Dungeons and Dalliances

4.45 – Swapped XI

4.45 – Swapped XI

"How did last challenge even make sense?" Natalie blurted out. The question had been on her mind, but other developing events had taken priority. With the two of them about to venture into the next—likely lewd—challenge, she found herself needing to ask.

"What do you mean?"

"It was literally just sucking your cock. How is that a challenge? Something worth rewarding? At least with Liz, she had needed to—" Natalie bit her lip to cut herself off, remembering that Liz had asked for her to be discreet about that event.

Ana, and the rest of the party, had seen the initial description of the rules, and the saddle device, though. "It required her not to climax," Ana finished for her. "So there was an aspect of imposed difficulty. A challenge in the more traditional sense."

"Exactly." Whereas the blowjob room—and the fact that Natalie referred to a dungeon challenge in that way kind of broke her brain—had just been for Natalie to get on her knees and pleasure Ana.

"I've been wondering about that too. The nature of your class," Ana said, sounding way too academically interested for both the topic at hand, and what was coming up. "If we consider a typical delver, their class urges them to become a better combatant—and that's what the dungeon does as well. Throws powerful monsters at them until they grow in skill and competence. If viewed under that light, then the dungeon offering a sex-based class any type of lewd challenge is reasonable, since the class-bearer would become more proficient in sex. An artificial constraint like Elizabeth's is unnecessary. I could liken it to how the dungeon often throws a simple monster at us, without any complicated scenario accompanying it. The goal is to make you grow in matters related to sex, perhaps by pushing boundaries or simply giving you opportunities to refine your skill set. So, it makes perfect sense."

Wow. Ana had actually thought about it, then. Natalie had mostly shrugged and dealt with the practical results of her class, but here was an explanation. Though it missed the why behind being given a class that urged her to 'grow in matters of sex'. It at least explained why the dungeon acted like it did, and also why the blowjob room had been so straightforward.

"Huh," Natalie said. "So, what's the end result? It wants to turn me into some complete degenerate?"

"Not necessarily. High-level delvers are hardly all violence-addicted sadists. They're simply very, very good at killing. Which I suppose means the dungeon wants you to be very, very good at fucking."

Natalie stared at her. "How do you do that?"

"Do what?"

"Say something so ridiculous with a straight face."

"Years of practice," Ana said coolly. "And, fascinating as I find this discussion, I do believe you're stalling. Didn't you promise me I'd get to put this thing inside you?" She grabbed her cock and wiggled it at Natalie. "I'm getting impatient."

Natalie's face instantly started burning, and she bashfully looked away. Why did Ana's impassionate delivery of such lewd requests turn her on so much? Ana's whole personality was a strangely effective enigma.

"We don't even know if that's what's coming up," Natalie mumbled.

"Combat, fucking, combat. Three makes a pattern. I find it a safe assumption."

"And you're really looking forward to it, are you?" Natalie shot back.

"As much as you are, if I had to guess." Ana's lips twitched. "Which is to say, very much. I'm itching to get going. Now, hurry up." She made a shooing motion. "Staring at your ass all day has me pent up."

Natalie didn't have a retort for that—she never had a retort to Ana's complete lack of shame—so, red-faced, she swung open the hallway door and advanced. The two girls passed by a familiar ladder, and sure enough, above the next doorway was the same pink gemstone they'd seen heralding the first lewd challenge. It really was alternating combat and fucking, then. Three suggested a pattern, but four confirmed it.

Having all but known this was coming, she refused to hesitate. She already didn't like how much of a blushing mess this had turned her into, so she could at least face her fate with squared shoulders.

And no, it wasn't because she was itching to get started, like Ana had implied. Ana might have bullied an admittance like that out of her by getting up in her face, but Natalie wasn't such a massive pervert that she was squirming to have her own cock inside her. She had some dignity.

She did.

Or, at least, she was going to keep telling herself that.

Regardless, she swung open the door and strode in, hammer held at the ready. Inside, a familiar aesthetic met them: polished tiles, statues, and, making her stomach clench in either nervousness or something Natalie didn't look closely at, there was a bed in the center of the room. The last confirmation they needed.

Worse, even, was that a large plaque inscribed with instructions laid on a plinth, offset from the bed. Instructions couldn't bode anything good, not when Liz's challenge had set the standard.

The last objects of note were the three doorways leading out—all locked. The first had a single circular gemstone above it, glowing a dull, faint pink. The second had two, and the third had three. Natalie didn't know what that meant, but she assumed the instructions would explain it to them.

"It gave us a bed again," Ana commented. "We should use it, this time. Spurning a gracious host is rude, Natalie."

Natalie ignored her. She scanned the room for traps, then approached the plinth holding the challenge's instructions.


Inscribe the Mark of Carnal Absorption by pressing the formation stone into one's pubic region. The bearer of this mark, upon climax, will shatter a Seal, unlocking passages to higher-tier rewards.

The mark will fade ten minutes after entry. All surviving Seals past the mark's dissolution will become impossible to break.


"Tiered rewards," Ana said. "Interesting. And there's six total—that's a lot of cumming." She plucked up the small stone sitting on the plinth and turned it side to side. Red-violet lines covered it in an intricate magical diagram. "A formation stone." Ana hummed as she peered at the novel item. "We shouldn't wait. The timer started when we came in. The question is, which of us will come to climax easiest? And most often?" Her lips curled up in vague amusement as she turned to Natalie. "No need to answer." She placed the cold stone against Natalie's pubic area, a few inches above her pussy, then pushed. "We both know it'll be you." The stone sank into her, and glowing violet-red lines scrawled across her skin, forming an intricate tattoo in the shape of a stylized womb.

Ana pushed Natalie, and the action was so surprising, she stumbled and fell onto the bed. Ana pursued, crawling over her.

"Six times," Ana said. "That seems easy enough. I wonder if there's a bonus for going above and beyond." She brought her face close to Natalie, mumbling her next words—tickling Natalie with hot air. "And it's about time. I'm so tired of waiting."

"I-It just says climax," Natalie replied, heart slamming at Ana's sudden proximity—and the way Ana's cock pressed against her stomach. "We don't have to go too far. We don't have to do anything rash."

"How else will I make you climax six times?" She leaned forward, bit Natalie's lower lip, and tugged back gently. "For the next ten minutes, you're mine. And I promise—I'm going to be thorough."

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