Doctor’s Rebirth

Chapter 89

Chapter 89

Jin Cheon-hee watched with a pleased expression as the two siblings bickered. Namgoong Woon said:

“By the way. Your gaze is quite peculiar. The way you look at me is very strange.”

“What kind of look do you mean?”

“Like a grandfather looking at his grandchild.”

He’s sharp.

Jin Cheon-hee changed his expression.

“I have no memories of family. So I guess I became envious.”

“…Well, let’s leave it at that.”

It seems he decided to let it go.

The waiter started bringing out the dishes one by one. Jin Cheon-hee smiled involuntarily at the fragrant aroma.

“Would you like a cup of Xiaohong wine?”

It’s fine for Namgoong Woon in his early 20s, and in this era, someone with Jin Cheon-hee’s appearance could even get married, so it wouldn’t be strange for him to drink alcohol.

But Jin Cheon-hee shook his head.

“I have a long way to go, so I won’t drink.”

When Jin Cheon-hee refused, he seemed disappointed and smacked his lips.

“I guess I’ll have to drink alone. Waiter, bring a bottle of Xiaohong wine too!”

On the outside, he looked every bit the cultured young master.

From the embroidered silk sleeves to the jade hair ornament, everything seemed to be made by renowned craftsmen.

Add to that his gentle eyes, and he looked like someone who had never encountered rough or hard work in his life.

Even the sword scabbard at his waist was engraved with patterns.

His appearance seemed more suited to names like Cultured Young Master or Carefree Young Master rather than Azure Dragon Sword of the Namgoong family.

‘He looks even more playful than I saw in the novel.’

It’s hard to believe that this person will become one of the Three Swords Under Heaven in the future. And that if he had a little more time, he would have become the Number One Sword Under Heaven.

He received the Xiaohong wine and poured it.

“I really didn’t expect to meet like this while on a pleasure trip. You’ve become quite famous lately.”


“Yes. I heard you made a medicine that cures syphilis? And that you’re using that medicine to cure not only syphilis but other incurable diseases as well.”

Penicillin treatment is most famous for syphilis. But that was only part of what penicillin could do.

It’s also effective for sepsis and scarlet fever, and is being tested on numerous diseases like meningitis.

It’s also effective for tetanus, but due to its risks, this aspect is still being verified. However, the opinion within the medical center was that it’s better than amputating arms.

Moreover, by directly curing Yulang Hu, Jin Cheon-hee proved that it’s effective in treating open fractures.

Jin Cheon-hee just smiled faintly at those words.

“They say there are no secrets in the martial world…”

“For a family like ours, it’s natural to know that much automatically. An achievement of that level can’t be hidden even if you try. But I’m curious why you haven’t officially announced it yet. Why is that?”

The playboy-like look disappeared from Namgoong Woon’s eyes.

‘As expected. Is this why he’s destined to become one of the Three Swords Under Heaven?’

“Medicine needs to be thoroughly verified. It’s certainly effective for various intractable diseases like syphilis, but we don’t know what side effects there might be, so we plan to officially announce it after verifying everything.”

“Oh… You’re extremely cautious, aren’t you?”

“It’s medicine, isn’t it? People’s lives are at stake.”

At Jin Cheon-hee’s words, Namgoong Woon nodded, and Namgoong Yeon stared intently. Though that gaze was burdensome, Jin Cheon-hee didn’t turn his eyes away.

“Indeed… The rumors weren’t unfounded. Perhaps that’s why this incident occurred.”

“What incident?”

“The Hao Sect matter.”

Namgoong Woon poured himself another cup of wine.

“Hearing about the Hao Sect, I thought they live quite complicated lives. They don’t truly intend to kill you.”

He drank wine, while Jin Cheon-hee drank tea.

“That’s a bit of a bitter story for me.”

“If they really wanted to kill you, wouldn’t they have offered 5000 gold taels instead of 1000? Of course, 1000 gold taels isn’t a small amount. But is it enough to risk the enmity of the Beggar’s Sect and White Dragon Medical Pavilion? … Well, I’m not sure. At least it’s not enough to move the big shots.”


“You don’t look surprised.”

“I already dealt with one small fry on my way here.”

“Hahaha! I thought so. It’s a big enough amount for small fries to be annoying. In other words, it’s just enough for the Hao Sect to save face.”

With that, he drained his wine cup.

“Ah… The wine tastes good. Well. You don’t seem injured, so you must be quite capable? Or did the Beggar’s Sect help?”


“Hmm… Judging by the energy I sense, it seems like modesty. Well, anyway, it looks like you’re not in any great danger.”

“I have a question of my own…”

“What is it?”

“Although we met by chance, is the reason you’re having this meal and conversation with me perhaps to protect me?”

Namgoong Woon’s eyes widened. Namgoong Yeon was still staring intently. She was drinking tea like Jin Cheon-hee.

“Hahaha! Well, well. You’re not someone without any perception, are you? That’s right. I intended to protect you. I heard there aren’t many Beggar’s Sect members around here. How good would it be to add a debt to White Dragon Medical Pavilion’s side on this opportunity? Well… of course, I also quite like you.”

He picked up the wine bottle. Then he tried to pour wine for Jin Cheon-hee with a gentle smile.

When Jin Cheon-hee pulled away his teacup, he made a troubled expression.

“Come on, are you really going to make me drink alone?”

“No matter what you say, I have no intention of drinking.”

“You lack refinement.”

“It’s because I have necessary things to do.”

“Even though I’ve prepared a boat for you, you won’t have even one drink?”

“A boat?”

“I got the fastest boat in the area. Not a regular boat, but one our family can move privately. I’ve filled it with reliable people, so you don’t need to worry.”

It wasn’t just a matter of arranging a boat.

“This seems to be more than just putting White Dragon Medical Pavilion in your debt.”

Namgoong Woon said:

“You saved a Hao Sect member before, didn’t you? The incident that made the Hao Sect put this ambiguous bounty on you now. The Mu-hwa you saved then is an old friend of mine.”

When Jin Cheon-hee stared at him at the word “friend”, he shook his head.

“Haha. It’s not that kind of relationship as Brother Jin is thinking. Just someone who helped me when I was struggling a lot as a child.”

The Namgoong family’s education was harsh. Moreover, the pressure Namgoong Woon felt, having shown martial talent early on, was beyond imagination.

The eldest son of the main family.

And with genius talent at that.

Even someone like him was human and seems to have had difficult times as a child.

“It’s understandable if you don’t believe it, but…”

At those words, Jin Cheon-hee seriously shook his head.

“I believe you.”

“Hmm? Somehow it doesn’t sound like you’re just saying that out of politeness, but like you really mean it.”

“Well, let’s say it is.”

Jin Cheon-hee returned the exact words Namgoong Woon had said earlier.

“Hahaha! You got me there.”

But he was right to believe it. Given his character as described in the book, if she had been his lover, he would have said so.

The fact that he was specifically calling her a friend meant she really was just a friend.

At that moment, Namgoong Yeon spoke with difficulty:

“Wh-where are you going by boat, young hero?”

Even this much must have required great courage from her.

“I’m going to Tangshan near Nanjing.”

“You’re… going quite far down… aren’t you.”

Had she already calculated the distance to Tangshan from here? Namgoong Woon said:

“For our Yeon to talk this much, she must quite like you… Ow, ow! Yeon! Stop pinching me.”

Namgoong Yeon, with a bright red face, pinched Namgoong Woon’s side again.

Namgoong Woon teased his sister while being pinched.

Jin Cheon-hee picked up a xiaolongbao with his chopsticks and popped it into his mouth.

‘This is really delicious.’

The huiguo pork was the same.

‘I understand why he recommended alcohol.’

These were foods that suited being side dishes more than main dishes. Jin Cheon-hee picked up his teacup.

“Pour me one, please.”


“No, leaf tea. Instead, since this is a chance meeting, I’ll take your pulse.”

“Is there a need to go this far to avoid drinking?”

Instead of answering, Jin Cheon-hee just grinned.

Seeing that face, Namgoong Woon replied:

“You’re quite an unusual person.”

“I agree.”

“Then please check my sister’s pulse first.”

Jin Cheon-hee took Namgoong Yeon’s wrist and checked her pulse. His qi energy delved into her interior, revealing various information to Jin Cheon-hee.

‘Hmm, no major health issues, and the fast pulse seems to be due to nervousness. As expected of the Namgoong family, her constitution itself is quite extraordinary. Her meridians are well-developed too, seems she doesn’t neglect her martial arts training.’

After finishing the pulse diagnosis, he said:

“It’s normal. Other than being a bit tense, you’re fine.”

“Our Yeon tends to get nervous easily. Ow, Yeon!”

This time it was Namgoong Woon’s turn.

Jin Cheon-hee checked his pulse for a while and then tilted his head.

“Just a moment.”

He stood up and pressed on Namgoong Woon’s lower abdomen while emitting qi energy again. Namgoong Woon was flustered by this sudden action.

Finally, Jin Cheon-hee opened his eyes and asked:

“Have you recently felt any stabbing pain in your lower back when bending over?”

“Not often, but I do feel it occasionally…”

“It’s urolithiasis.”

This was the diagnosis for Emperor Sword Namgoong Woon. A surprised Namgoong Woon asked:

“Urolithiasis? What’s that?”


Jin Cheon-hee fell into thought for a moment. This world is an era of information imbalance. While urolithiasis is quite well-known in modern society, it’s natural that only doctors would know about it in this world.

“Do you know what the bladder is?”

“You mean the urine sac, right?”

“That’s right. To put it roughly, you can think of it as stones forming somewhere in or around it.”


Namgoong Woon’s expression became perplexed.

“Urine is the liquid form of waste products from the body, but sometimes these waste products gradually accumulate inside and harden like stones, growing larger. Right now it’s near your bladder, but when it tries to pass out with the urine…”

“Then what?”

“You’ll feel pain like your flesh is being torn apart. It’s not immediately life-threatening, but it will be extremely painful. Well, it can lead to death if it gets severe.”

In the past, urolithiasis was a deadly disease.

A disease that kills you with terrible pain.

It could be considered even more frightening because the cause was unknown at the time.

Namgoong Woon’s expression turned pale.

“Then… how is it treated…”

“Since it’s not an emergency, please visit the medical center at a later date.”

“Does that mean you won’t treat it immediately?”

“It’s not an emergency. Judging by the size, it doesn’t seem like the pain will start right away. Roughly… if it’s not expelled through urine, you’ll likely start experiencing excruciating pain in about a month or two. So you can come to the medical center by then. Make sure to come to the main branch, not the branch offices. Only my master and I can treat it.”

Jin Cheon-hee answered firmly.

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