Dragon King of Apocalypse

Chapter 294: Return Back To Mahal

Chapter 294: Return Back To Mahal


The Demons roared out. Scarlet flames, myriads of ice, and energy blasting forward through the hallway towards Tang Wulin.

Yet he made no movement to evade as he lifted the spear in his hands before thrusting outwards, piercing forward without any restraint.

In an instant, the hallway was overturned, destruction and lightning energy everywhere, submerging the whole hall.

The demon's expressions immediately changed, not comprehending how their opponent was so terrifying.

This battle quick and fast, with the demons being obliterated by the destruction and spear.


Icy winds swept about.

The demons that were appearing from the holes beside them were all frozen solid by the absolute zero temperature.

While their body shattered from the arrows striking them.

Ya Li was also moving, although her movement looks simple, between her palm and fingers there was a terrifying power being released.

The demons who tried to charge from behind were blasted away, while Zhao Jiu and Wu Yiyi were blasting them from behind her.

The battle was very vigorous, all of them fighting intensely, bathing in the blood of the demons as they charged through their numbers.

Tang Wulin couldn't help but think this wouldn't be a bad place to train in, as this was one of the best ways to sharpen oneself.

From the onslaught of attacks on all sides to the countless number of demons and their cunningness to use everything around them.

It wasn't wrong to say this was able to cause even Tang Wulin to feel a sense of pressure, as his spear and destruction energy struck out.

They had to slaughter their way through the hallways to reach the next chamber door, which would take them to the next level.

Yet as they reached the next chamber, they saw it was being guarded by even more demons causing them to sigh.

But they still headed forward, slaughtering their way through before heading deeper into the dungeon.

Facing off against the swords, claws, energy, fists, flames, and other things from the demons on the floors.

Everyone but Tang Wulin and Shen Yi came to understand just how terrifying the demons were. As their numbers seem to be endless, as no matter how many they killed.

More kept on appearing as if they were finding an endless horde of demons.

Zhao Jiu couldn't help but shiver at the thought of these guys running amok on the Douluo or Star Luo continent.

Just their numbers alone would cause so much damage, it's no wonder Wulin said that it only needs one Monarch to take over a plane.

As with an army like this, how could other planes resist these guys' assault for long?

They didn't know how long they fought or how much time had passed, but they were finally able to reach the fourth level entrance.

"It's closed off." Mutter Wu Yiyi as she looked at the giant golden door that was emitting a barrier.

Tang Wulin didn't say anything as he punched out with his fist, twisting space as he made contact with the door.

An explosive sound rang out that shook the whole area but only cracks were formed on the barrier of light.

But then the cracks instantly began to mend, leaving erasing the cracks and giving Tang Wulin no time to send out another punch.

Tang Wulin's eyes narrowed as his whole body lit up with his ethereal armor and all of his enhancement appearing.

Vines appeared around his right arm, coiling around it before erupting explosively in destruction and lightning.

Then a right arm bone appeared on his arm, the Devil Killer Whale King arm bone!

It generates a red light around Tang Wulin's whole arm as a blade becomes formed before Tang Wulin thrusts forward.

Space began collapsing, the area began shaking as the terrifying fist smashed into the barrier of light and obliterated it.

"Truly an arm of destruction." Mutter Zhao Jiu in wonder as he saw everything before them was obliterated.

Tang Wulin didn't say anything as he moved forward while summoning a barrier of vines that crackle with destruction and lightning behind them.

As they jumped down from the third level into the fourth level, Yggdrasil's voice rang out.

"Grab everyone and go to that hole over there." Said Yggdrasil causing Tang Wulin's eyes to glance to the side, seeing a platinum color hole.

Without asking the reason, Tang Wulin summoned his Light Wings while his vines pulled them as he moved towards the hole.

As they passed through the hole, Yggdrasil appeared on Tang Wulin's shoulder with her eyes shining and pinkish-blue green veins appearing around.

"Follow the vine." Said Yggdrasil as the vine began to move into another hole from the platinum causing Tang Wulin to nod his head.

The next few minutes turned into a chase as Tang Wulin followed the vines before they came to a room.

The room was a wreck.

The cracked ceiling is already collapsing with vicious cracks forming on the black space with some of the lights dimming around.

'This is...'

As Tang Wulin looked around the room, he spotted the person he was looking for while the others were confused about where they were.

"Nexus."Mutter Tang Wulin as he stared at the Old Man with golden skin and a shrivel starry robe that was soaked in golden blood.

There is a huge hole in the old man's chest, with golden blood leaking out and forming a small puddle around him.

"...Uh? Who are you to know my name-"

"Oh...It's you, from that time."Said Nexus as he looked up, recognizing Tang Wulin.

"What happened here?" Questioned Tang Wulin as he walked towards Nexus, expanding out his vines to carefully wrap around him.

"...Well, if you're here, it seems this place was at least saved."Said Nexus with a sigh as he felt the vitality of the vines around him.

He could feel the vines earnestly trying to heal him, but he knew it was pointless as his injury was far too serious to be healed the normal way.

"...I see the seed as awoken, Yggdrasil."Said Nexus as he stared thoughtfully at Tang Wulin.

"You can sense and see her?"

"Indeed and since she is with you, the tower might be able to revive. And yet..."Said Nexus with a sigh while a small person appeared on Tang Wulin's shoulder.

"Nexus of the old gods. Can you tell us what happened here?"Questioned Yggdrasil as she gazes at with a profound look.

Her gaze staring at him as if it could see through all of his secrets and lies, befitting a person of her status.

"For you to be asking me such a thing...Means either you're far too weak to utilize your power or you have lost it."Said Nexus.

"It's the former, I can see bits of the future, present, and past but not too much since the lack of power. Even the ability to see the countless futures has been blocked from me."Said Yggdrasil with a shrug of her shoulder causing Nexus to nod his head.

The ability to see the fate of others was an ability that only the gods could truly utilize but Yggdrasil took this to a whole other level.

It wasn't incorrect to say that Yggdrasil could truly predict the destruction of a whole god civilization if she wanted to.

But these predictions and her ability to see through the futures do require a lot of energy and strong cultivation.

"Wulin? Who is this?"Questioned Ya Li as she moved towards Nexu and released her power over him.

She noticed Tang Wulin was trying to heal him and that he seemed to know him from the way they spoke to each other.

This was enough for her to understand that this being wasn't a threat to them and so she swiftly began trying to heal him.

'But this damage...It seems like a part of his existence was ripped out. Maybe only a god can heal him.' Thought Ya Li as her gentle expression turned grim.

Nexus naturally knew this and understood why she was making this look but he didn't say anything yet.

"This is Nexus, the keeper and ruler of this tower. From what we found out last time, he is the last remnant of the old gods."Said Tang Wulin, causing everyone in the room to widen their eyes in shock.

Keeper and Ruler of this tower? This keeper was the remnants of the old gods? Gods that have existed since the primordial era and maybe even longer!

Zhao Jiu and Wu Yiyi couldn't hold themselves back as they rushed towards Nexus, asking him tons of questions.

To the shock of them, he answered them. He didn't seem to mind their questions and patiently answered them in clarity.

Even going as far as to describe in detail some of the god's technology and cultures.

Yet as they kept on asking, Nexus could only sigh before telling them to wait for a bit.

"I will answer the rest later, right now I wish to show you all something." Said Nexus as he could tell the duo in front of him wasn't going to stop anytime soon.

"Is it about what happened here?" Questioned Wu Zhankong causing Nexus to nod his head.

"You already noticed the land from the Demon World had landed in your Douluo Plane." Said Nexus with all of them nodding their head.

"But you're a bit off from that as it wasn't just a piece of the Demon World that landed here, but all of it." Said Nexus causing everyone's expression to change.

"What do you mean by all of it?" Questioned Ya Li with her eyes widened in shock as her hands began to tremble a bit.

As a terrifying feeling and chill began to form on her body. It wasn't just her but all of the others as the implication of Nexus' words was starting to form in their mind.

"You understand what I mean, all of the five regions that were in the Demon World were forcibly brought into your plane. Right now, every demon that was in the Demon World is not in your plane."Said Nexus with a sigh.

"This also includes those five rowdy people, the Demon Monarchs that rules, the Demon World and the hordes of Demon."

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