Doctor’s Rebirth

Chapter 90

Chapter 90

‘Make sure to stop by when you’re done with work. I’ll at least prevent you from falling behind the Heavenly Demon.’

In the novel, he safely became the Leader of the Murim Alliance, so the kidney stone would likely be passed through urine with high probability.

It was a bit mean to scare him, but it was necessary.

Discovering the urinary stone served as a good pretext.

“Eat less salty foods and drink plenty of water.”

He glanced down at the side dishes on the table for a moment.

Every single one was delicious, salty, and greasy.


As a result, Jin Cheon-hee ended up spending quite a late night talking about various things with the Namgoong siblings that evening.

After entering his room late at night, dispelling fatigue and finishing his internal energy cultivation through breathing exercises, the morning sun was faintly rising.

Since inns of this scale operate 24 hours a day, Jin Cheon-hee decided to go downstairs early to have a quick meal.

However, when he went to the inn’s dining room, weren’t the Namgoong siblings, Woon and Yeon, already there taking their seats?

Namgoong Woon was holding his head as if he had a headache. Next to him, Namgoong Yeon was handing him a steaming cup of tea.

Looking at the two of them, Jin Cheon-hee felt his heart tickle for some reason.

But since it would be rude to show it on his face, Jin Cheon-hee deliberately put on a stern expression as he headed towards them.

“Looks like you have a bad hangover.”

“Urgh… You’re here? I see you’re indeed a doctor.”

“Even if I weren’t a doctor, anyone could tell at a glance. I heard hangovers can be dispelled with internal energy. Couldn’t you do that?”

“Hahaha, if you’re going to eliminate alcohol toxins, why drink in the first place? This too is romance.”

Namgoong Yeon sighed at her brother’s words. Jin Cheon-hee greeted her.

“Miss Namgoong. Good morning.”

She seemed to flinch in surprise for some reason.

‘Don’t they say good morning in the Central Plains?’

“You’re quite sociable, aren’t you?”

“It’s just normal. By the way, does the ship depart in one shichen?”

“That’s right. The ship already arrived at dawn. They should be preparing to set sail now. Make sure to repay this debt handsomely later, alright?”

“I even diagnosed your kidney stones…”

“Still, our family’s ship fare is quite expensive.”

“Let’s say some debt remains then, shall we?”

Namgoong Woon laughed heartily at Jin Cheon-hee’s words.

“Then to repay the debt further, let me treat your headache.”


Jin Cheon-hee stood up. He approached Namgoong Woon’s side and reached out towards his neck. Namgoong Woon’s body flinched, and killing intent rose and disappeared.

“Well, this is romance too.”

Is it okay if a doctor treats you?

With that thought, Jin Cheon-hee realized his mistake. Isn’t it taboo in the martial world to carelessly entrust your body to others?

“Oh. I’m sorry about that. Since I’m a born doctor…”

“No, it’s fine. Go ahead with that treatment of yours.”

“Are you sure?”

“We just met yesterday, but I trust you.”

“Trust is a bit much…”

Jin Cheon-hee placed his hand on the back of Namgoong Woon’s neck. Then he gently flowed his qi while massaging the blood vessels and muscles.


A small moan escaped Namgoong Woon’s lips. Namgoong Yeon stared at Jin Cheon-hee with wide eyes.

“Usually, headaches are caused by blood circulation problems. Just massaging like this helps alleviate it. Acupuncture would be better, but since I’m using qi treatment to do acupuncture, it should be effective.”

“Acupuncture… like that massage-like… But this… Somehow… My body feels refreshed…”

“You should be careful with your diet, with the kidney stones and all.”

Jin Cheon-hee massaged for about a quarter of an hour before returning to his seat.

“Drink plenty of water.”

“Somehow you’ve been telling me to drink water since yesterday.”

“Water is good for hangovers and kidney stones.”

Namgoong Yeon stared intently at Jin Cheon-hee. After pondering for a moment, she poured tea into a cup and handed it to her brother Namgoong Woon.

Jin Cheon-hee said,

“Not tea, drink water. Plain water is best.”

She nodded and pushed a glass of water forward.

“If you don’t drink it, I’ll pinch you again.”

Jin Cheon-hee answered instead.

“It’s best when you have someone worrying about your health. Don’t be stubborn and just drink it.”

“Ugh, Brother Jin somehow doesn’t seem like someone his age, it feels like I’m talking to a mother.”

Mentally and spiritually, the ages might be similar.

‘If I had married early, I might have had a son your age.’

Jin Cheon-hee feigned ignorance.

“I’ve been told I’m precocious many times.”

“No, it’s not that you’re mature for your age, there’s something that feels genuinely profound.”

“Ah, are you… not going to drink it…?”

Namgoong Yeon asked, stumbling over her words.

Namgoong Woon looked back and forth between Jin Cheon-hee and Namgoong Yeon, then let out a deep sigh.

“I can’t win against you two.”

Saying that, he gulped down the water.

After emptying one glass, he asked,

“Is this enough?”

“This isn’t the end, you need to drink a lot regularly.”

“If this were alcohol, I’d be confident…”

“If you want to die feeling like you have a knife stuck in your stomach, go ahead…”

“I can’t handle this. Waiter! Bring me water by the jug!”

Hearing that, Namgoong Yeon covered her mouth and smiled, seemingly satisfied.

Finding that sight quite adorable, Jin Cheon-hee almost unconsciously patted her head.

‘Just like with Wang Gak-yeon, why do I want to pat kids’ heads so much…’

He wanted to pinch those chubby cheeks and give her candy.

Jin Cheon-hee tried hard not to show it.

“Don’t gulp down the water hastily, drink it slowly. And cut down on alcohol too.”

“Come on, aren’t you nagging too much about everything!”

“If you don’t like it, how about some gut-wrenching pain…”

Namgoong Woon hurriedly waved his hands.

“I mean I’m glad to have a doctor as a friend.”

Then he drank more water.


The three finished breakfast and left the inn. Namgoong Woon and Namgoong Yeon escorted Jin Cheon-hee to the ship.

“Stay healthy. I hope you achieve what you want.”

“I won’t forget today.”

“Me neither. In many ways.”

Namgoong Yeon gathered her courage and said,

“Young… Young Hero. Have a safe journey.”

After saying that, she hid behind her brother again, seemingly embarrassed.

‘It’s hard to believe this little kid becomes the Iron Blood Sword Lord.’

Iron Blood Sword Lord is the title that martial artists call her in the future.

This child unifies the divided Namgoong family with sword and blood to avenge Namgoong Woon’s death?

It felt different from what he had read in writing.

‘Hmm… Humans really are unpredictable.’

Right now, the two siblings are enjoying a happy moment, unaware of the misfortune that will befall them.

Jin Cheon-hee made a deep fist-and-palm salute to the two.

“Please make sure to stop by the White Dragon Medical Pavilion.”

“I’ll go even if it’s just because I’m scared of Yeon… Ow, ow! Yeon. Stop pinching me. My sister is more vicious than a mountain beast… Oww!”

Jin Cheon-hee burst out laughing.

At that moment, he heard that the ship was about to depart.

Jin Cheon-hee boarded the ship.

The two siblings waved until the ship departed.

It was a small farewell.


The ship set sail.

Jin Cheon-hee was surprised that the Namgoong family’s ship was much larger than he had expected.

‘Wasn’t it said that the ships are large because of the Yangtze River pirates?’

The Yangtze River. And the Yellow River.

These two rivers are massive waterways that cut through the Hua Empire.

The Yellow River runs through the northern region, while the Yangtze River runs through the central and southern regions.

These two rivers were also key transportation routes traversing the Central Plains.

All merchant groups and logistics move centered around these two rivers. This meant it was the direction money moved.

Naturally, there were groups of thieves called water bandits who intercepted this money along the way.

Among them, there were those with powerful organizations, namely the Eighteen Guilds of the Yangtze River Waterways.

Depending on the martial arts novel, the number sometimes decreases to the Twelve Guilds of the Yangtze River Waterways, but usually maintains between ten and sixteen.

Currently, in the Hua Empire, there were Eighteen Guilds of the Yangtze River Waterways, and each boasted a force as powerful as a medium-sized martial arts sect.

Fortunately, there were no water bandits belonging to the Eighteen Guilds of the Yangtze River Waterways in this Hong Ze Lake.

That’s because Nanjing is nearby.

Nanjing was the former capital of the empire. Even now, high-ranking officials live there and the military is stationed.

‘Still, it’s good that there are no water bandits in Hong Ze Lake because of Nanjing. They said if we spend two nights on the ship like this, we’ll arrive in Nanjing… Should I train on the ship?’

Looking at the wide river stretching like a blue dragon, Jin Cheon-hee planned how to use his time efficiently here.

‘Youth doesn’t last long. Using time well now becomes a lifelong asset. Yep,’

If Azure Dragon Sword Namgoong Woon had heard this, he would have turned pale, wondering why someone that age was talking like an elder of a noble family.

His face was in his teens, but inside he was middle-aged.

Jin Cheon-hee was only thinking about how to push this young and youthful body harder to become stronger.

And there were those watching the Namgoong family’s ship from afar.


Late at night.

Despite the darkness, the captain seemed to know the waterways well and kept the ship moving. However, the speed was noticeably slower than during the day.

They were advancing slowly, with the sails furled and rowing with oars.

Then the water surface touching the ship rippled.


Three shadowy figures emerged from the water. They skillfully stabbed daggers into the ship’s wall and quickly climbed up.

The Trio Assassin Rats.

True to their alias, their appearance resembled rats climbing a wall.

The eldest, First Rat, said,

“Since it’s a Namgoong family ship, be careful not to harm others. It’ll be troublesome if we get chased by the Namgoong family too.”

“Brother. Do we really have to go this far? Judging by Little White Dragon’s skills, he seems quite good at martial arts.”

At the second brother Second Rat’s words, the silent Third Rat spoke up.

“I’m sorry. If only I hadn’t gambled, we wouldn’t have come to this…”

“Your gambling debt to the Hao Sect is 800 gold taels, right?”

“If we don’t pay it off by next month, I’m a dead man.”

This was the reason they eventually set out, even after trying to give up midway.

When they were about to abandon the pursuit, Third Rat finally revealed the true amount of his gambling debt.

“Didn’t you say it was 200 gold taels at first, Third Rat?”

“Is 800 gold taels really the end of it? Third Rat, you don’t have any more hidden debts, do you?”

At those words, Third Rat hastily replied,

“No, brothers. I swear 800 taels is all of it.”

In fact, including interest, it amounted to 1,200 gold taels. But Third Rat decided to insist it was 800 taels.

At that moment, Second Rat gave a hand signal. It meant there was a guard above.

As soon as he saw the signal, Third Rat leapt and struck the guard’s acupoints.

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