Evolution: A Warlock's Rise To Power

Chapter 161: No Other Choice

Chapter 161: No Other Choice

Lucan activated his ethereal energy. If he couldn't win, he could still flee.

[leaving the Abyss will result in death and the failure of the survival dungeon.]

The hyenas continued to climb the walls and would be on him in a moment. With no other option, Lucan transformed into a shadow. He fell past them and started sprinting around the tree.

The hyenas jumped down from the canyon wall and gave chase.

Looking back over his shoulder, Lucan began casting telekinetic walls, one after another.

*Shatter* *Shatter* *Shatter*

They did nothing to slow the pace of his pursuers. The hyenas chased after him without pause.

Luca entered stealth but they had caught onto his scent. It made no difference.

"Damn it!!!"

He gave up on stealth and started unleashing telekinetic slashes over his shoulder. They barely did any damage to the demons.

He dodged and evaded until his shadow mana emptied. Up ahead Lucan saw a pit in the canyon that dropped into the pitch black. He saw it as his only hope. Maybe they wouldn't follow him down. Maybe he would survive the fall. Maybe he could find a way out of the dungeon.

Reaching the edge, he took a leap of faith and left solid land behind. Lucan looked down into the black depths.


He was snatched in the jaws of a hyena and pulled back to the edge. The three beasts tore him apart in a flash.

[You have died.]

Lucan let out every curse he knew. He had died. And on top of that he lost his grimoire. He had picked it up after the meteor killed him but there was no way to get it back from the dungeon. It was gone.

Lucan wasn't given the option to return to a graveyard. His soul was floating over his dismembered body when purple hellfire began to swirl around him. A clawed hand reached up and dragged him down.

The warlock regained his body and appeared before the horned devil Gilbuzz.

"We meet again so soon." The devil said with a wide smile as he sat in front of a desk.

Lucan frowned but there was nothing he could do. Taking a quick look around he found himself in the horned devil's tent at the camp he had visited previously.

"Come." Gilbuzz said, walking to the exit of the tent.

When Lucan didn't immediately move the devil reached out his hand. A dark chain appeared from the bracelet on the wrist of the devil and connected to Lucan's next. Gilbuzz yanked, jerking the warlock off his feet.

"You will come when I tell you to come." Gilbuzz demanded. "Now get up."

Lucan struggled to his feet but apparently not fast enough for Gilbuzz.

"AHH!" The devils hand pierced straight through Lucan's heart.

[You have died.]

He once again appeared before Gilbuzz.

"You travelers may not lose experience when you die while enslaved but you will still feel the pain and of course death need not come quickly. Now COME!" Gilbuzz said while pulling on the chain.

Lucan quickly followed the devil out of the tent. As he caught up, the chain disappeared again. When he looked around, he saw the new development in the devil's camp.

Hundreds of people that had been captured from Bone Crushers city were being tortured.

"You should feel honored. Normally you would spend your week here like these people." The devil said while they walked past a group of players that were being forced to fight against each other for the devil's entertainment. When the last player had survived, the devils opened a hatch in the pit and flooded it with lava while laughing.

"Our power comes from the fear, pain and helpless of these souls. Their suffering lets us grow stronger. I could gain from sending you to be tortured like the rest, but I have a feeling you may be of more use as my servant. And I can admit that there is value in our relationship, it isn't in my best interest to destroy that bond, but if you fail to head my instructions during your stay, you will be punished." Gilbuzz said while leading Lucan through the camp.

Lucan could only sigh. The deal he had worked out with the devil prevented him from escaping or leaving before his time was up. He was truly stuck in hell, bound to the whims of a devil. Thankfully he had died in a dungeon. He didn't lose a whole level, nor did he drop a piece of gear. Although he did lose his grimoire.

"What would you have me do?" Lucan asked.

"You came at a prefect time. Tomorrow is an important day for me. Myself and the other generals will be competing to see who will lead the next force into the abyss to take the fight to the demons."

"And how does that involve me?"

The devils whip lashed out at Lucan striking him across his chest.

"Don't interrupt me. As I was saying, there will be a competition tomorrow. The other general and I decided to let our slaves compete against each other to decide who gets to lead the expedition. That is where you come in."

Seeing Lucan's confusion Gilbuzz continued.

"You will not be competing directly. My five participants are much stronger than you. Thanks to the raid you orchestrated I was able to get my hands on many good specimens. Your skills are better served in an advisory capacity. We generals are prohibited from interfering in the competition, but I think you will make an adequate team leader. I was impressed by what I saw during my trip to the material realm."

Gilbuzz looked to Lucan, indicating him to respond.

"I will do my best." He said.

"Good. Good. I will be counting on you."

Gilbuzz reached a finger out and touched it to Lucan's forehead. He felt and intense pain on his head and tried his best to not fall away from the devils touched. When the devil removed his finger a seared mark into his flesh remained.

"You have my brand. It will remain until you leave the nine hells. With that, the others will know you are my property. Lower-level devils will not give you trouble. I have things to attend to in private. You may wander around as long as you do not leave the confines of this camp."

Gilbuzz said. Without waiting for Lucan to say anything he turned and left.

The first thing Lucan did was contact Silent.

[Lucan Quilldrake: I died]

[Silent Night: I am sorry, this is all my fault. If we had just run dungeons in the shadow realm like you suggested, none of this would have happened. I am sorry.]

[Lucan Quilldrake: It is not your fault. I made the deal and what happened, happened. There is nothing we can do about it. I will be stuck here for the next seven days in game.]

[Silent Night: I will make it up to you when you return. I feel bad.]

[Lucan Quilldrake: You don't have to make it up to me, you did nothing wrong. But I won't say no to special treats from my beautiful wife.]

[Silent Night: Don't worry I will make sure you are happy when you get back. ;) Try to make the best of it for now.]

[Lucan Quilldrake: Actually, I just saw something that makes this a little bit better. I have to go.]

Lucan caught sight of a player who was being dragged around in a circle. The players feet were tied together and tethered by a long rope to the back of a four legged beast that was running around a mud and shit filled pen.

Lucan squeezed past a few low-level devils to get a better look.

The devil in charge of the torture whipped the beast and order it to stop while he went to speak to another devil.

The player looked around but didn't bother to get up, until he saw Lucan.

"You! You bastard! When I get out of here, I am going to end you! I will make your life miserable! You will suffer for the setbacks you have caused me!"

The low-level devils who didn't speak the common tongue ignored the man's yelling.

"Oh, hey Elder Beneil. I don't think we have met yet. I am your future grandson-in-law. How are you doing?"

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