Dragon King of Apocalypse

Chapter 293: The Tower

Chapter 293: The Tower

"It's already been two weeks?" Questioned Ye Xinglan in slight disbelief.

As to her, it barely felt like a day had passed, which caused Old Tang to let out a chuckle.

"You were so into trying to analyze the technique, the time went by for you."


"It's not a terrible thing, maybe if you didn't do that. You might have never been able to reach this point in just two weeks."Said Old Tang with a shrug before snapping his fingers.

This caused the whole surrounding to change once again but this time, Ye Xinglan didn't find herself alone.

All of her friends appeared around her, all with various expressions but they all brightened up when they saw each other again.

"Congratulations to all of you for passing the second trial, your reward will be an increase in soul rank."

Old Tang swiped his hand, causing them all to be bathed with golden energy that entered their body.

All of their eyes widened as they felt their soul rank increasing, with Mu Xi having the highest rank, reaching rank 89 Soul Douluo.

Coming after her was Yue Zhengyu and Yuanen Yehui who were able to reach rank 88 and after that was Xie Xie and Xu Xiaoyan, reaching 87.

Wu Siduo, Ye Xinglan, and Xu Lizhi were ranked 86 with Dai Yun'er reaching rank 75 Soul Sage. Finally, Liu Yuxin reached rank 66 Soul Emperor.

"Now it's time for the next trial. Do you wish to-"

"We want to start the next one." Said Xie Xie with everyone nodding their head behind him.

Old Tang nodded his head before snapping his finger once again causing the whole surrounding to change once more.


Xie Xie and the others blinked their eyes as they found themselves chained to a towering pillar in the middle of the sea.

They noted the chain was strong, being able to fully restrict their movements with even Wu Siduo being unable to break it.

Not only that but they couldn't use any of their soul skills or abilities causing them to look at Old Tang in confusion.

"You all will be undergoing the third trial, the Tidal Body Refining." Said Old Tang causing Wu Siduo's expression to turn grim.

"Don't tell me..."

"Yes, it's indeed similar to your Body Sect training, although far worse and innovative."

"Wait, how do you know about-"

"Wulin did undertake this test, and he commented about this training." Said Old Tang as he saw Wu Siduo's shocked look before sweeping his eyes past all of them.

"So, we're going to strengthen our body?"

"Exactly, for the next forty-nine days, you will be constantly struck and hit by the tidal waves from the sea around."

"Huh? What do you mean forty-nine-"

"What do you mean constantly-"

"By how many-"


"Now without further ado, let's begin." Said Old Tang, cutting them all off and flicking his finger, causing the sea to tremble.

"Have fun."

Were the last words they heard before the sea rose up and descended down on them."


"It's dying down." Tang Wulin said as he sent another of the demons rushing towards him flying while glancing up.

The icy rain was gradually falling less and less, with the wind starting to pick up as Tang Wulin felt it getting colder.

"Crap, so the blizzard is coming back!"

"Most likely." Said Tang Wulin as he glances to the front before his eyes then widen.

"We need to find some shelter. We can use the change in weather to find-"

"No, let's keep going straight." Said Tang Wulin as he made his vines wrapped around the others tightly.

"Is there something upfront? Or is there something approaching us?"Questioned Wu Zhankong.

Tang Wulin didn't respond as thrust out his hand from behind causing the vines to erupt from him behind, constructing a giant wall.

"There is something upfront, something that we need to check out." Said Tang Wulin as he moved toward the front, picking up Wu Yiyi and Zhao Jiu.

Before then dashing forward in a burst of speed, confident that the others will be able to follow along.

Keeping up they could, as Wu Zhankong and Shen Yi employed their battle armors, while Ya Li utilizes the speed of a Limit Douluo.

With this, their speed had increased significantly, already losing the creatures that were fighting and pursuing them.

With the added help of the blizzard and winds that were picking up.

As they were running, the demon creatures were sending on an onslaught of attacks towards them but Tang Wulin kept on making walls.

The walls of vines that were coiled with destruction and lightning elements were making it hard for the demons to break through.

Making the gap between both of them wider and wider, before they were able to lose them from the blizzard returning in full force.


Tang Wulin's eyes narrowed as he saw a magnificent tower or what was left of it. There were cracks all around the tower, with a part of it already broken apart.

The towering peak collapsed, with pieces of itself falling down and there were specs of mist around. But Tang Wulin could already tell the mist was dying, with bits of it breaking and fading away.

"Mahal." Muttered Tang Wulin in slight shock as he didn't expect to see this tower on the Douluo Continent.

This tower was the same one where they found the demon seed that was trapped inside of Yuanen Yehui. The tower where Tang Wulin saw the battle of that spanned galaxy and maybe even the universe.

And the tower where they fought the Demon Monarch, Alba.

"This is the tower of Mahal? The one where you guys found the seed and fought Alba?" Questioned Ya Li in surprise as she narrowed her eyes.

Na'er already told her about the things she learned and fought in this tower, with her also noting there a feeling of divinity around it.

Ya Li believed it now, as even though it's fading and only bits of it, she could still sense a hint of divinity.

"What could have caused the tower to be like this? Wait, could this tower be the reason why this land appeared here?" Questioned Ya Li causing Zhao Jiu and Wu Yiyi to be confused.

"Do you guys know about the tower?"

"More or less." Said Tang Wulin as he began retelling Zhao Jiu and Wu Yiyi about it as they moved towards it.

Zhao Jiu and Wu Yiyi were both shocked and surprised at the background of this tower, both wondering if this was the cause as well.

"The entrance is still here, although it's broken down." Tang Wulin frowned at the cracked golden door with pieces of it broken down.

Tang Wulin and the others made their way into the hall, noting the crumbling of the inner structure.

There were fissures formed in the red hallway, spider-webs crack that sees on the walls and ceiling. Alongside some demon corpses on the ground that were killed by the collapsed pillar.

Tang Wulin moved through all of this while Zhao Jiu and Wu Yiyi took pictures of the symbols and marks on the walls.

"The Chamber is no more but it seems it's now just a big open hole." Mutter Tang Wulin as he came to a stop in front of the massive broken hole.

"We're going down?"

"Yes." Said Tang Wulin as he jumped down into the hole, with the others following behind him.

Unlike before, there wasn't any ball of light that was wrapping around them nor were they being split apart.

As all of the other holes were either sealed up from the wall collapsing or crackling with energy throughout the hole.

This made it so they had to fall all the way down to the bottom hole that seemed to be the only one intact.

Multi-colored vines expanded out from Tang Wulin, wrapping around them all and forming a ball of various colors as they descended.

The ball of vines made a crack on the floor after they had landed before unfolding and allowing everyone out.

"Is there somewhere you want us to go?" Questioned Shen Yi as she looked around, seeing the fissure and spider webs.

"We will see." Said Tang Wulin as he began moving through the cracked white hallway of Mahal's first floor.

Yet as they passed the first corner, a charred beam of energy pierced through the hallway towards them.

"So there are demons here." Mutter Tang Wulin as he thrust out his fist, collapsing space.

The charred beam of energy was shattered as it came into contact with Tang Wulin fist.

"Oh? You seem strong, how about you join my group and work under me."Said a demonic creature who had four horns with spikes sprouting from its humanoid body.

Behind the demon was a whole pack of demons that seemed to fill the whole hallway down from him. All of them were glaring down at Tang Wulin, armed with weapons and blood trailing down their body.

It was obvious what would happen if Tang Wulin and the others were to refuse his request.

Too bad for it, as Tang Wulin, and the others didn't have time to humor this demon.

Tang Wulin swiftly summoned his Golden Dragon Spear before gripping it tightly.

Wildness sprouted from the spear as destruction and lightning crackled around the spear before he hurled it forward.

A thunderous sound rang out as the spear turned into a streak of light that showered the hall as it punctured through everything.

The Demons weren't given a chance to react as they were turned into a bloody mess, giant holes being formed through their body.

"Just keep moving and slaughter any of the opposition." Said Tang Wulin as he dashed forward as his golden spear appeared back in his hand.

Wu Zhankong joined Tang Wulin in the front, his body lighting up as his Skyfrost sword appeared in his sword.

A frosty aura appeared around him as he and Tang Wulin were taking point, while Ya Li would take the back, healing, and protecting.

With Shen Yi next her, fiercely attacking from a long-range while looking out for them.

With this formation they charged through the hallway, finding themselves confronting the other demon in the hallway.

Tang Wulin hurled his spear, slaughtering all of them that chose to charge towards them while Wu Zhankong slowed them down with his ice.

Shen Yi would snipe at them from afar, any of the demons they missed, or any of them that tried to do a sneak attack from the holes around.

"They're so active in the dungeon." Said Zhao Jiu as he glanced at a demon slashing down with his flame sword, bisecting another demon in half.

"The dungeon might still be working, even while damaged. Or maybe they're trying to gain the best treasure inside while everything is so damaged."Said Tang Wulin as he jumped back evading countless spikes erupting from the ground.

"I see, so it's not wrong to say this is the best time for them to loot." Muttered Zhao Jiu as he fired a soul cannon at one of the demons.

Tang Wulin didn't say anything else as he continued thrusting out with his spear into the demons, while his thoughts were elsewhere.

'I wonder, is he still around?'

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