown flew through and started to make his way to Lucan's fortress.

With time to kill, the warlock took out a book on formations and began to read. Making the most of his time, Lucan opened his interface and put his split mind to work. He read a digital copy of a different book at the same time he read the book in his hand, taking full advantage of the fact that he could carry two trains of thought at the same time.

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