Dungeons and Dalliances

4.44 – Swapped X

4.44 – Swapped X

Natalie was fucked.

And not even in the good way. Though, by all indicators, that would be happening soon. But for the moment, Natalie meant in how thoroughly she'd been compromised. How easily Ana had extracted those admissions from her. The complete and total embarrassment she'd made of herself, just because another girl had gotten up close and teased her.

How was she supposed to look Ana in the eye, now? She'd already been struggling to be normal around her, and now she'd been forced to explain just how badly she wanted the other girl to pin her down and fuck her senseless. And honestly, even Natalie hadn't known how much she did, until five minutes ago. She'd been trying to fight it, because what a shameful situation to be in, wanting to be fucked by her own cock.

There was one saving grace keeping Natalie from melting into a puddle: The bloodthirsty monsters trying to kill the two of them.

Continuing the pattern, the next room opened with combat. It was hard to be blushing and tripping over her feet while focused on survival. It was a good, if intense, palate cleanser. And Natalie knew it only delayed the inevitable. A brief distraction before the real shenanigans of the dungeon began again. Before … whatever happened next, between her and Ana.

Hell, a second ago, Natalie had been ready to be pinned down without the intervention of the dungeon. For Ana to take her right there in the hallway. What had gotten into her? What had gotten into Ana? Seriously. The cool, aloof, academic she knew Ana as did not seem to fit with how she could just switch into another mode. One that would pin Natalie against a wall and force her to admit some of the most mortifying things that had ever come from her mouth.

And why was Natalie so weak to it? Why did it turn her on so much?

In short, Natalie was a mess, and very much appreciated the reprieve granted to her in the form of a vicious monster.

The second combat challenge of this bizarre series wasn't a swarm, but rather, a single strong opponent—which was, on paper, her and Ana's more preferred fight. But that didn't mean it was easier than the crystal spider swarm. The difficulty had been ramped up by several tiers, so despite them being better suited to single-target combat, they were pressed far harder. The [Animated Shard Knight] was a cyclone wielding a massive two-handed sword, and [Hunker Down] could only save Natalie once in a while—and she was lacking armor, and also still adjusting to Ana's new body.

By the time Natalie and Ana put the creature down, she was panting, bleeding, and had thankfully had her mind cleared from earlier embarrassments. She much appreciated the fight, considering that.

But it had been a real challenge, enough to make Natalie fear what the third combat room would be. Whether they could even handle it. They didn't have a healer on standby to save them from serious injuries.

For minor ones, though, they had the health potions from earlier. Natalie drank one, then used the cleaning solution to freshen up. She appreciated the slippery liquid's ability to clear away just about anything, bringing her back to a more presentable state—especially since the gruesomeness of dungeoneering had apparently been combined with lovemaking. It would be rather unpleasant to get into anything intimate while actively wounded.

Like usual, a loot chest clattered into the ground after the [Animated Shard Knight]'s defeat. After cleaning up and healing, she picked up the materializing monster core from the creature's now-disintegrated corpse, then headed over to see what they'd gotten. As always, she felt a mix of trepidation and excitement at what might be inside the chest. Sure, Natalie appreciated how their team seemed to receive much better loot than most teams, but the bizarre items that came out certainly caused problems for her heart—and occasionally, her sense of shame.

But this was a combat encounter, so thankfully—or maybe disappointingly?—nothing lewd came out. Instead, it was more of the stat potions from earlier.

"Potions that give permanent stat bonuses," Ana said, shaking her head. "And we're not getting just one of them, but multiple, now. It's unbelievable."

Natalie agreed. Before, they'd received a single potion that granted furor. This time, they'd gotten three more: two that boosted prowess, and one for tenacity.

"Guess it depends on how much of a boost it gives, but yeah," Natalie said. "It's basically a mini level-up." Gear could also improve stats, but there were only four equipment slots and two weapon slots—so there were hard limitations there. Potions, however, could simply be consumed, and the user would see permanent boosts forever.

"I figure it's roughly the same as a minor equipment boost," Natalie said. It would make sense if the wording was so similar because they gave similar effects. So, in a way, it was like having an extra level-two item equipped at all times. Put like that, she became even more incredulous at just how fantastic the items were. Maybe not their most immediately game-changing loot, but still pretty crazy.

"Only have four total now," Ana said. "One more and we could split them evenly."

"Challenges aren't over yet. This chest isn't over. Might get more." Natalie tucked the potions in with the health potions, which were stored in the coin bag they'd gotten in the first room. She handled them delicately since they had to be worth a fortune. How much so, she wasn't sure, but if a price was put on them, it would probably be enough to make her eyes water.

Having secured the vials of glass, Natalie closed and popped open the chest. A second bag of coins followed, this one just as heavy, but with more silver mixed into the bronze than the last. For a second time, Natalie found herself disbelieving at the sheer lucrativeness of dungeon delving—and especially her brand of dungeon delving. Even Ana, who as far as Natalie knew, was a minor noble or perhaps someone of even greater importance, was impressed at the sums they were drawing out. Though maybe that was just at the disproportionate payout compared to what they should be receiving. An academic interest. Ana hadn't ever seemed especially invested in their delving rewards in a financial sense, only how they could be used for their progression.

A third open-and-close of the chest revealed an empty bottom. Natalie could hardly be disappointed by three stat-boosters and a hefty coin payout, and a part of her was even relieved that they didn't have to deal with another fiasco item.

At the last distraction being handled, Natalie was forced to confront the looming event. The second lewd challenge, coming up shortly. The first had been to suck Ana's cock, and seeing how the theme seemed to be progressively more intense situations, Natalie needed to be ready for anything.

She swallowed. Her intuition told her it wouldn't be some slightly more lewd event. If using combat as a guide, the swarm had been easy, and the combat of this room had nearly been too much to handle. Following that pattern, it was likely time that Natalie would be getting what she'd begged Ana for.

Her own cock, inside her.

Oh, heavens. Was she ready for that?

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